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Member Since 28 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2024 10:08 AM

#112332 Imaginary Game Title Depository

Posted by Affray on 21 December 2019 - 11:27 AM

Pimple Popper Pro VR

Pumpkin Slapper

Dance Dance Revolution: Sweating to the Oldies


Posted by Affray on 21 December 2019 - 11:10 AM

I'm tired of people mocking me for being a male with depression. I guess I deserve it. I am a horrible man who never should have existed. I realize that I have people who care about me, but it's not enough to make any good significance in their lives for the future. I feel like there would be a lot less stress in many people's lives if I was gone. Why should I even go through with next year, if I know it can't get any better?

The people who mock others for things like that are usually doing so to take attention away from their own suffering or appease their ego. Which makes their bullshit exactly not your problem to deal with, even if they put it on your radar by being cunts about it.

It's not easy, but you have to get your mind to a place where you are content doing whatever you need to do to be happy.

It's not about the people around you and their feelings on the matter, it's about getting yourself in a decent place mentally and letting everyone else adjust accordingly.


My wife struggled through the same issues you seem to be dealing with for about twenty years before we managed to pull her up out of the pit.

She spent more time worrying about how her actions and feelings affected her family than she did on trying to be happy.

The opinions and feelings of the people in her life seemed more important than her own because she'd spend years being put down and devalued to the point where she felt that if she could be this perfect version of herself that her family expected it would somehow fix how she felt every day. It didn't, it never does.

She also used to think that if she suddenly disappeared from this planet everyone would be relieved and happier because they wouldn't have to worry about her anymore or be brought down by her depression and anxiety. Which couldn't be further from reality.

Pain doesn't disappear when someone who is suffering disappears, it just gets transferred to everyone who cares about the sufferer.

My wife's cousin died in a car crash a year ago yesterday and that side of the family is still very much so not okay.

The cousin was an alcoholic drug addict who got his shit together when he went out West, then he fell apart after a divorce and went back to booze and hard drugs.

He was the passenger in the car, both he and the driver were drinking and he wasn't wearing a seat belt.

Everyone loved him unconditionally, even though he was an addict who was an on again off again burden on his family.

They'll never be the same again without him, everyone matters more than life itself to someone.


Just like everyone else here, I'm around if you ever need to talk about this sort of thing.

Unfortunately I have a fair amount of experience on the subject, so feel free to reach out whenever.

We're here.


Posted by Affray on 17 December 2019 - 08:41 PM

Good stuff man.

#112230 Roll Call

Posted by Affray on 13 December 2019 - 11:15 AM

I've had two forums in my life that disappeared or faded away into oblivion.

It bothered me when they did, and would bother me if this one did the same.

Thanks for the efforts man, genuinely.

#112227 Roll Call

Posted by Affray on 13 December 2019 - 08:50 AM

Yeah, a few of us stop in semi-regularly and our stoic champion Mister Sympa has been holding down the fort with unmatched resolve.

We salute you good sir.



#112180 I Want A Real Neuralizer

Posted by Affray on 08 December 2019 - 01:35 PM

Perhaps creating a codeword situation with your friends. When you say something you didn't mean to, you could say, "delete that," and they'd know to disregard that and you both could move on.


Also, Affray, your poor wife. I have some anxieties, but I'm able to muster up not giving a fuck for the most part. I'm sure it must be agony for her.

It's not super fun.

She's getting better over time, but it's an incredibly slow transformation.

I'm gradually teaching her the art of not giving a single fuck.

#112130 I Want A Real Neuralizer

Posted by Affray on 05 December 2019 - 09:43 AM

My wife would be using it every minute of every day.

Her anxiety has her in a constant state of uncertainty and self judgement when it comes to what she says to people.

Even innocent little slip ups that no one cares about have her brain reeling in regret.

Everyone she knows would be neuralised into drooling piles.

#112119 Mixing Cultures

Posted by Affray on 04 December 2019 - 02:28 PM

There may not be any ninjas in LOTR, but a bunch of middle Eastern looking guys wearing turbans did show up on giant elephants, so there's that.

#112003 #TeamTrees

Posted by Affray on 14 November 2019 - 01:05 PM


#112001 #TeamTrees

Posted by Affray on 14 November 2019 - 12:06 PM

That kind of shit just ends up in a box in someone's basement/attic or thrown out after a while anyway.

Stuff is just stuff.

#111997 Disney Plus

Posted by Affray on 14 November 2019 - 10:15 AM

I'm massively apprehensive about so many paid streaming services popping up in recent years.

It feels like we're backsliding to when people were having to buy a bunch of different cable packages to get the four channels they cared to watch.

It seems to me that just like in the days of old, piracy is how you get what you really want.

#111989 #TeamTrees

Posted by Affray on 12 November 2019 - 02:07 PM

I really like this movement.



I'm refreshed to see the attitude of doing sported here. Will this fix everything? No. Is it a great idea? Hell, yeah!

I'm all for more trees.

When I got married a few years back we gave every guest a little sapling and asked that they plant it somewhere.

Most did, and most of those trees survived.

So there's about a hundred trees out there that are a direct result of my (and my wife's) influence, which makes me feel nice inside.





This is honestly the first time in about a decade that I've seen anyone do the whole "first" thing.

I didn't notice it stop happening nor did I think about it until right this moment.

#111988 Struggle with fitness/health as a tech person

Posted by Affray on 12 November 2019 - 02:02 PM

The two biggest challenges to my being healthy & fit are delicious food and an existential crisis where I have a hard time finding the motivation to do anything productive because everything seems pointless.

#111935 Personality Types

Posted by Affray on 04 November 2019 - 01:51 PM

My type has changed a few times since I found out what that test was so I'm never quite sure.

I usually end up in Ravenclaw though.

#111934 Just checking in

Posted by Affray on 04 November 2019 - 01:49 PM

Good to know.



Thank you, O Spleeny Overlord. I have been keeping the place clean.

And I've been doing everything I can to keep it dirty.
