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There have been 23 items by Giandor (Search limited from 21-June 23)

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#63947 For my 10,000th post, I bring you nerdy boobs!

Posted by Giandor on 05 February 2014 - 03:02 PM in Everything Else

Yeahhhh Nerd-Porn!!!!  :D

Oh no...whats happening? My eyes! I cant see! Oh well, at least i can say that the last thing my eyes gazed on were boobs, boobs and more boobs! Long live middle earth! hehehehe  ;)


Posted by Giandor on 31 January 2014 - 12:50 PM in Suggestions

Holy crap how i wish i could play. Is the serve still up? I can't play anyway due to a crashed graphic disk  :angry:

#63668 The names Giandor, Awesome Giandor!

Posted by Giandor on 31 January 2014 - 12:20 PM in Introductions

Wow i just realized that maybe i should have given an introduction, about 6 months ago..oh well, i can do it now  :D

My username is Giandor, aka Spartan Typhoon, aka Giandor96, aka Gianni Henson  :P  

I live in Italy, but born English. Bilingual, slowly forgetting English so forced to join forums like these  ;)  just joking, i come here because i can chat about interesting things. Anyway...i like Star Wars, Star Trek, Star Gate an generally things with stars in 'em. I would like to become an astrophysicist, so i have limited time a day to spend on internet. I have a dog, but love cats, and would want a tortoise. If i can think of anything else i will add  :D

#63666 Pen-Friends

Posted by Giandor on 31 January 2014 - 11:54 AM in Everything Else

Yep i know but writing serious things to serious people is a bit different. Where style and format go a bit loop-sided so it's not the same business. My suggestion was a shot in the dark that nobody wanted to pickup, it's ok, i'll search on some fb group or forum specialized in international pen-friending  :P

#63665 I feel like I don't belong on here...

Posted by Giandor on 31 January 2014 - 10:45 AM in Everything Else

Just have a look at my thread about pen-friends and you will see what i mean mr.bookfloss  ;)

Bu anyway...i think everyone can feel unwanted on here, because transmitting affection and warmth through words is not an easy task, let alone to people you don't know. I say just give it a try on here, and if anything bad happens, say "oh well, screw them, they don't know me and i don't know them enough to care"  B)  

But anyway, please to meet you HelloNerdySam, i hope we will get along, and i hope you will find friends here  :D

#63658 I feel like I don't belong on here...

Posted by Giandor on 31 January 2014 - 09:16 AM in Everything Else

And don't feel offended if someone, or everyone answers your topic with a comment completely off-subject and slightly porn, it happens here iv'e noticed...quite a lot :<_<:  

#63657 Pen-Friends

Posted by Giandor on 31 January 2014 - 09:11 AM in Everything Else

Yep. Thoughts randomly let lose... boooh  :<_<:

#63649 Pen-Friends

Posted by Giandor on 31 January 2014 - 07:58 AM in Everything Else

WTF?  :o I was serious, i live in Italy and i'm slowly forgetting my English...i need to talk/wright in English..

Who was it who said in another topic that there is more porn on this forum than anything else...He was right...

#63569 Doctor Who 50th Anniversary

Posted by Giandor on 30 January 2014 - 01:52 PM in Sci Fi

I have note seen the Christmas Special yet, but liked the 50th Anniversary, Day of the Doctor...same confusing crap as the other new episodes, but entertaining...apart from that shape-shifting-weird-red alien....creepy... 

ssshhh they could be listening  :ph34r:

#63567 I feel like I don't belong on here...

Posted by Giandor on 30 January 2014 - 01:46 PM in Everything Else

I initially came here looking for ways to find friends with my same interests and stayed because of all the wacky signatures. Some are crazy...like the one in the Star Trek uniform that you can imagine going "pfff" as it animates  :D  hahahaha And random cats here and there...and porn references hahahaha  :P

#63565 Whil Wheaton "what is a nerd"

Posted by Giandor on 30 January 2014 - 01:36 PM in Writing

I researched what occasion he said it at, and it was a convention, to the mother of "Violet" the girl in description. from what iv'e heard,

this Whil is no good, oh well :D  I will believe just the thought behind the words, and not the vocal cords they came from  ;)

#63555 Whil Wheaton "what is a nerd"

Posted by Giandor on 30 January 2014 - 12:04 PM in Writing

Like i said...i stumbled on it by accident...

