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#82729 Look Out For Launch!

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 09:51 AM in Introductions

Hey, everyone! In the public eye I'm a fairly stoic, quiet person who works at a hospital as a Diet Clerk. In the privacy of my home, or among certain friends, I'm a massive nerd who never grew up.


My basement is my "Nerd Cave". It consists of video games, anime/cartoons, comics/manga, figures/statues, and much more.


My biggest fandom is for the original Brave Little Toaster movie, which I collect as much of as I can find. I'm such a fantard over it I even got this tattoo:




I have two adorable guinea pigs named Dahlia and Iris after the third Phoenix Wright game:




For music I mostly listen to oldies, but I've got an embarrassingly large amount of Disney songs on my player as well. If I'm watching something, 90% of the time it's animated. When I'm not working, I'm currently watching the original Dragon Ball series uncut for the first time and replaying Persona 4: Golden when I get too burned out. 


I usually have a shipment of figures coming in every month from AmiAmi, so I hope to share my collections on a thread here sometime. I unfortunately have to be to work in less than an hour, so I thought I'd make this post and see what's being discussed elsewhere in this forum when I get home. I hope to fit in fairly well and hopefully won't be too annoying!

#82820 Look Out For Launch!

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 09:12 PM in Introductions

I had guinea pigs when I was a younger boy. Do they squeak when they hear plastic bags rustle?


Anything that remotely sounds like a bag they go nuts over. They also listen for when the refrigerator is opened since they know their veggies are in there. 

#82833 Your Favourite Villains

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 09:37 PM in Anime

I'm with Rob on the P4 villain. Such a scumbag, but I adore that character to pieces!


I was also fond of Vicious from Cowboy Bebop. He was just such a cool character.


Rip Van Winkle from Hellsing Ultimate just because of her character design.


Beck from the Big O:


#82835 Sailor Moon

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 09:39 PM in Anime

I ended up getting busy, so I'm behind. Last I saw was when Jupiter joined. I'm head over heels for it so far since they really are sticking to the manga; I raged over the original because they turned Rei into such a bitch. It's so refreshing to see her character represented properly. 

#82840 What is your favourite anime when you are a kid?

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 09:43 PM in Anime

As a kid: Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Tenchi series, and Outlaw Star.


I still like those (except Pokemon), but now my absolute favorites are The Big O and Paranoia Agent. 


Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 09:48 PM in Anime

Listing Hentais would be cheating... Hmmm... Let's see...


It's been a long time, but I think it was called Mad Bull. It was some weird cop anime where the first episode involved them trying to stop rapists. The huge bara cop Sleepy (I think that's what they called him?) is shocked when he finds out his new partner is a virgin in one part and actually gets him in a massive hooker pile to try and "fix" that. 


I've seen more disturbing manga stuff when I decided to look up what guro was. I was beyond stupid to continue reading it, and I don't remember the title, but there was actually a part where a baby was raped and put into a blender. I seriously wasn't able to eat anything the rest of that day because I was so disturbed. 

#82845 Games That are "Part of Your Soul"

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 10:04 PM in Video Games

Whenever I got all As and Bs on my report card, my mother would reward me with a video game. I randomly picked up Rayman 2 for the N64 because I liked the cover. The worlds, the characters, the music... From beginning to end I was in love. I've actually bought it for every single system I have that it was available for just as an excuse to play it over again. Rayman Legends is OK, but it's nothing compared to the thrill 2 was. I know I'm dreaming, but I really hope that a future game will return to 3D platforming. At least they're not using the damn bunnies anymore.


Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army. Most fun I ever had with an SMT title and Victor is totally my husbando. Games in this series usually get so serious and dark, which I normally enjoy, but it was actually super nice to get a more humorous, lighthearted tale. I gotta replay it again soon.


The Cat Lady. This game absolutely touched me. I have never cared so much for a fictional character as I did for Susan. Her torment and tragic life drew me to her and I actually had tears of joy in my eyes when I saw the Golden ending and how much better life got for her. It's such a wonderful story I wish I could show it to everyone, whether they like horror or not. 

#82846 Your Top Three of All Time

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 10:14 PM in Video Games

3. Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army


2. Ouendan 2 (DS, Japanese import)


1. Rayman 2 (N64)


Special mentions: Touch Detective, Phoenix Wright series (excluding Apollo Justice), Ghost Trick, and Brutal Legend (I don't care that it had tons of flaws. I had fun). 

