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#70882 Your Top Three of All Time

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 19 May 2014 - 04:12 PM in Video Games

Yeah, I prefer to play on consoles, as my computer is pretty much garbage. Money is an issue too, so even a cheap purchase isn't plausible most of the time. :( One day though!!! :D

#70863 Your Top Three of All Time

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 19 May 2014 - 09:44 AM in Video Games

Crash, I used to play a lot on PS1 one as well. As for Croc, I used to play it all the time on my mom's PC. I plan to buy a lot of old games for when I move out. Reliving nostalgia alone, on my own apartment is life.


You're so lucky. I missed out on the PS1 era. I got a PS1 after the PS2 came out. I had all the Nintendo systems though (... including Virtual Boy... -_-) Everyone was playing PS1, so when I talk about games like Croc and Crash Bandicoot, it's from the window shopper point of view. It's the "Oh! I wish I had those when I was younger because they looked so cool in all the previews and game magazines!!!!" I feel you are quite fortunate.

#70862 Your Top Three of All Time

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 19 May 2014 - 09:41 AM in Video Games

Yeah thanks for that one Krys.

Nice little shot to the part of my brain that stores memories that I don't think of on a daily basis.

I played a lot of Spyto when PS1 was the condole of choice, and enjoyed every minute of it.



The first console I ever owned was an Atari 2600, so don't feel too old.


I had Berzerk, it was pretty decent.

I also liked Asterix, Asteroids (obviously), Canyon Bomber, Breakout, Galaxian, Dig Dug, Mario Bros, Joust, The Swordquest Trilogy, and I had a Dungeons and Dragons game, but I don't remember if it was for the 2600 or a later model.

Yeah, I lived with my grandparents, so the Atari was already stocked with quite a few games when I moved in with them (age 6). As for NES games, I was the weirdo who had Bubble Bobble before Super Mario Bros. :D That was my first NES game. I still play the old games A LOT! I don't have the Atari anymore, but I do have Dig Dug and many versions of Breakout.
Thanks for making me not feel too old. I see most people on here are still in their 20s, and talk about first consoles that were big when I was in junior high. :)

#70395 Your Top Three of All Time

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 09 May 2014 - 08:16 AM in Video Games

Oh jeez!!!! 3 games? That's it!!!????
Okay. Let me figure this out... perhaps based on how often I play them and how much fun they are to play while I repeatedly play them. Hmmm...

NES: Legend of Zelda (Just played and beat it again in 2 hours. Fun stuff.)
PS2: Dragon Quest VIII

NES: Mega Man 3


DISCLAIMER: There was about a 150 game tie for the top 3 spots, so these are the three I'm mentioning. SOOOO Close to putting Final Fantasy 1 on there because I just went back through and beat it with four fighters. I like to challenge myself. I tried with 4 white mages, but the bosses revisited battles were taking over 8 hours and I didn't have that kind of time to screw around in the Temple of Fiends. I can only imagine the 40 hours it would've taken to beat Chaos had I got to him. :D


Also, a note about Mega Man games. I typically select robot masters in random order to increase the difficulty and strategies for added fun and replay value. ^_^

#70848 Your Top Three of All Time

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 18 May 2014 - 08:46 PM in Video Games

My all time absolute favorite game would have to be Spyro: Year Of The Dragon, the very first game I ever got, back when I was a kid. I played it so much, I mastered all the levels, and was able to beat in a day, which was pretty fast for a non-gamer like me. I enjoy a few games, but I'm not the type to sit down and play non-stop, but if it's Spyro, bring it. Preferably the games that came our for PS1. I'm a huge fan of the low poly designs and it makes me nostalgic. 



Wow! I feel old. The first game I remember going to a store and buying was either Berzerk or Kaboom for the Atari 2600. :) And Spyro's awesome. Were you into games like Rayman, Crash Bandicoot, Gex, Croc, and that sort of stuff too?

#70901 Why So Serious

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 19 May 2014 - 06:50 PM in Everything Else

Millianna... That is HILARIOUS!!! I had to explain to my best friends husband what a bronie was before. He said a guy at work was talking about groups of teen guys who watch My Little Pony. I said, "Yeah. Bronies." He was shocked that it was quite common. That picture is great though! I love it.

#70558 What is your favourite anime when you are a kid?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 12 May 2014 - 04:43 PM in Anime

Out of curiosity: fansubbed or like, company subbed?


#70396 What is your favourite anime when you are a kid?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 09 May 2014 - 08:20 AM in Anime

As a kid, I was obsessed with Sailor Moon and Ranma 1/2. I still have almost all the Sailor Moon episodes fansubbed on VHS... because when I was a kid... that's how they came. :P

#70668 What is your favourite anime when you are a kid?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 14 May 2014 - 12:52 PM in Anime

That was a fun story, Sushi Kitten. I don't know of any secret anime' societies like that, so you're pretty lucky. :)

Because you can't just go out and purchase them, I had the fansubs that I bought as master copies and then made watching copies that I could loan to friends and stuff so that I could preserve the VHS tapes as long as possible. I still have them... and a VCR to watch them on. Most of my anime' is on VHS because that was the format I could afford back when I could afford to spend all my paychecks on anime'. Now I stare at Amazon's "Fairy Tail" Blu-Ray collection and keep ALMOST buying it, though when I see anime' sets I like on sale for under $20, I'm much more prone to splurging.

