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#84678 Why So Serious

Posted by Launch on 10 January 2015 - 02:45 PM in Everything Else

I have no idea why I've become addicted to this video.


#84676 The member photo album.

Posted by Launch on 10 January 2015 - 02:44 PM in Everything Else

@ Elfin Elf


Does your daughter have freckles like you? I couldn't really tell from the photo quality.

#84573 What is something weird that you do?

Posted by Launch on 09 January 2015 - 04:14 PM in Everything Else

Now that this thread exists I really notice when I do something "weird" now. Never gave it much thought before.


I hate shaking hands. I will think up any excuse I can to avoid it. I'm not one of those people who freak out about germs and such, but for some odd reason I just think it's super nasty to touch someone's hand. It also doesn't help that this feeling keep getting validated by people I know. A friend of mine works at a bank and, after shaking hands with a client, he saw there was blood on his palm. Yuuuuuuck! 


Posted by Launch on 07 January 2015 - 09:43 PM in Everything Else

Oh man, social awkwardness... Yeah, that's a tough one to overcome since you constantly have to go outside your comfort zone and be able to put it behind you if you do accidentally say something silly. 


I was forced to get through it for my job. There's a lot of talking on the phone and I'll admit I inwardly panicked every time that damn thing rang and I had to answer it. Then again, not being able to see the person really helped and I've noticed that little practice I get at work has helped me when I'm face to face with someone. 

#84481 "Let's Play"s that DON'T suck

Posted by Launch on 07 January 2015 - 09:37 PM in Video Games

That is my number-one favorite Ross moment ever.


All his dreams came true in that moment. That's the happiest I've ever seen him.


The more videos I watch, the more I'm pretty sure that Ross will end up being my favorite. I wish I weren't so busy because it's going to take ages to get through that Sakura Spirit game. 

#84480 Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

Posted by Launch on 07 January 2015 - 09:35 PM in Anime

I really enjoyed the manga, and I was excited when I heard there was an anime coming out. I wasn't a huge fan of it, though. 


I suffer really bad from second hand embarrassment, I really feel embarrassed for others when they do awful things and for some reason while I could stand it in the manga, I couldn't bear watching the anime. I think the manga presents itself in more of a comedic way as well.


It's  good story, yeah. Some of it reminded me of myself and the awkward things I did as a teen. 


OMG this. I had to pause the anime a few times because hearing her voice instead of reading amplified the cringe factor so much more. 


Did you guys see the cute little nendoroid that came out of her?: http://myfigurecolle...net/item/166617

#84385 Fuck Yeah, FNAF!

Posted by Launch on 06 January 2015 - 11:43 PM in Video Games

Are you hyped for the third game, Sympa? 

#84376 "Let's Play"s that DON'T suck

Posted by Launch on 06 January 2015 - 10:31 PM in Video Games

Grah! I still can't get the Game Grumps names down. I think it was Ross and one of the main guys that played the first Leisure Suit Larry. I absolutely lost it when they called the sex line and gave all the funny Batman answers only to have someone call back and use all that info in a "sexy" call. 

#84309 F@#KED UP! facts

Posted by Launch on 05 January 2015 - 11:43 PM in Everything Else



There's a little something known as "The Curse of Atuk". It's a movie that was never filmed due to the eerie fact that stars considered for the role ended up dying. Coincidence? Probably. Doesn't change that's darn creepy. 

#84308 Best Zelda Game?

Posted by Launch on 05 January 2015 - 11:39 PM in Video Games

I only finished OOT. Majora's Mask pissed me off due to the whole time limit thing, but I think as an adult I might fair a lot better. Twilight Princess seemed pretty good, but I never got any motivation to finish it. 


I still have really special memories of OOT. I know people say it's overrated and cliche to pick, but I gotta go for it due to all the fond memories. And not so fond ones... Redeads gave me nightmares xD

#84244 What is something weird that you do?

