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#85857 Free email domain

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 23 January 2015 - 12:12 PM in Software

Bloody hell mate, you need like, $100 for a mail system.

That cheap? Man, some people are cheapskates.

#85856 American Sniper

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 23 January 2015 - 12:07 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

I've never seen such a combination of denial and sensationalist bollocks at the same time, how do you do it, what's your secret?

Sorry if the fact that Americans' oil interests not benefiting from the Iraq War is one you won't accept.


So many better criticisms of the Iraq War than that one, bro.

Lets be honest though. America isn't doing all that well on the whole stopping terrorism thing. You destroyed what little stability Iraq had, murdered thousands upon thousands of Afghani civilians, etc.


Actually, I'm pretty sure the kill count for US friendly fire events is higher than actual terrorists the military has taken down.

I blame the current Administration.

Give it 50 years and the Middle East as we know it simply won't exist. Iran will be there sure, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, but anywhere north of the peninsula up to Turkey just won't exist. If we're lucky we'll get a moderate Muslim independent Kurdistan but that's if we're lucky.

But will Israel?  That's the key question.  Will ISIS and Boko Haram still be kickin' around with their caliphates?

I'm not saying all would be well if America hadn't invaded Iraq but as you said nothing changed for the people there so I really don't understand why the Iraq war was necessary. The only thing that was accomplished is the increased hatred for the western world.

And? That hasn't changed with several of the countries we consider enemies for decades now.  Of course they hate us!


(Obama ran on healing the hatred/unease between our allies, which he's only managed to somehow make worse.  Britain and Israel don't seem to like us much anymore.)

#85855 Hello

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 23 January 2015 - 12:05 PM in Introductions

Also, I know how to say "That's what she said" in German.  Because of course I do.  I was taking German classes when The Office got really popular.

#85831 Free email domain

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 23 January 2015 - 03:44 AM in Software

To be honest, if you're setting up a business but you don't have the cash to use a proper mail system with a personalised email...what are you doing making a company in the first place?

You might be an early tech company who founded itself with a product but needs to secure VC capital first to manufacture and distribute it.

#85830 American Sniper

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 23 January 2015 - 03:33 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

To secure oil, right?

You mean the oil fields we secured and then handed right back to the Iraqis?  Those?


Because that's a lie that just won't die, apparently.


Or did you forget about the Oil for Food scandal that rocked the UN before the Iraq War?

So actually if the American military wasn't there in the first place there would have been no reason to shoot all these people..

Huh?  You mean the Middle East would be a stable haven of democracy without the U.S. intervention?  Sure if you think any of the tyrannical regimes would ever willingly give up power or stop refusing basic liberties to their citizens.  Saddam's rape and torture dungeons would totally be not there anymore if we didn't get rid of him!  His sons were psychopaths.


The Middle East continues to be a ridiculous hellhole of despair.  The Arab Spring didn't do anything long-term.  Yemen's gone to shit just this week.  Syria is a mess.  ISIS is terrible.  Boko Haram is terrorizing Africa by stealing and then marrying off very young girls whilst expanding its territory for an eventual caliphate.  Iran is getting ever closer to the nuke.  Lebanon continues to support Hezbollah.  al Qaeda is not on the run.


Terrorism isn't going away even as we leave.  Do you just expect it to go away once we're not there?  Of course not.  It was there long before we intervened and it will continue to be there long after we leave.  Until they're stopped of course.  But who will stop them, realistically, if America doesn't?  Nobody, really.

#85819 I am now the proud owner of a pawn shop PS3

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 23 January 2015 - 12:52 AM in Video Games

Yes the Last of Us is a must! Also get PS Plus, it gives you a free game each month and most of them are pretty good

I like permanence in my owning of something.  And some games are GB hogs.

#85818 American Sniper

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 23 January 2015 - 12:51 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Part of it is because they do stuff most of us can't or won't do.


I don't know how they do it, but I know why they do it.

#85805 For all you fellas doing computer stuff for a living

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 04:08 PM in Everything Else

Yeah, he said that it would be in our best interest to go nowhere near the act of advancing robotics beyond our own level of consciousness lest we bring about our own destruction. If he is nervous about it, I too would be.



They may not be intelligent as much so as humans, yet.

But you have to remember that biological computers (brains) were amazingly basic compared to what they are now.

They too were once programmed simply to keep existing through the gain of fuel for further existence.

Given enough time and a push in the right direction, computer software might get to where we are, or more.

They can't be creative enough to innovate.  Once they are, though, the robot overlords will enslave us given the opportunity.

#85804 American Sniper

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 04:04 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Actual people died. And they make the film about this guy who gets off by shooting people from far away.


Honestly I haven't seen the film and I really don't care to.

Yes, evil people who were trying to kill members of the American military.


That's what war is.  Or did you forget that?


If you don't care, then why did you see the point to issue an opinion on it in the first place?  This is a discussion after all.  If you leave an opinion, no matter how well-meaning, don't expect everyone to agree with you.  That's not how discussion of art works.