#82848 "Let's Play"s that DON'T suck

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 10:18 PM in Video Games

Woah, what the heck? No mention of Two Best Friends Play? Besides Rooster Teeth, they're the only ones that I can stand. They've also got Woolie and Liam playing with them now, who are just as fun. Check out their Brawls, those are some of the funniest. 

#82850 "Let's Play"s that DON'T suck

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 10:24 PM in Video Games

We're mostly Game Grumps fans around here, if we were to conduct a poll.  Which isn't surprising.  The online twentysomething nerd community loves the shit out of the Grumps.  Most intense fanbase from what I've seen.


Ah. I've honestly never understood the appeal. Some of the video are alright with the original duo, but I don't like the new guy at all. I guess I prefer it when LPers talk about the game they're playing mostly and bring up stories when nothing in the game is worth discussing. They must be doing something right to have so many fans, though!


Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 10:50 PM in Anime

To be fair, it seems like the majority of stuff here could be considered "old". Shame... I'm super new, but I already like what I'm seeing and wish this place was more active. 


Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 10:56 PM in Anime

Got a bunch of friends? Link to this.


They're unfortunately mostly Facebook people. They don't really care for forum environments. 

#82875 Look Out For Launch!

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 11:28 PM in Introductions

Hey same. I scored me an American copy as opposed to a EU version. Funny how certain words are in Spanish in this one. Best game I've played in awhile. Hopefully this time I can court Marie. 


Haha that's actually adorable. 


I felt terrible the first time around since the guide I used, for some odd reason, told me to get into a serious relationship with all the girls. Holy shit did I feel terrible on the Valentines Day segment that was added to this version! I spent most of my time with Ai, though. I really liked her character development and how she knows she's a bad person and wants to change that. I hate Rise, but I think I'm gonna go for her this time because of her Christmas item. I'm just bummed you can't date Kanji, LOL. 


Heh... At full volume, not so much. They're scared of the camera, so they're not at full power, but here's a dose of what I deal with:


#82885 Look Out For Launch!

Posted by Launch on 15 December 2014 - 11:55 PM in Introductions

Hahahaha. That would have been hilarious. I went for Rise because I dig musicians. I stayed loyal to her and got a good Valentines and Christmas special event. Technically this would be my 3rd play-through as I beat the original on the PS2.  This time I'm going to try max out all the social links instead of just the girls, I only discovered the tutoring SL like a month before the end of the game. lol At least I know what to do now. 


Guinea Pigs squeal like our car alarm. lol Dopeness.


My problem with Rise was that all she talked about was her showbiz career which I cared absolutely NOTHING about. To me it was one of the worst S. Links. I had Chie as my girlfriend my first PS2 play through and went with Naoto on the second since I screwed up and wasn't able to do it the first time. I just love her! I hate that Chie got a new VA for Golden because I just can't listen to her now; that voice is beyond obnoxious! 


Oh yeah. Unless you use a guide, some stuff is ridiculously obscure to figure out; it's why I find Persona games just as stressful as they are fun to me. I hate that I wouldn't be able to get everything if I just played without any assistance. The Tower S. Link is actually kind of adorable. Wait... So you didn't max out Adachi's or Kanji's? They're the best ones! 


The various noises they make are ridiculous. It's like the noises in old video games sometimes. 

#82937 Pets

Posted by Launch on 16 December 2014 - 09:35 AM in Everything Else

Eee! Look at all the hairy babies!


I mentioned my pigs Dahlia and Iris in my intro post, but here I want to talk about my very first pig who was the love of my life. I love animals, and craved a pet, but I had zero time for a dog and was paranoid about a cat really screwing with my collectibles. I did some reading online and decided a guinea pig would be perfect for me. I feel that it was fate that soon after someone at work posted a flyer giving away a guinea pig. He was older, but that was fine.


What wasn't fine was how bad he'd been neglected. His nails were completely overgrown, so his feet were deformed. He suffered from impaction, which his owners failed to notice, so I spent about 15 minutes one day cleaning about an inch of gunk out of his butt, nearly throwing up over the stench. Worst of all, he had lice. It makes me so sad to think about how long he must have had it. 


Due to his poor health, he was only with me for a bit over a year and a half, but we loved each other. He'd lay on my lap for hours and snuggle with me, even feeling secure enough to take naps. I still miss him every single day.


