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the pursuit of happiness the pursuit of happiness rob$tar

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#1 The Robstar

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Posted 25 May 2014 - 03:33 PM

Not the film.... the idea. I really love the concept.


I was going to post in the Depression Thread about how things haven't been all cheery for me lately, but fuck it, I'm not really one to wallow in self pity. Instead I have opted to take those crucial steps to improve myself.





Hehehe Jaden's smelling his fathers fart. FUCK YA ROB!!!!


Below I have broken down the main concerns on my mind at the moment and decided to come up with a few short and long term solutions. This isn't really a theoretical list, it's my TO-DO list for the next few months. Straight up. 


Let's start shall we........???




So yeah that's me. I'm pretty amped to get my shit back up and running again.


I'm pretty relaxed and somewhat focused. Determined to fulfill my little list.


I don't expect most of you to read  my bullshit but hopefully it inspires you guys to create your own list of achievements and future aspirations.








#2 Affray


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 05:37 PM

I have never been more impressed with you than I am right now Rob.


If anyone can make that list happen due to pure confidence and forward motion it is you.

The girlfriend aspect can always happen after you get your ass to Japan.

If it does happen beforehand, you had better hope she is willing to come with and digs on sushi.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#3 SushiKitten


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Posted 25 May 2014 - 05:59 PM

Great job Rob, knowing your flaws and planning how you want to improve yourself and your life is the biggest step. Good luck, and we are here for you all the way :)

#4 Calvary



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Posted 25 May 2014 - 06:05 PM

Good luck dude, I hope you can get your life in gear and be at a point where you're happy with it. 

Ask for my discord/Insta/Tumblr if you want.

#5 Sethre



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Posted 25 May 2014 - 07:42 PM

Rob, you so cool~


#6 gr3yh4m3



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Posted 26 May 2014 - 06:06 AM

Hey Rob, good on you man that's awesome to hear :) something you may be interested in and may like is a fun little site/app called habit RPG. Check it out! Basically turns your life into an RPG, you get rewarded for good habits and lose health for bad ones - it might not help with some items on your list, but for something like kicking the ganja it could help? Its really helped me with getting more stuff done in general rather than sitting on my butt watching shows and movies.

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#7 jmrobbinswrites



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Posted 26 May 2014 - 08:22 AM

Congratulations. Giving yourself a lot of goals to shoot for is nice because some will take longer, but as you're making progress in one, it will keep you motivated to keep at the longer/harder ones.

#8 The Robstar

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Posted 26 May 2014 - 07:10 PM

Thanks ya'll.


I just figured there's no point in mopping or lying about it. Face the facts head on. Most people are afraid to fess up to their fuck ups, not me. I've never been afraid to express myself or tell others how I feel even if it somewhat offensive. I'm just straight up. I'm not really after sympathy or acknowledgement, just trying to give myself goals so that I can live comfortably in this game we call life :) 

I have never been more impressed with you than I am right now Rob.


If anyone can make that list happen due to pure confidence and forward motion it is you.

The girlfriend aspect can always happen after you get your ass to Japan.

If it does happen beforehand, you had better hope she is willing to come with and digs on sushi.

Many thank you's Affray.


As for the g.f aspect, yeah I kinda thought about that, most girls I know are unwilling to relocate outside of their comfort zone. But that's all good. I literally ordered  my list from top priority to bottom. Notice how the G.F one is after moving to Japan? ;)



Great job Rob, knowing your flaws and planning how you want to improve yourself and your life is the biggest step. Good luck, and we are here for you all the way :)


Yeah I'm willing to give this 'maturity' thing a go. lol Most people are aware of their flaws, it's actually facing them and correcting them that's the hardest part. I heed my challenge with my upmost confidence!!!! I CAN DO THIS!!!! Thank you for the support and i know ya''l are here ;)

Hey Rob, good on you man that's awesome to hear :) something you may be interested in and may like is a fun little site/app called habit RPG. Check it out! Basically turns your life into an RPG, you get rewarded for good habits and lose health for bad ones - it might not help with some items on your list, but for something like kicking the ganja it could help? Its really helped me with getting more stuff done in general rather than sitting on my butt watching shows and movies.

Hahaha I like that. I actually see life as a real life RPG game anyway. But I really dig the concept of this so I might check it out for the lol's. In a sense my entire list is a game. It's like fulfilling a series of quests. Some will take time but the treasure and rewards at the end will be really rewarding. :)


Thanks dude.


#9 steampunkgrrrl



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Posted 27 May 2014 - 01:36 PM


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#10 jmrobbinswrites



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Posted 27 May 2014 - 02:31 PM

I'm still curious as to the answer to Robstar's question from the first post he made. What are the pursuits of the rest of you?

#11 Affray


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 03:30 PM

I'm still curious as to the answer to Robstar's question from the first post he made. What are the pursuits of the rest of you?

I am a man who is happiest wherever he happens to be.

Hard to have a grandiose master plan for my own happiness when I am just about as content as I need to be on my current path.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#12 cassXgoesXmeow



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Posted 27 May 2014 - 05:38 PM

I'm still curious as to the answer to Robstar's question from the first post he made. What are the pursuits of the rest of you?


I'm focusing on paying off all my credit cards (only two more to go!) and moving into my house and starting a fresh new life instead of being a tied down home body.

I'm a Liger.... Want to see my Liger impersonation?

#13 SushiKitten


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Posted 27 May 2014 - 07:07 PM

I keep saying I want to get active and finally lose the chub, so that's my goal this summer. I started the couch to 5k program, though it seems silly when i dont know of any marathons here, and as intimidated as I am by it, I will be trying weight training at the gym next week, after pathetically trying to practice my form with a broomstick at home so I don't completely embarrass myself. I'm also trying my best to drop the fast food and chocolate, because I find when I eat those things, I always eat too much. When I get to my goal, I want to try picking up a sporty hobby to stay healthy.

#14 The Robstar

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Posted 30 May 2014 - 07:52 AM

I keep saying I want to get active and finally lose the chub, so that's my goal this summer. I started the couch to 5k program, though it seems silly when i dont know of any marathons here, and as intimidated as I am by it, I will be trying weight training at the gym next week, after pathetically trying to practice my form with a broomstick at home so I don't completely embarrass myself. I'm also trying my best to drop the fast food and chocolate, because I find when I eat those things, I always eat too much. When I get to my goal, I want to try picking up a sporty hobby to stay healthy.

I feel ya. Eating healthy is difficult. I went vegetarian for a month and a half once then vowed never to part from meat ever again. But I've always had weigh problems, way too skinny. It's actually difficult for me to put on weight. But I really like your goal. It's actually very achievable. Go you!!!! 


Good luck on giving up the herb. It can be very difficult

Oh man I keep breaking this one. Even when I don't mean to. I guess having a spliff is 2nd nature 2 me. It has dawned on me that I'm going to have to sever ties with some of my friends. If I eliminate the temptation completely......  Meh no real biggie. I'm sure half the reason we hang out is for the drugs. 




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