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There have been 98 items by DaRatmastah (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#58016 Forum Noob

Posted by DaRatmastah on 29 November 2013 - 08:37 PM in Introductions

Nice to meet you Wednesday, I'm Thursday.  Stop by Friday or Saturday, we can split a Sunday.

#58048 The Manliest Protein Shake

Posted by DaRatmastah on 30 November 2013 - 08:35 PM in Everything Else


#58115 Played Guitar Hero for the first time today

Posted by DaRatmastah on 01 December 2013 - 08:16 PM in Video Games

Welcome to 2009.

#58257 All hail Ciley Myrus, queen of the damned, empress of darkness!

Posted by DaRatmastah on 04 December 2013 - 10:58 AM in Everything Else


Literally Satan.

#58268 The Manliest Protein Shake

Posted by DaRatmastah on 04 December 2013 - 09:25 PM in Everything Else

This thread emasculates me.


I'm gonna go punch a wall or something.

Nah, you're more manly just for being present here.  After you punch that wall, go wrestle a bear and rebuild an engine.  GO!

#58270 Pretend to be a hacker

Posted by DaRatmastah on 04 December 2013 - 09:26 PM in Everything Else

I want to make a movie just to justify using this now.  O_O

#58289 The Manliest Protein Shake

Posted by DaRatmastah on 05 December 2013 - 08:46 AM in Everything Else

But but but, I'm not a manly man. I don't know how to start!


I assume it's mostly comprised of smelling funky, making noises like, 'phwoar' and 'hrrrrgh' and talking about ladies parts an awful lot?

You're on the right track!  Go eat some bacon and consult with your toolbox, then return with what you've learned!

#58290 All hail Ciley Myrus, queen of the damned, empress of darkness!

Posted by DaRatmastah on 05 December 2013 - 08:47 AM in Everything Else

You get a gold star if you can watch it all the way through!

#58336 Best Advice You've Ever Received

Posted by DaRatmastah on 05 December 2013 - 10:12 PM in Everything Else

As a child of the modern era, one of the more relevant things I ever heard was...


"The first five years after college are going to suck.  Be prepared for it, short of getting incredibly lucky, there's nothing you can really do about it.  Just ride it out, and realize happier times are coming."


In the middle of my fourth year after graduating now and I'm beginning to see how amazingly, freakishly right that statement is.  Not just for me, but for everyone I know around my age that went to college, too.

#58859 I want a cloak

Posted by DaRatmastah on 10 December 2013 - 10:06 PM in Everything Else

Capes and cloaks make everything better.


I was walking around the house with a blanket tied around my shoulders as a cape.  My five year old son asked me why I was wearing it.  I said, "Because I'm a superhero."  He grinned with an "I knew it!" expression on his face, and ran off.  It was awesome.

#58858 I want a cloak

Posted by DaRatmastah on 10 December 2013 - 10:07 PM in Everything Else

Capes and cloaks make everything better.


I was walking around the house with a blanket tied around my shoulders as a cape.  My five year old son asked me why I was wearing it.  I said, "Because I'm a superhero."  He grinned with an "I knew it!" expression on his face, and ran off.  It was awesome.


Edit:  Whoops, double post >_>  Forum's wonky tonight.

#59204 So I dont know where to post this..

Posted by DaRatmastah on 13 December 2013 - 04:44 PM in Everything Else

I would play with it all day long O_O


It's like a giant pimple you can't pop!

#59494 Force fields replacing windshield wipers soon?

Posted by DaRatmastah on 16 December 2013 - 10:05 PM in Everything Else



If they get this to work I'm sure everyone's gonna be licensing the product in no time.


Posted by DaRatmastah on 17 December 2013 - 10:07 PM in Everything Else

Potoo bird

We're done here.  Answer chosen.

#59628 Force fields replacing windshield wipers soon?

Posted by DaRatmastah on 17 December 2013 - 10:10 PM in Everything Else

wonder what the threshold will be for repelling debris.  I would imagine a human being wouldn't be deflected by sound waves.  So what about mud, dirt clumps, leaves, etc.

That's what I was wondering, too.  Still, interesting!

#60073 I Feel Like Talking About Trans Stuff

Posted by DaRatmastah on 24 December 2013 - 10:39 AM in Everything Else

Dude, I just gotta say, as a completely for-gender/gay/whatever-rights person, the most annoying fucking thing about all this nonsense is the labels.


Like, I know I come off as intolerant sometimes just because I don't know the right labels/pronouns to use with people.  I'm like, "Dude/dudette/whatever, I totally support your right to dress however you want and fuck (or not fuck) whatever you want, but I will probably refer to you with the wrong term/name/pronoun sometimes so don't get pissy with me."


Like, I've heard trans, genderqueer, queer, gay/lesbian/bisexual(at least those are usually easy), asexual, androgynous, shemale, heshe, 'undeclared,' metro, beta, alpha, intersex, transsexual, and dear god so many names/labels.


