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Member Since 19 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2017 01:18 PM

#88718 Kevin Bacon must save Taber, Alberta

Posted by SushiKitten on 12 March 2015 - 10:26 AM

The town of Taber in Alberta, Canada has banned yelling, spitting, swearing, playing music in public which "disturbs or annoys a person" and gives authorities the right to break up assemblies of three or more persons in a public place. So what did the citizens of Taber do in response to this bylaw? Made a Kickstarter to get Kevin Bacon to attend their protest against it (on the outskirts of Taber, of course)
Sounds kind of like a movie I watched once...
I shit you not it's a real thing. I saw the article about the law being passed a few days ago, and here's the article about the kickstarter http://www.cbc.ca/ne...e-ban-1.2991105

#88656 Hearthacker: I Am Not A Robot

Posted by SushiKitten on 11 March 2015 - 11:39 AM

I love your avatar, it's adorable!


Welcome to the forums, hope to see you around on the other boards.

#88653 COLLECTABLE Wii GAMES (2015)

Posted by SushiKitten on 11 March 2015 - 11:31 AM

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is pretty expensive at $90 new (also one of my favourite games), but even it's overshadowed by it's GameCube prequel, Path of Radiance ($245 new). 


Game collecting has gotten really popular as of late, and it's both cool and frustrating because there's so many people scalping, buying up all the stock from the original source and selling them for outrageous prices, the Amiibos and the Majora's Mask preorder being really good examples. 


Other than Radiant Dawn, I think the most expensive game I own is Lunar Silver Star Story for PS1. I got the collector's edition discs for $80, but it could be worth over $100 if I could get a hold of the box and cloth map.


Posted by SushiKitten on 09 March 2015 - 01:38 PM

I'm not so much depresssed, moreso fustrated at myself: I have a lot of ideas written down, but whenever I try starting work on the actual story, I have trouble with how to start it: I can't write introductions to save my life because my mind goes "No, no, that's a terrible way to start it off, what about this o - No, wait, that's no good either." and I just get fustrated and throw up my hands and hope a good idea comes back later. Pretty much an endless cycle. I know, I know, first world problem, but I just needed to vent about it because it's been getting REALLY fustrating lately.


TLDR: Introductions are haaaaaard.

Introductions are super hard, but you don't have to start at the introduction, you can work on another part of the story, get a feel for your characters, and go back and write the intro another time. That's what I usually do.

#88287 Circular smartphone.

Posted by SushiKitten on 05 March 2015 - 09:13 AM

That is super cool, basically it's like a high tech pocket watch and I really like that idea. The wood looks so nice too, you don't see the mix of wood and tech as often anymore.


Posted by SushiKitten on 05 March 2015 - 08:59 AM

On a lighter note..


I haven't really been around lately. I was super stressed out the past few weeks because of the sheer amount of things I had to do. I've got my work term, which is a 9-5 job, my part time job which keeps me out late Wednesday/Thursday and makes me get up early on Saturdays, I've got to run anime club weekly on Fridays now(which means from Wednesday morning to Saturday afternoon, it's pretty much non-stop doing something), and I've got an online course I'm doing as an elective on top of it all. So I'm stressed out, eating a lot and feeling fat. I wanted to start going to the gym, but I don't have lots of free time. I could only fit in two nights a week, but seeing my Google calender so full made me anxious about having to accomplish and do so much and not really rest so once again eating junk and gaining weight despite gym.


So last week I said enough, bought a yoga mat, and instead of trying to squeeze the gym into my schedule, I do a bit of jump rope and 3-4 of Cassy Ho's videos on her 'Blogilates' channel on YT every other day at home. Honestly it's way better than the 30min on the treadmill + whatever small bit of push ups and shit I did at the gym. It's a good way to destress and it doesn't feel like I'm forcing myself to do it. It's not something I have to schedule, if I feel fat, I just have to unroll the mat and do some exercise, not look at the upcoming week and try to find a free hour or two. I'm still busy and a bit stressed, but I'm way happier, haha. 


tl;dr Learned the gym isn't the only way to get a decent work out in the Canadian winter

#87238 Do Canadians Celebrate Birthdays?

Posted by SushiKitten on 15 February 2015 - 11:14 AM

Happy birthday Affray! Hope you have a good one!

#86060 American Sniper

Posted by SushiKitten on 26 January 2015 - 12:17 PM

That's a stupid controversy. It's a fake baby that's in the movie for all of 30 seconds. I don't care at all. I noticed it, slightly, but I was focusing on the plot, atmosphere, and dialogue.


The important thing is the scene that precedes it, which just that clip robs this one of context.


As I implored everybody in the topic post:  See the movie, just see it.

To me, the fact that it's even a controversy is hilarious. But I can understand it, seeing such a fake looking baby is jarring, you could get a more realistic looking one than that for $20 at Toys R Us, haha.


I don't think I'll ever watch the movie, I'm not one for war movies.

#86007 American Sniper

Posted by SushiKitten on 25 January 2015 - 06:47 PM

On a lighter note...


#85322 What's good to read?

Posted by SushiKitten on 16 January 2015 - 09:36 AM

If you like fantasy I would recommend the Inheritance Cycle series, if you haven't read those yet of course. They're some of my favorite books. I would also recommend a book called The Sight by David Clement-Davies.

In a serious recommendation, I totally agree with these! I'm a huge fan of fantasy books so big you could knock someone out with them. I'm actually craving to reread The Sight, it's at home on my nightstand and I've decided to read it after I finish my current book.

#85289 Who had the best fantasy weapon?

Posted by SushiKitten on 15 January 2015 - 07:29 PM

I like swords.  And awesome karate moves.  They attain an elegance guns and magic and what-have-you seem to lack inherently.

This is true too. There's something about swords and karate that require more skill than guns or magic. Although depending on the magic system we're assuming, magic can be quite complicated and skillful as well.


Now mixing magic with swords or karate moves and BAM. Pure awesome.

#85199 Woman cuts husband's penis off... twice

Posted by SushiKitten on 14 January 2015 - 05:52 PM

A bit of an overreaction I think.

Just a little bit? :p


I don't even have a penis but I can feel the pain, man.

#85125 Best Zelda Game?

Posted by SushiKitten on 14 January 2015 - 12:12 PM

They sell licensed ones somewhere because of course they do.  The directions are liable to be in Japanese though, as the licensed product will probably be an import.

I know where I bought my ocarina, there's a bunch that are designed with Zelda fans in mind, but they're a bit more expensive. I'm not sure if they're licensed or not, but these are meant to be instruments and not collector's items so these probably have better quality than the actually licensed ones.


Looking at these makes me want to play again, but for such a small instrument it's very loud and I have nowhere to practice without bothering anyone haha.

#84592 What is something weird that you do?

Posted by SushiKitten on 09 January 2015 - 07:59 PM

I make lists.
Lists of things I need to do
Lists of things I need to get at the store.
Lists of things I need to bring home from the truck.
Lists of ideas & brainstorms.
Then I forget the lists, usually at home.
And find them later, check through them & critique myself on how many I got right or forgot.
When if I could just remember the f'ing list life would be 100% easier.

Haha I keep a notebook with me and on the pages there aren't crappy doodles, there are to-do lists. I bought an expensive leather filofax and yet I'm still making lists in a $2 notebook.

#84566 Z Machines

Posted by SushiKitten on 09 January 2015 - 03:26 PM

Tesla coil music is also pretty cool: