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There have been 47 items by NervousNerd (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#38341 Hello

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 01:58 PM in Introductions

Hey to all
As you can guess i`m new, don`t know what to put in here exactly.I like console gaming, rubiks cubing (or trying to ;-) ) astronomy, sometimes i like computers lol till they get irritating hehe.I am currently trying to learn to program, and i generally class myself as a nerd, though i ain`t the most smartest, due to suferring from depression and other mental heallth problems.

But i hope to meet like minded people on here and have a good old decussion, or yer one other thing, i`m a deep thinking, always pondering and thinking.Sometimes a lil to much lol



P.S i called myself nervousnerd because of my anxiety disorder.

#38348 Smoking,depression and mental health problems.Am i the only one?

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 02:04 PM in Everything Else

Hey all
Ok so i don`t want to talk to much about this, but i`m interested to know if there are any other nerds that suffer from depression,and mental health problems,and who smoke (tobacco/cigarettes).
I find it hard to cope with life due to this, i don`t want to smoke but get depressed,and lost,and my mental health symptoms kick in if i don`t,but then i sometimes get fed up when i do.
Anyways would just really like to know,don`t have to be to descriptive if you have mental health problems, i would like to know because i sometimes think how can i be a nerd, when my brain feels unhealthy shell i say, i stuggle with memory,and i get confused.


#38349 How make you your pc fatser?

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 02:11 PM in Hardware

  • Install new memory
  • Stop uneeded/unwanted programs running at the start
  • Run a virus and spyware scan
  • Defrag your hard drive
  • Run the computer in classic mode (if it`s windows XP & 7) it reduces the work load for the graphics card.

#38350 Why Do Computers/Consoles Die?

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 02:19 PM in Hardware

This is one thing that has been plageing my mind lately.Why do console/computers die?
I`ve tried to think of a logical answer but i just can not come up with one.
I`m using an old Xbox 360, and it`s not that reliable to put it in short terms.I was playing a game the other day and it deleted my save file, other times it would render a game properly.


#38353 Favorite character, hero, villain, or otherwise.

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 02:25 PM in Video Games

Dr Robotnic from the original sonic mega drive games,can hear the boss music in my head lol.

#38354 An anonymous NASA employee has decorated a panel piece for the International...

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 02:27 PM in Nerd Art

Bit small though.Cool nonetheless

#38356 Why Do Computers/Consoles Die?

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 02:42 PM in Hardware

How come? i mean if it`s so hot for them to burn out why does it take so long?The console/computer is cool enough because of the fans etc.

#38357 Pwnt. This girl has skillz.

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 02:45 PM in Everything Else

Surely it`s illegal to do a hurricanerana?Maybe she was hoping to get scouted for TNA or WWE lol.

#38360 I forget where I found this, but I like it

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 03:07 PM in Everything Else

You must. Give in to your cravings.

That not always a good thing. :angry:

#38362 So um...sports..anyone?

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 03:15 PM in Everything Else

Just pro wrestling for me,(i don`t know why, i just find it hard to not watch it, guess it`s because it`s in my blood you could say, used to eat, sleep and drink pro wrestling as a child)  oh and ten pin bowling, whenever i see it`s on, which is rarely.

#38364 Why Do Computers/Consoles Die?

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 03:35 PM in Hardware

Let me see if i`ve got this, it`s because the computer/console gets overheated/doesn`t have enough ventilation, that courses the component knackering?
Not overtime usage?

#38365 Hello

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 03:36 PM in Introductions

Thank you both.It`s nice to be here.

#38388 Smoking,depression and mental health problems.Am i the only one?

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 06:09 PM in Everything Else

Thank you both.My illness like yours Wolf is a debilitating one, mine ain`t the same as yours, but it does fuck up your/my life.
I`ve attempting suicide atleast 5 times,(got a scar on my wrist and scars on my arms) to people without mental illnesses it`s selfish,but only when you are trapped in your mind that`s hell,and it feels like there`s no way out does it seem normal, and people can`t say shit unless they`ve been through it.
I`m trying my best to get on the mend.
I just try to be grateful for my life,and think myself lucky for what i have got, there`s always someone worse off.
FYI (always sounds rude lol) i smoke the additive free tobacco, though tbh i don`t like the habit, as now i`ve realised through some experimention lol(can hear a voice in my head saying "what a nerd" in a chuckling voice) that it`s exsasibating(spelt wrong i think) my problems.
Take care.

#38402 Smoking,depression and mental health problems.Am i the only one?

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 06:41 PM in Everything Else

Thanks again, that`s part of my problem i keep thinking about the animals in fur farms, being skinned alive and cramped in cages and such, it`s really hard to deal with.
You think your morbid, you haven`t met me lol :rolleyes:

#38404 Hello

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 06:46 PM in Introductions

You're more than welcome, you'll love it here. :)

Already starting to. :lol: :wub: :lol:

#38406 Favorite character, hero, villain, or otherwise.

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 06:48 PM in Video Games

I`ve kinda liked the look of bowser.He looks pretty badass.

#38407 Anyone else...

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 06:50 PM in Everything Else

I generally press the cancel/done button, a minute or so before it pops up.But yes it does make me jump,when leave i to finish,makes me chuckle though. :unsure:

#38409 Booty shaking.

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 06:55 PM in Everything Else

This is the most random thread i`ve ever read.Congrats B)

#38424 Anyone else...

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 07:55 PM in Everything Else

Any sudden noise will scare me, even if I'm half expecting it. Even sudden movement in some cases

I remember once I stuck a sticky note on the shelf above my desk to remind me of something, and one day while I was doing homework the stickyness wore off and the note fell right in front of my face. I almost fell off my chair.

And nothing's scarier than having a poster suddenly fall off your wall in the middle of the night and falling on top of you, especially when it's this poster: http://www.elite-vie...ion-Posters.jpg

Happened to me once, i nearly sh** me self lol.

#38428 Hello

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 08:10 PM in Introductions

Haha, when i tell people i like astronomy, they think it`s astrology lol.So annoying.

#38429 Booty shaking.

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 08:14 PM in Everything Else

You'll want strength in the quads, glutes, and hamstrings.

And have a booty worth shakin, twerkin, or droppin.

So better start stocking up on those pizzas lmao.

#38441 Hello

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 08:44 PM in Introductions

Slang is the new english ;)
Kind of a riddle lol.Because in Shakespearean times English was thee, thy and all that, then it`s me, you, now it`s i,and u lol.Oh and i forgot, one (the saying not one word). :D  "One would like a cup of tea one would"."Two, make one a cup of tea lol"

#38443 Favorite character, hero, villain, or otherwise.

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 08:47 PM in Video Games

I never have got hold of the sonic comics.

#38446 Hello

Posted by NervousNerd on 20 January 2013 - 08:49 PM in Introductions

yup i agree.When i use it, it messes up my grammar/spelling.

#38502 Hello all.

Posted by NervousNerd on 21 January 2013 - 11:37 AM in Introductions

Welcome Ashems.
I`m new myself but already i like it here,and i`ve already learnt some stuff, so i`m sure you`ll like it here to.