Posted by Launch on 04 January 2015 - 10:03 PM in Everything Else

This is more something weird that happens to me, but I think it's quirky enough to be interesting to share. 


I've asked other people if this happens to them, and all I get is a weird look. You know how some people start to salivate as a sign that they're going to puke? I start hearing a random song. Like, it's not like a song that's stuck in your head; I hear it like it's really playing and I can't shut it off. It gets worse and worse until I finally do vomit. 

#84186 So I got a laptop that I can actually do things with

Posted by Launch on 03 January 2015 - 09:20 PM in Video Games

Okay I just started Shovel Knight today and I was wondering if it's suppose to be as hard as I find it. Like it took me 3 times to kill my first dragon, 5 times to jump over a fallout section (I was trying to get m gold back okay...) and trying to dark knight took me about... I'd say.... 9 tries? It took me about 22 mins to complete the first level.


Yeah, it is really freaking hard. If this had come out when I was still used to playing SNES games it wouldn't be quite as bad, but it's a difficulty that you don't see as often anymore. Just keep practicing! The game is awesome enough that the difficulty is worth it. 

#84165 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by Launch on 03 January 2015 - 04:10 PM in Everything Else



There's even a petition going to have the name "Leelah" on the tombstone since most people realize the name she wanted to be called that aligned with the gender the identified as is different than some weeaboo teen wanting to be called Shiro. 


That's all the more I'm going to say. A shame this thread got so derailed. 

#84032 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by Launch on 30 December 2014 - 09:55 PM in Everything Else

That is unfortunate, and entirely depressing, but I can't help but be a bit annoyed.

I always get a little hot spot in the back of my head when someone ends their life and honestly thinks it is the only option they have.

There is always, always some semblance of control in the hands of the person suffering, no matter how hopeless everything may seem.

Killing yourself because you are treated like a pariah amongst family and friends then leaving a note that ends with "Fix society. Please." is the weakest shit imaginable.

This person was content becoming a number and hoped that that number would shock people in to changing their attitude and revolutionise the world for all sexual identities instead of remaining alive and starting a support group, or a rally, or absolutely anything other than suicide.


I know I probably sound like a prick, but it bothers me so much when people commit suicide for any reason.

I just feel like there is always so much more that a person can accomplish if they just stuck it out and saw what happened.

Pain is temporary, besting your oppressors and ending up on top of the pile is forever.


But that's the problem with depression: It consumes your mind and genuinely makes you think you're stuck and things will only get worse. You get into such a bad place that dropping the pencil you were using on the floor is actually enough to make you burst into tears. 


Leelah needed help badly, no one was there for her, and she heard incorrect information from someone. She thought she was too old to start the gender transitioning process which is false. Especially when you're all alone it's difficult to know what your options are to correct your situation and start to become happy again. 


I understand where you are coming from, though. I always shake my head when I hear about kids bullied at school who end their lives. I know it's hard, but you won't be in school forever. However, we can't know what they're feeling and what's going on inside their heads. The best thing we can do is not judge and keep an eye out for people in our lives who may need a wake up call that suicide isn't the answer. 


...I suck balls at expressing my feelings and making sense. I hope I did OK here >< 

#84027 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by Launch on 30 December 2014 - 07:00 PM in Everything Else

This is all over Tumblr right now. Yeah, the mom revealed just what a massive cunt she is by trying to play it off as an accident and referring to Leelah as a boy and calling her "Joshua". Her Facebook seems to have been deleted, but not before people got as much information off it as they could. 


Her parents were those over-the-top Christians that sent her to "therapy" where she was told "God doesn't make mistakes" and that she was in the wrong. 


People like this shouldn't have kids. Instead of threatening her with Hell, Leelah needed to know she wasn't alone, been directed towards a support group for teens like her, and allowed to transition. 


I'm scared to death that her mother will make sure she's dressed as a boy for burial and put "Joshua" on the tombstone. 