As I see it, just do what y'all want, it's totally cool, just don't get aggravated if I use the wrong terms, because I don't personally care enough about labels to keep em all straight.

#60094 My new ISP is fantastic.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 24 December 2013 - 02:52 PM in Everything Else





Had a tech out on Friday, he said he replaced the port at the hub, and that our lines were fine, and we shouldn't have any problems.  Fuck you, CenturyLink.  The only reason I'm going with you is because our alternative out here in the boonies gets even worse reviews.

#60096 I Feel Like Talking About Trans Stuff

Posted by DaRatmastah on 24 December 2013 - 02:56 PM in Everything Else

I think one of the biggest problems is that not a lot of people even understand what being transgender is. Which is why you hear so many horror stories like them getting disowned by their families or just in general being made fun of.


DaRatmastah demonstrates this perfectly. I'm sure he knows what being gay/lesbian/bi is but he flat out says that once it starts coming to trans issues he is in the dark. I mean he even throws out insulting terms like shemale and heshe, obviously not on purpose but it just shows how little most people actually learn about the trans community. :/



The astounding thing is, I have a lot of friends and am very connected to the non-hetero community.  Grew up involved in theater, very liberal parents, blah blah blah.  But there's just SO MANY LABELS TO KEEP TRACK OF.


Like, Gol~, just said "pan-sexual."  No offense to you, Gol~, but I honestly have no idea what that means.  Or how it differs from bisexuality (which, just going off the root of pan- I would say is the closest comparison?).  Plus people are like, "Well, there's your sex, and then there's your gender, and then there's your sexual preferences, and then your gender preferences..."


Seriously though, why can't we just love who we want, fuck who we want, and not be concerned with names?  I'm human.  In general, I find myself attracted to humans.  I possess a penis, and I enjoy using it.  I respect your desire to do with your genitalia, hair, and clothing what you will, as long as you're not forcing yourself upon anyone else or children.  Why does anyone else in the world have a problem with that kind of thing?  X__X

#60098 My new ISP is fantastic.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 24 December 2013 - 03:03 PM in Everything Else

A local cable company called ServiceElectric.  Their website got lost somewhere in the early 2000's, and hasn't managed to find its way out, yet.  Their Facebook page is a veritable mire of bad reviews, angry customer, and unexplained outages.


I actually haven't had much issue with CenturyLink up until now, the first two and a half months were pretty good.  Not as fast as my old cable connection in civilization, but still respectable for DSL.  Out of nowhere though, my connection has been crawling and dropping for the past week or so.  Incredibly annoying.  Most of the time it would be faster to set my cell phone up as a wifi hotspot.

#60099 I Feel Like Talking About Trans Stuff

Posted by DaRatmastah on 24 December 2013 - 03:11 PM in Everything Else

Yeah, I'd say that about fits me, then?  I dunno, I've only been with women before, wouldn't be opposed to men/other, though.

#60104 I Feel Like Talking About Trans Stuff

Posted by DaRatmastah on 24 December 2013 - 03:42 PM in Everything Else

The difference is that pansexual includes transgender or any variety of gender, while bisexual usually just includes cis (men born male and women born female.)


It is actually not that complicated, just can be hard to learn at first.


Honestly mostly what you NEED to know is that if they are a transwoman use female pronouns and if they are a transman use male pronouns. The rest is just to help people interested in a relationship understand where the other person stands.

Yeah, I'll try.  It's difficult, though.  Like, we had a person at my house who, basically, looked and dressed like a guy(maybe a gay guy), but a guy.  Pants, men's shirt, men's jacket, short hair, blah blah.  BUUUUT that person then got very offended when I referred to them as a him.  And I was like, What?  She(?) then said, "Don't you know, I'm trans?!"  And I was like...uh...sorry.  Maybe don't dress/talk/act like a dude who also forgot to shave...or at least don't get offended when I call you a he?



#60113 My new ISP is fantastic.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 24 December 2013 - 09:24 PM in Everything Else

Selectively, and with good timing.  Seriously though, these super slow episodes only started happening like a week ago.  Getting on their ass to fix it, it's better now, but it'll probably take a dip again soon.

#60114 I Feel Like Talking About Trans Stuff

Posted by DaRatmastah on 24 December 2013 - 09:25 PM in Everything Else

Oh yeah, once I know their preferred term/moniker it's all good, but up until that point... >_>

#60205 I Feel Like Talking About Trans Stuff

Posted by DaRatmastah on 25 December 2013 - 09:53 PM in Everything Else

Have encountered overly fussy label people in real life, does happen.  I don't blame them, I'm sure they have plenty of shit to put up with living their lifestyles with the assholes in this world, but there are people that get pissy over rather insignificant label things sometimes.

#60411 Watching UFC 168

Posted by DaRatmastah on 29 December 2013 - 08:43 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Poor Anderson... :(  Yay Rowdy Rousey!