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There have been 27 items by TommyZ (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#57544 Why So Serious

Posted by TommyZ on 18 November 2013 - 02:59 PM in Everything Else

I used to play Runescape . . . I do sort of want to start again, but the site keeps getting fancier while I stay the same old, apparently boring Tommy.


Also . . . 


This seems appropriate at the moment . . .


On a scale of one to ten, how obsessed are you with Harry Potter?

Nine and three quarters.


I almost died when I heard this . . . 


But I was revived so I could explain it to ten people. 


. . . Ah, the power of going off-topic.

#57290 Post your current wallpaper here.

Posted by TommyZ on 11 November 2013 - 06:10 PM in Everything Else


The link: http://fc04.devianta...ryb-d4umx3z.gif


He's my pet, his name is Gandalf, and I feed him worms twice a day. Yah-Rah-Hah.

#57545 What are you reading?

Posted by TommyZ on 18 November 2013 - 03:25 PM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

I actually just finished reading this, but I'm still going to recommend it to freakin' everyone here.


It's called Toby Alone. It was by far the awesomest book I've read in my entire life. It was written by Timothee de Fombelle. Who is the boss.


You should also read Toby and the Secrets of the Tree, the sequel to the book. Seriously, on a scale from one to ten stars, those books combined are worth about 500. Awesome, and perfect, I think, for everyone. Everyone  :blink:


P.S. Hooray for the power of italics

#65490 Favorite Books

Posted by TommyZ on 05 March 2014 - 08:04 AM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

Harry Potter


Come on, I dare you.


Join the fandom


Which I rule


Posted by TommyZ on 19 November 2013 - 05:55 PM in Music

*Ahem* Um . . . I . . . I wrote a song that had every spell in the Harry Potter books. In alphabetical order.


But I haven't quite finished it, so . . . Yeah.


It's sort of weird and makes me remember that I have no friends, and I'm a dork. Good thing this is called "Nerd Forum".

#56997 Soul Eater fans...? Anyone..?

Posted by TommyZ on 03 November 2013 - 12:58 PM in Anime

@TreeLife Huggin' Cookies!!!: Would not mind seeing some Soul Eater. We haven't discussed basic plot, have we? *scanning page* Sooooo . . . what's it about?

#57190 Hey there!

Posted by TommyZ on 07 November 2013 - 01:34 PM in Introductions

*Stumbles onto the set, looks around, and straightens up* Hello there! I am automatically jealous of your Germanness, all Germans are sexy above everyone else (yes, even me). We'll have to have some intelligent discussions sometime about HP, for it is my life, and involves my future, soon-to-be job (weird story, actually . . . ) And when you move to England, I'm hopping in your suitcase and riding along. Coming with you.


Welcome to the fandom forum!

#57205 Hey there!

Posted by TommyZ on 08 November 2013 - 07:00 AM in Introductions

Yay, friend . . . *foams at mouth* Yeesh, I use a lot of asssss-terrrrrrrrrd-icks. Weird . . . And I wish I spoke German. I speak Spanish! Hola, me llamo Tommy. Como te llamas? Mucho gusto! 

#57193 Hey there!

Posted by TommyZ on 07 November 2013 - 03:37 PM in Introductions

I love to creep on our men-boys here. Although you should watch out for No! (who is above). He has a confused penis. Never make friends with people like him. (P.S. Sorry, No! for making it impossible for you to make a new friend. I love you . . . deep, deep, deep down.)


I'd love to be your carry-on *starts drooling then snaps out of it* I mean . . . Yes *cough cough*

#56990 The New Harry Potter Girl

Posted by TommyZ on 02 November 2013 - 04:15 PM in Introductions

@Iando: *cough cough* Men can be sexy too! It's all about how you look at the world . . . *stares dramatically off into the distance*


@No!: That's just . . . tasty. Thank you for sharing :) 


P.S. Whoo-Hoo! I'm all hopped up on pain pills right now, so if I disappear for, like, ever, assume that the pain I'm feeling has become too much and I've shot myself in the head. Just saying . . .

#56708 The New Harry Potter Girl

Posted by TommyZ on 28 October 2013 - 06:51 AM in Introductions

@Alex: Oh . . . oh well. I'm used to not being respected. TeeHee. Thanks.


P.S. If that were to be your face, I'd have to eat it. It's beautiful.

#56689 The New Harry Potter Girl

Posted by TommyZ on 27 October 2013 - 06:26 PM in Introductions

@Spleen: Many thanks, Mr. Important Person *bows*

#56687 The New Harry Potter Girl

Posted by TommyZ on 27 October 2013 - 05:35 PM in Introductions

@Silver: Thanks! Glad to be here! :D

#56683 The New Harry Potter Girl

Posted by TommyZ on 27 October 2013 - 04:24 PM in Introductions

The one you've been waiting for . . . ME!!! Okay, maybe you weren't waiting for me. That's okay. Most people don't wait for me. Like guys. Or . . . Anybody else. So, hello! I am the obsessed HP fan, the one who my friends (phhbbbttt . . . What friends?) go to when they need an argument about Sirius Black settled. I have experience with IPB forums (on Harry Potter RP sites, of course), so that's good, I generally know how they work! I talk really weird, and I love writing, programming interactive fiction games, and . . . stuff like that.


Also: Computers. My life in one word. Ta-Da! That's meeeee!!!