#70664 What is your favourite anime when you are a kid?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 14 May 2014 - 08:39 AM in Anime

How... How did...
Fansubbing on VHS as a concept first of all is making my head hurt, and that's how you got them? 
I, what?

What is this witchcraft?!

When the internet was still a child... late '90s, I searched and found a guy in Florida with a website distributing them upon request. It took a month for him to get them to me, but eventually stopped because it was sapping all his time. :) Ahh yes. Old people like myself did weird things. I also used to record songs that characters sang in shows with a tape recorder held up to the T.V. speakers so I had the songs whenever I wanted. ^_^ Notably songs from Animaniacs, Super Mario Bros. 3, Whose Line is it Anyway (UK Version)... and other odd and end funny songs that were in shows that I liked.

#70587 What is something weird that you do?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 13 May 2014 - 01:07 PM in Everything Else

It's more of something I don't do. I've never drank, smoked, or swore and I'm in my 30s! :P People typically think that's weird. Though some of the above may trump that where "cheers" is included.

#70557 What is something weird that you do?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 12 May 2014 - 04:40 PM in Everything Else

Also, when I'm looking for anything for more than a minute, I quote the Homestar Runner website and say, "Where's my cottage?" like Rather Dashing and then shout, "TROGDOR!!!!!!"

#70598 What is something weird that you do?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 13 May 2014 - 04:55 PM in Everything Else

Man, you're missing out!

At least I can live vicariously through my characters, right? When I write in a realistic setting, it happens.

#70556 What is something weird that you do?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 12 May 2014 - 04:39 PM in Everything Else

I have to eat my pizza with the toppings touching my tongue first.

#72559 Understanding Understanding

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 15 June 2014 - 04:54 PM in Everything Else

Thank you all for your comments. I was trying to reintroduce myself I suppose, but a lot of emotions got in the way due to recent events. Jumbling a whole bunch of unrelated stuff together is my unintentional specialty.


Without testing the limits of the people around you there is no way to truly know what those limits are.

By playing it safe and never touching their boundaries we never really touch who they truly are as individuals.

When I brush against a person's very outer limits of comfort I get a much more personal connection to them through understanding and in the end that makes them feel closer, easier to get along with in the future.

I see your point, and that's interesting that you feel that brushing up against a person's out limits of comfort gives you a personal connection in the end. I think that connection can be had by asking them without reaching the point of discomfort. You can fully get to know and understand a person without touching their boundaries. Most of the time when I touch a person's outer limits, I lose that person. They stop being my friend. It happened 2 years ago. It happened a week ago. I just lose people through lack of communication and understanding. We don't always know what questions to ask to reveal what these outer limits are, but there isn't always a return from the damage caused by causing that discomfort.

I've been called "selfish" for years. I'm not. At all. Even about a month ago, I started planning a web show called "Jason's Selfish Show" because that's how I'm always labeled. High functioning autism is such a curse to those around me. Many people end up thinking I'm a horrible person because I can't communicate effectively. As a writer, that has been terribly difficult. Though it's why I write. I want to be understood. So badly. That's my dream. To be understood and appreciated.
I'm ranting again. That's a thing I do.

This is the last post I'm going to make on here for quite some time, as I need to take a leave due to personal reasons.
Thank you again for understanding. My e-mail is still on my profile page and if I need to be contacted, that's the way to do it.

Have a good night, everyone. Or day where applicable.

#72511 Understanding Understanding

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 15 June 2014 - 01:06 PM in Everything Else



Retraction!!!! RETREAT!!! ^_^

No, it has nothing to do with language.


I guess it was just a weird rant on my part because of recently upsetting someone without realizing how upset I make people. :(

I always say the wrong thing. As proven by the responses in this post. I'm not clear and I'm usually awkward. I know know all nerds are outcasts and awkward. Some of us are.

I saw some posts by Nerdgirl on here too. I saw how tense things got. I never spoke to her or replied to any of her threads, but the tension it created also made me feel that perhaps without a full picture of who we all are, there are going to be these moments of tension.


Retraction complete.


I really don't like upsetting people. I guess that's basically it.

#70614 Two Chapters (Approx. 3000 words) Romantic Comedy About Nerdy Honor Students

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 13 May 2014 - 06:17 PM in Writing

It's 65,000 words (I want it to be a fun, easy-to-read book), but I have to add in a couple extra scenes to account for plot adjustments and then make sure those changes are addressed through the rest of the book.
I really wanted to make a book that nerds could relate to because I was sick of high school only being represented by teens with huge family issues, or abuse, or drug use, or nerdy people liking popular people and all that stuff. I wanted a book that properly represented what my friends and I... and people like us went through. Something sincere that isn't mocking nerd culture or misrepresenting it. I can definitely keep you posted as to the progress I'm making. It shouldn't take too long (from a writing standpoint) to get it fixed up now that I figured out what I'm changing.


