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There have been 23 items by Hummingbird_Lost (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#46259 For those of you not using the IP.Board or Aura skin...

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 01 April 2013 - 10:52 AM in Announcements

haha, nice.

#46210 Who Shot First?

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 31 March 2013 - 02:31 PM in Sci Fi

Han shot first. I even have a T-Shirt (from ThinkGeek) that loudly proclaims this fact.

ThinkGeek hell yes!

#46158 How about a sports folder?

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 30 March 2013 - 12:37 PM in Suggestions

And there could be some use of a nerd sports section.  Does anybody follow the logistics and stats of baseball?  Chess is also another nerdy sport that is slowly making an up rise in the collegiate realm, or so I've read.

I used to follow baseball stats and such when I was younger, but have since lost the majority of my interest. I assume you bring it up because you do follow it? May I ask what teams and/or players you favor?


Also, I personally don't consider Chess a sport... a "sport" for the mind, perhaps, but that could be said about many non-physical activities.

#46121 I fucking love science

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 29 March 2013 - 07:51 PM in SCIENCE!

When I had a Facebook I did find some of the material/ pictures on the I Fucking Love Science page quite humorous.

#46120 Sith Lord vs Jedi Master

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 29 March 2013 - 07:48 PM in Sci Fi

I don't think that it's as easy as saying "the Sith Lord would win" or "the Jedi Master would win."

Sure, as other have mentioned, there are certain factors that obviously favor one or the other, generally speaking. But in the end I think that there are still too many variables within each group, and with each individual. The winner would depend on the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals fighting, and how they compare.

#46119 Who Shot First?

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 29 March 2013 - 07:42 PM in Sci Fi

I ask this group of intelligent minds the classic question- who shot first? (Han or Greedo)


My answer? Han, of course.

The George Lucas that has changed it and then tried to cover up his goof with (poorly) explaining it away is the man of the prequels... not the great mind of the OT.

#46118 Who is excited for the Godzilla reboot in 2014?

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 29 March 2013 - 07:19 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Well confession, I didn't know this was happening until about twenty seconds ago. However, now I'm quite intrigued! I'll definitely be waiting for this to come out. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. :D


Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 29 March 2013 - 07:04 PM in Nerd Art

I've seen a lot of cool, geeky tattoos. Wouldn't really consider this one of them.

#46064 What do you do for a living?

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 28 March 2013 - 06:52 PM in Everything Else

I'm a software engineer/programmer/full stack web developer/whatever you want to call it (it has so many names that I'm not even sure what to call it). I've been doing it professionally for a year and a half. It's a pretty nice setup, real laid back and casual.


Good luck on your new job.  :)

Thank you! Yours sounds pretty great.

#46055 What do you do for a living?

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 28 March 2013 - 05:28 PM in Everything Else

This topic comes to mind because I'm starting a new job next week. It's just going to be a tech support/ customer service type gig. I aspire for soooooo much more in a career, but it's alright for now. :)

So I am wondering, what types of jobs/ careers do you all have?

#46042 Childhood shows.

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 28 March 2013 - 01:47 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

I think so but wasn't that a really lame show haha

lol, nooo...

I was like five years old though, so perhaps I was a bit less critical back then. That could also be it. :P

#46041 Hello There

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 28 March 2013 - 01:41 PM in Introductions

Too late, the male honorific has been used. Welcome to the forum, good sir. I say, how do you get your grand mustache so shiny? 

ha ha. eww

#45991 So...hi. Hum..nerd alert over here...

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 27 March 2013 - 09:31 PM in Introductions

hello there! fav star wars character?

Oh goodness, I'm not sure if I can pick just one! I'm quite fond of Obi-Wan... though Han, Luke, and Leia are all favorites of mine for different reasons as well. And then there's Vader! :D How about you?

#45977 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 27 March 2013 - 03:53 PM in Everything Else

"Anastasia" by Slash.

I'm not particularly a fan of his normally, but I love this song. It's the perfect mix of guitars, romance and runnin' from the law. lol

#45976 SHINee

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 27 March 2013 - 03:47 PM in Music

Have you heard DBSK or The Trax? They are/ were my favorite Korean bands. :wub:

#45975 Female Vocalist Appreciation Thread

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 27 March 2013 - 03:44 PM in Music

Stolen Babies, as mentioned

Schoolyard Heroes

In This Moment (only their older stuff... I'm shocked at how bad their new "sound" is)

Within Temptation

#45974 Stolen Babies

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 27 March 2013 - 03:39 PM in Music

Stolen Babies is pretty great. I headed to a show they were at a few years ago on my birthday. Ended up meeting the whole band, and Dominique drew all over one of their posters for me, putting "Happy Birthday" and such. They all signed it too. Probably the coolest band I've met.

#45972 Catfish?

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 27 March 2013 - 03:15 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

I've seen some of the episodes because I'm intrigued by the topic of internet relationships. I understand the concept of the show, but it makes no sense to me that I've never seen any of the people on the show do any investigating when it comes to the questionable statements/claims made by their counterparts. In my opinion, the kind of things that the hosts of the show do most times should've already been done by the person in the relationship... (that was pretty much entirely word vomit, hope I got my point across).

#45968 So...hi. Hum..nerd alert over here...

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 27 March 2013 - 01:16 PM in Introductions

Hello! It's always nice to meet another female Star Wars fanatic. :)

#45957 Childhood shows.

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 27 March 2013 - 12:52 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Did anyone else watch the show Space Cases?! (for the brief time it was on)

#45954 Terra Nova

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 27 March 2013 - 12:41 PM in Sci Fi

Terra Nova certainly had its share of issues... that said, I watched most of the episodes. I'd still take Terra Nova with its lack of dinosaurs and science, bad acting, and dumb plots over many other things that are currently on television. Hah.

#45949 Hello There

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 27 March 2013 - 12:17 PM in Introductions

Welcome to the forums sir.


erm I am certainly a female. :(

#45890 Hello There

Posted by Hummingbird_Lost on 26 March 2013 - 11:24 PM in Introductions

Hello to you all. Guess I'm the new kid. I found this forum while I was roaming the internet and it seemed like a pretty decent spot.


I enjoy things such as learning, various topics within the realm of science, Star Wars & Sci-Fi, music, technology... and some other stuff. I'm sure most of you don't want me to continue blabbing.


I am here seeking not only interaction with awesome people, but maybe, just maybe, I can make a few friends too?! hah, that sounds rather pathetic.


Anyways, it's nice to meet you all. See you around ;)