It earned every single Oscar nomination.  Clint deserved one for Best Director, but he already has a few of those so I don't really care about that.


Bradley Cooper was fantastic.  Best dramatic performance he's ever given.

#85800 Who had the best fantasy weapon?

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 03:23 PM in Fantasy

Did I say the Master Sword?



Totally the Master Sword.

#85798 HBD, SSK.

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 03:21 PM in Everything Else

#85796 Massive ocean discovered near Earth's core

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 03:21 PM in SCIENCE!

But, when do we get to drift with our perfect drift partner?


The burning questions, ma'am.  

#85795 So I got a laptop that I can actually do things with

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 02:43 PM in Video Games

Unless you look down.  That's what makes the side view 2-D platformer so much easier to play.


The plot of Mirror's Edge isn't exactly engaging.  Having a massively oppressive authoritarian government ban information isn't exactly a novel concept.  Because the people always rebel.  Nuanced plots of its variety are better, like Brave New World or Battle Royale.  Because the bad guys win in the end.

#85793 Genres, who needs 'em?

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 02:29 PM in Music

From this:



To this:


#85792 The member photo album.

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 02:26 PM in Everything Else

We need to make a Photoshop "Nerd Forum Family" portrait.

#85791 Genres, who needs 'em?

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 02:23 PM in Music

I like almost every musical genre.  If it's pleasant to listen to, I will.


This is why I believe almost every recording artist has at least one good song.

Seriously, my iPhone shuffle playlist has over 1,500 songs of lovely music.


This spans the gamut from this:



To this:



I wear my weirdness proudly!  Sometimes literally, when I wear my "Weird Al" Yankovic tour T-shirt.


I just realized both of those bands have heavy reliance on C alliteration...  Huh.

#85790 HBD, SSK.

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 02:20 PM in Everything Else

That's right yes, I'm now 73.

Immediately thought of this:


#85788 I got black ops 2 and i feel dirty

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 01:31 PM in Video Games

Not really. My first trip to an arcade was on a date when I was eighteen. I was brought up with the Genesis and picked up FPS gaming in my mid-teens with Timesplitters on PS2. Then came the rise of online gaming, and suddenly Halo, CoD etc.

But...  Yeah, and my first gaming experience was probably the Game Gear.


I'm saying when did you first enjoy a game so much you just couldn't put it down?


Wait, MatPat has one on this as well:


#85786 I got black ops 2 and i feel dirty

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 01:23 PM in Video Games

This. I love CoD, and I usually wind up buying each one. Not on release, but I do own the majority of them now. Really fun shooters with solid online gameplay, and it does a different thing to games like Battlefield and Medal of Honor (which is basically BF3 multiplayer on small maps...)

I think I got it.  If you grew with the arcade scene or even just enjoy arcades, your level of favor with FPS will be higher than the ones raised on the Game Boy and the N64 era of gaming.  In short, if your first major gaming memory is platforming as Mario or opening a chest as Link, you won't like FPS nearly as much...  As the stuff I like...




I think I just cracked the video gaming code.


My first major gaming system that I spent a lot of time with was the Game Boy on handheld and the Nintendo GameCube on console.


The first game I adored with every fiber of my being was Pokémon on handheld and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on console.


Ask yourselves the same exact question and see if that matches up with your continued preferences throughout your gaming life.

#85783 Hello

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 12:54 PM in Introductions

Mein deutsch is nicht ser gut, frau, pero Mi español no es tan malo X3

Immediately thought of this:



My brain sometimes...

#85782 American Sniper

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 12:53 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Yes in my opinion there is a difference between a fictional film or a film based on real events.

Wait, so the good guy in an action flick can be kill people with reckless abandon, but the second the movie is "based on a true story," the main character can't kill the enemy in a theater of war even if that's exactly what he did?


In all honesty, there's a reason we only get lone wolf cop (or buddy) action movies anymore.  Y'all don't want any sense of realism in your violence.  It gets too real for y'all.  I like all flavors in the action genre gumbo.


I watched Dark Angel for the first time a day or two before I saw American Sniper.  Two completely different action films.  Both fantastic.

#85781 So I got a laptop that I can actually do things with

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 12:50 PM in Video Games

im gonna step in and throw mirrors edge into the pile.

I enjoyed the Flash 2-D platformer version of the game more than the original.


First person 3-D platformers have a habit of being harder than they need to be because you can't see your feet.

#85778 I got black ops 2 and i feel dirty

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 12:46 PM in Video Games


You know we need it.  That game is and continues to be the only good one in the series.


On topic, MatPat has a good answer to this:


#85774 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 12:41 PM in Everything Else

#85773 Hello

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 22 January 2015 - 12:38 PM in Introductions

Yes, I have read by Wikipedia that 29% People in Pennsylvenia came from Germany.

Cool beans.