#70604 Two Chapters (Approx. 3000 words) Romantic Comedy About Nerdy Honor Students

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 13 May 2014 - 05:52 PM in Writing

Thank you so much for reading the chapters I posted. I'm glad you enjoyed them! The book is already done. I'm just rewriting it to fix a few subplot issues and tighten some things up.

Where it's going. Here's a quick rundown without spoiling anything that wouldn't be on the back of the book or book description.

Nikki and Maxwell are two socially awkward honor students. They start to fall for each other, and when Nikki finally feels like she can get past the embarrassment of asking out the guy she likes, she discovers a girl from his guild named Ponydash -- a level sixty ranger with a My Little Pony tattoo (Rainbow Dash) is also planning a raid on his heart. What's even more threatening is that this girl apparently goes to their school too and wants to meet Maxwell in person. Will Nikki's chance at romance shatter like a beaker on the chemistry lab's floor?


And so yeah, the antagonist is the "girl with the pony tattoo" mentioned in the title.

That's the quick little rundown. It's more complicated than that with a trading card tournament, and other nerdy events in store for our socially awkward love triangle.

#70552 Two Chapters (Approx. 3000 words) Romantic Comedy About Nerdy Honor Students

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 12 May 2014 - 03:40 PM in Writing



I am removing the first two chapters from this post because I have made so many edits to them that this is no longer an accurate version.


Thanks for those who visited this thread during that time though. :D

#70630 Two Chapters (Approx. 3000 words) Romantic Comedy About Nerdy Honor Students

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 13 May 2014 - 07:08 PM in Writing

Thanks for reading, CassXGoesXMeow. Let's hope I can keep up that level of interest through the other chapters. :) Even more, let's hope an agent will want to represent it when I finish it this time.

:D :D :D

#70872 Two Chapters (Approx. 3000 words) Romantic Comedy About Nerdy Honor Students

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 19 May 2014 - 11:30 AM in Writing

This is my query letter. Since I finished rewriting the book, I decided to rewrite my query letter for agent representation. I figured I'd post this here too. :)


Nerds are often plagued with feelings of loneliness as they search for their place among their peers. Being socially inept, having a unique and intelligent perspective on the world, and possessing a passion that can border on obsession makes fitting in and being proud of whom they are a daunting undertaking. For fifteen-year-old Nikki Medina, overcoming this challenge could also be her key to finding true love.


Nikki’s a sophomore honors student and a new member of Student Support. On the surface, this is just another extracurricular activity to enhance her portfolio for college, but she daydreams that one of her peer-to-peer counseling sessions will lead her to a new life of friends, and maybe love. It seems like a dream come true when her first solo counseling session is to help her secret crush, the equally nerdy Maxwell Wilson, with his bullying dilemma. Her dreams seem to be racing to reality when Maxwell asks her join his trading card game club to enter a tournament with him. Being accepted and appreciated, and by her crush even, puts her idealistic, dreamy heart into overdrive.


Paying a visit to Maxwell to secure an official relationship status is going exactly as Nikki plans, but when she discovers that a girl from his guild named Ponydash—a level sixty ranger with a My Little Pony tattoo—has also planned a raid on his heart, her chances for romance could shatter like a beaker on the chemistry lab’s floor. Nikki’s advantage is that Maxwell has never met her in person; that is until she and Maxwell provide peer-to-peer counseling for Beth Jacobs, who turns out to be her in the flesh. This is one rival whose arsenal of nerdy know-how and gamers’ tenacity pushes Nikki to her limits and threatens to take everything that she almost has away from her.


NIKKI AND THE GIRL WITH THE PONY TATTOO is a completed manuscript at approximately 64,000 words. It’s a YA romantic comedy. I’m taking a sincere and humorous approach with this book, because as a nerd myself, I’ve dreamt of finding a book that shows me I’m not alone in the world, and that someone does understand what I’ve gone through as a nerd. I'm part of a growing organization of nerds on Twitter called the #nerdarmy, and recently joined a nerd forum (nerdforum.org) in an attempt to find other people to celebrate nerdiness with. People who enjoy the narrative style and setting of MTV’s Awkward with the true, sincere portrayal of nerds found in TBS’s King of the Nerds will enjoy this.

#71198 This or That?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 25 May 2014 - 07:16 PM in Everything Else



Gryphons or Chimeras

#71406 This or That?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 31 May 2014 - 08:54 AM in Everything Else


Donkey Kong Junior or Diddy Kong?

#71413 This or That?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 31 May 2014 - 11:58 AM in Everything Else

Dragons have a larger variety, and therefore are more interesting and dynamic.


Stilts or Unicycles?

#71175 This or That?

Posted by jmrobbinswrites on 25 May 2014 - 02:11 PM in Everything Else



Magic or technology?