#84025 The Economics of Action Figures

Posted by Launch on 30 December 2014 - 06:53 PM in Shameless plugs

Hindsight is always 20/20, of course... I can't believe how the price of some figures I've bought more than doubled. If I'd know, I totally would've bought as many as I could have. The thing is, some things are so rare and sought after that taking them out of the box barely makes a dent in price. As long as you still have the box, you're still going to make some good money.


http://myfigurecolle...n.net/item/6605 is wanted so badly I saw one that was broken sell for over $200! That's more than it retailed for!

#84012 Christine Cavanaugh Died

Posted by Launch on 30 December 2014 - 02:31 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.



Oh man this is sad. A lot of you are around my age, so I thought I should post this in case you hadn't heard. She voiced so many characters I knew from my childhood, so I was really bummed out when I happened to see this on my Tumblr today. 



#83925 Fun, lighthearted shows

Posted by Launch on 28 December 2014 - 11:22 PM in Anime

I've read Azumanga Daioh a little, and I sincerely hope the anime is better. Either it was the translation or I was just extremely grumpy but I didn't like it at all, the idea was cute and stuff but it just wasn't funny at all even though it's supposed to be a comedy.


I haven't read the manga yet, but I can say that the anime is also more cute than funny as well. The huge problem is that a lot of it doesn't translate from Japanese to English at all with the word puns and cultural differences. 

#83920 Fun Facts

Posted by Launch on 28 December 2014 - 08:58 PM in Everything Else

All Dogs go to Heaven was forced to endure censorship for a G rating. There were two scenes where the majority of this was done: The first is when Charlie was killed. The original cut actually showed the car hit him and Charlie’s body sailing through the air and into the water.


The second is from Charlie’s still rather unsettling nightmare sequence, the only missing bits I’ve been able to find being this cel:


Originally Charlie was chased around by the demon.


Another minor edit came to the gun that Killer has. I forget exactly what it was changed to, but originally it was just a plain old Tommy Gun. This alteration was due to a school shooting that occurred where many children lost their lives. Having the gun be something more phantasy like avoided any controversy.


I’ve heard rumors about the lost footage. Some say Don Bluth still has an uncut copy himself while other claim it was stolen, although it seems highly unlikely there would only be one copy.


The Land Before Time was hacked and slashed so bad about ten minutes of fully animated scenes were removed. The Sharp Tooth was deemed much too scary for kids, so most of his screen time was cut. When he killed Little Foot's mother it was a lot more brutal; she was bit on camera and, if you pause at the right moments, you can see some blood and puncture wounds that they tried to cut out.


For some reason a watering hole scene was entirely taken out as well as a part of when they meet Spike.


These are the only glimpses of the deleted footage that I've found:

#83913 Merry Chrimmus

Posted by Launch on 28 December 2014 - 08:06 PM in Everything Else

I need time off to play the awesome video games I got! Waah! 

#83912 Fuck Yeah, FNAF!

Posted by Launch on 28 December 2014 - 08:05 PM in Video Games

Awesome FNAF humanized blogs (porn warning!):








My favorite: http://maladjustedmike.tumblr.com/





#83911 Scares the Shit Out of You!

Posted by Launch on 28 December 2014 - 08:00 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

The scene with all the living severed heads was way worse. That shit gave me nightmares as a kid.


It was, but for some reason the Wheelers bothered me more.


Oh, and this:


#83881 Fun Facts

Posted by Launch on 28 December 2014 - 08:54 AM in Everything Else

Remember the show Road Rovers? After the first time it aired, a segment called The Russian Names Song was removed from an episode.


#83870 Fuck Yeah, FNAF!

Posted by Launch on 27 December 2014 - 08:45 PM in Video Games

You weren't ready for Freddy.

#83821 So I got a laptop that I can actually do things with

Posted by Launch on 26 December 2014 - 09:13 PM in Video Games

Please, please, please get The Cat Lady.