Here's Scuzzy (named after a Reboot character), the best pet there ever was:






When I brought home Dahlia and Iris, I forgot to mention Dahlia was carrying a little surprise. Unfortunately her baby was a boy, so I had to give him to the human society. It was fun while it lasted, though! Here's Colonel Mustard:







#82956 The member photo album.

Posted by Launch on 16 December 2014 - 02:27 PM in Everything Else


#82957 Guardians of the Galaxy

Posted by Launch on 16 December 2014 - 02:32 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Finally watched the Blu-ray I bought; it was nice to see it again! I still would like to read the comics at some point.


Ha! Groot totally was the Iron Giant! That was another fantastic movie... I'm bummed it did so poorly and that animation studio didn't do anything after Eight Crazy Nights. I really thought their visuals were stunning. I sure miss traditional animation. 

#83007 What do you Collect?

Posted by Launch on 16 December 2014 - 06:03 PM in Everything Else

I'm sure with our interests we've got some pretty interesting things in our homes! Share your collections or anytime you get a new piece here!


I've got a crazy amount of stuff, and I don't want to bombard you guys with a ridiculous number of pictures, so I'll share rounds of stuff from time to time. First up is my Brave Little Toaster collection! I'm only interested in the first movie, and there's really nothing around for it, so finding things is hard! I've even had stuff commissioned!


This is all I have, minus a pin I still can't find: http://imgur.com/a/vy24z

#83036 What do you Collect?

Posted by Launch on 16 December 2014 - 09:26 PM in Everything Else

...Lots of interesting answers! xD 

#83123 "Let's Play"s that DON'T suck

Posted by Launch on 17 December 2014 - 02:26 PM in Video Games

Also, I've not yet watched Two Best Friends Play. Got an episode recommendation?


I hate their Machinima stuff since they force gags and such for those videos, but the ones on their Sw1tcher channel are great. They recently played D4 with everyone commenting: https://www.youtube....u4BS4GACqxO0sAk


Now that I'm looking at their playlist section I realize they've been lazy since they don't have all their LPs here. Any David Cage game or Deadly Premonition is a real treat to watch. They're almost done with The Evil Within and it's so funny how much trouble that game has been for them just due to crashing and glitches. 


Oh! And here's a quick Brawl video!



I gotta say that I like that their videos are more than ten minutes long and they usually accomplish things in each video. That's another thing that bugged me about Grumps videos. 

#83160 Big Hero 6

Posted by Launch on 17 December 2014 - 06:48 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the movie. I went in with low expectations because every movie I'd seen lately I felt I wasted my money on, but this was great! Baymax was super adorable and I was surprised by how much I liked the character Fred. Usually I don't care for characters with his personality type, but they did it a really not annoying way.


Of course I had to look up the comics when I got home and yeah, they certainly are different!


I'm kind of on a super hero kick now. I feel like buying the whole series of Teen Titans. 

#83162 Do you sing in the shower?

Posted by Launch on 17 December 2014 - 06:53 PM in Everything Else

Not really all that often since I'm prone to accidentally managing to get soap in my mouth somehow, I'm more the person who does it when I have a fair amount of chore to do. If it's a slow day, I'll bring some tunes into work since folks seem to like. One guy gets way into songs he knows and belts them out for everyone to head xD


The songs I sing just randomly rotate, but a single one that I keep wanting to sing will stay there for awhile. This is the one that's take that slot currently:


#83163 Pets

Posted by Launch on 17 December 2014 - 06:55 PM in Everything Else

Shit... It was time to trim their nails today. Dahlia suddenly violently squirmed at just the worst moment and I cut too far. I'm always prepared in case this happens, but I feel so guilty... I've never screwed up that bad before. 

#83180 The Interview, pulled because... I DON'T KNOW!

Posted by Launch on 17 December 2014 - 09:50 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Can't say that I'm surprised. When I first saw the commercials my first thoughts were "Isn't this going to piss off a lot of people?". 


I wonder how many other shows/movies have been pulled because of things like this? The only other one I can recall is Clone High getting cancelled because Gandhi's portrayal caused protests in India.  

#83181 Big Hero 6

Posted by Launch on 17 December 2014 - 09:51 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Never saw the Lego Movie; I thought it looked too silly. I should see if I know anyone who owns it and borrow it.