Sincerely, Tommy


#56971 The New Harry Potter Girl

Posted by TommyZ on 01 November 2013 - 06:57 PM in Introductions

@Iando: Well, I am glad I'm not the only nerd . . . on a site called Nerd Forum. Who da thunk? *said in a Rocky voice* I hope I shall enjoy my stay *said in a Rocky Horror butler kind of voice (can't quite remember that guy's name . . .)* Also, not quite sure on the "all's" issue. It sounds like an exciting new word . . . 0.o


@No!: I always imagined Jupiter as being sexy. Don't quite know why . . . And yes, I'm just going to pretend that second paragraph didn't happen . . .*cough cough* And I'm so glad that I've given you a new catchphrase. Let it rise to greatness! (because we all know you can't say happiness without penis)

#56797 The New Harry Potter Girl

Posted by TommyZ on 30 October 2013 - 10:26 AM in Introductions

@Krys: Figures . . .


@Alex: We could make it work . . . *tears up*




A. Hilarious. And some are cute, others not so much, I suppose.

B. 1. Salamander

    2. Rowdy

    3. Mars, who would overcome Jupiter's sexiness and smash her

C. Joseph
D. I'd die third, my first friend would fall into an abyss that appears, my second would become possessed and break their neck when turning it 180 degrees, and I would die by running into a wall when being chased. Not sure how my fourth friend would die . . .


Does that answer you, you strange person? Penis recovered!?

#57546 NaNoWriMo? Anyone?

Posted by TommyZ on 18 November 2013 - 03:38 PM in Writing

@SuKitty: I'm actually out of practice too. My roleplay career has been kaput for, like, a month, and I haven't written much since my PC broke. And yeah, the normal goal is 50,000, but I knew I wouldn't be able to pull it off. I wasn't going to do it this year, but I need to get back in the writing habit.


@Afro: My cast gets taken off December 2nd *facepalm*


@No!: Hurting my spirit, you are, sir. I like to challenge myself to write a cohesive novel in a month. I do write all year long, but November is the time to feel stressed. Strange, but I like to feel stressed. And it's really hard because I have school and Christmas is coming and . . . I just had a heart attack. Your novel sounds coolio-boolio. Mine is actually more confusing than stated above, but I didn't feel like explaining the plot just now. Maybe later . . . P.S. I don't have a beard >:(


@SithLord: I tried that one year. But it bugged me too much.


@Elly-Boo: How about every day from now until next November 1st, I'll send you a reminder? 0.o

#57577 NaNoWriMo? Anyone?

Posted by TommyZ on 19 November 2013 - 05:42 PM in Writing

@Golby: I totally agree with the hours thing. I'm totally not going to make it this year X) I'm just too busy :'(

#57285 NaNoWriMo? Anyone?

Posted by TommyZ on 11 November 2013 - 05:51 PM in Writing

So, this month, the month of November, is the most stressful month of all for me. Why? Because it's National Novel Writing Month. Where you write a novel. In a month. Ever read the Water for Elephants book? Written in a month. In November. During NaNoWriMo.


And this month, I don't think I'm quite going to make it. First of all, I broke my hand the day NaNo started, so it hurt, so I got a late start, so I had to move my goal  down to a small goal of 30,000 words, and truthfully, I don't think I'm going to make it (and I can also only type 1/2 as fast as usual).


So I want to know is, does anybody else do this? Or am I alone? And if you do, what's your plot? Mine's thing story about a girl who feels (and eventually, absorbs) other people's pain. And it's also set in the future.


Because I want to.



So I hope, if I'm not alone, that you guys all have fun this month, shaping your evil plot bunnies.





#57287 I'm making a game for Windows and Android, and there's a pre-alpha de...

Posted by TommyZ on 11 November 2013 - 06:01 PM in Video Games

Thank you for the information, @MyLord. Sorry, @Dalek, but I can not trust this. Heck, I don't even trust myself, with as little posts as I have!

#65491 IRIS, the bot with a blog

Posted by TommyZ on 05 March 2014 - 08:12 AM in SCIENCE!

Sounds cute. I love robots. I believe I'm going to look this up. Oh Sushi, always such cool things to say. How did you find out about this?


Oh, and @No! Stop being odd. "No raping the bots, please". I've officially put up a sign.

#56691 Harry Potter

Posted by TommyZ on 27 October 2013 - 06:32 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

The one thing you should never do, however, is watch up to the third movie and then read the fourth book, or something like that. My friend attempted that when we were young, and . . . it didn't turn out that well. She was so confused, and I almost strangled her after the five-hundredth time she asked me about something she'd missed. Soooo . . . Anywhoo . . . What house are you?


*cough cough Ravenclaw forever cough cough*


#56709 Harry Potter

Posted by TommyZ on 28 October 2013 - 07:00 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Phhbbbttt . . . Gryffindor. The house of cute boys . . . At least that's how I see it. I'm reading the fifth book right now . . . For the eighth time. Hmm, I've forgotten why I don't have friends. Aha! Maybe that's why!


I hope you make it through the books, and immensely enjoy them! :D

#57286 abcdefg... hi... jklmnop... ect...

Posted by TommyZ on 11 November 2013 - 05:55 PM in Introductions

No way, man, Me too! Oh my God, I can already tell that we have so much in common. Will you marry me? *twitch twitch*

#56686 The Sims Deluxe Edition

Posted by TommyZ on 27 October 2013 - 05:25 PM in Video Games

Yep . . . Going back to the beginning of time . . . Sim time, anyway. None of this Sims 3 ninny-pinny. I first bought Sims Deluxe Edition when I was, like, ten. And . . . BAM! Tommy was stuck on it. Until my computer crashed, of course. I'm fixing my home computer, but I can't play Sims while I am, *twitch twitch*. I'm having withdrawls!


But my question for you is, have you ever played this game? Have any of your Sims been abducted by aliens before, or gotten sick when you forgot to clean the hamster cage? I want to hear some fun stories, so when I get to play again, I'll have fresh ideas about what to do to spice up my Sims' lives.


vv Off to do this, Tommy vv