#63553 Whil Wheaton "what is a nerd"

Posted by Giandor on 30 January 2014 - 11:39 AM in Writing

There's a chance that you guys could have covered this, but i think its nice to take a look. Bear in min that i:

1)  don't know who Whil Wheaton is;

2)  know he's related to Star Trek;

3)  Seen him in TBBT;

But i stumbled upon this article:


(copy and paste in the url bar, or just search Whil Wheaton ^).

Reading it, my eyes just opened, and i thought it would be nice to hear what you guys think of it. I think that what he said was totally true, and that it should be put in a frame and hung up somewhere. Check out his article and comment :D  

#63552 Hiding under blankets with a laptop

Posted by Giandor on 30 January 2014 - 11:29 AM in Everything Else

I'm in Italy, where there is a difference in temperature summer-winter of about 40°...at the moment snow/rain/thunder/snow are the main course...with a bit of mist as an appetizer :( .

#63550 Pen-Friends

Posted by Giandor on 30 January 2014 - 11:25 AM in Everything Else

Hello! I don't know about you guys, but iv'e been looking for some time now to find a pen-friend (email, not pen and paper style). I miss the old pen and paper days, and lets face it, its a nice feeling when someone sends you a personal message. I would like to find a pen-friend, so if anyone fancy's trying to install a email-exchanging-relationship then leave me a pvt message (<== don't know how to describe it).

And who knows, perhaps some of you are searching for a pen-friend, so this topic could become a "pen-friend-zone" for anyone interested  :D

#63454 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by Giandor on 29 January 2014 - 02:29 PM in Everything Else

What am i listening to? At the moment a podcast on neural-science, but normally i love drifting between thoughts on the notes of Amy Lee, lead singer of Evanescence. Her voice is so beautiful. And when i feel more alive and need a boost, i pump the volume up to the max and hit Two Steps From Hell! :D  Awesome! Skin-gasms all the way!  

#63451 Are Mummy's and Vampires Zombies?

Posted by Giandor on 29 January 2014 - 02:22 PM in Fantasy

Has anyone thought about the fact that mummy's are only zombie's without the power to transform other beings into fellow un-dead? And that vampires are zombies but not dead? What do you guys think about this? If you consider the main characteristics of zombies (dead and contagious) and compare them with mummy's (dead but not contagious) and vampires (not dead and contagious), they have basically the same "powers". What do you guys think about vampires/zombies/mummy's being alike?


#63450 which of the the big three is your favorite

Posted by Giandor on 29 January 2014 - 01:55 PM in Anime

Out of the three i prefer Naruto, not that i follow it particularly. One Piece has all these wacky characters that look a lot like clowns, making it a kinda not serious story. And the fact that it is like 700 chapters long puts of every new-comer to the story. Naruto on the other hand is a lot more serious, with more believable characters and story line (with a dash of romance wanted by the fans). The third one proposed in the question is Bleach...that i'm not familiar with. (I will go do some research). Anyway...i'm for Naruto. Naruhina fan 100%  :D  

#44731 Encouragement/Advice/Appreciation thread

Posted by Giandor on 05 March 2013 - 08:08 AM in Everything Else

hahahaha ok i'll go and check out your business :) yes, there are no rules on how we dress, so i'll give a go on wearing some of my film-related t-shirts or something like that, it may give some results. And i'll also go on a club hunt, and like Akira suggested, i'll start from chess and computer related groups. Thank's a lot for your help :)

#44699 Encouragement/Advice/Appreciation thread

Posted by Giandor on 04 March 2013 - 02:51 PM in Everything Else

yeah, for stalking. Not a bad idea.... but i was looking for someway of finding someone who goes to my same school. But realy i dont want to have to shout out in the hall "i'm a nerd!", if you get what i mean hahahaha. Thank's for reponding anyway :)

#44646 Encouragement/Advice/Appreciation thread

Posted by Giandor on 04 March 2013 - 09:52 AM in Everything Else

As you like giving advice i would like to ask you something. I am English, but i live in Italy with my family, for sometime now. But i havn't found anyone, and i mean ANYONE who enjoys the samething's as me. I mean, you know... "nerdy" thing's. Any advice on how to find friend's with my interest. PS: dont say it's because i can't speak italian, because i can.

#44636 Star Trek or Star Wars?

Posted by Giandor on 04 March 2013 - 09:08 AM in Sci Fi

There no debating: 100% StarWars. Yes... i know that Star Trek is THE classic of the sci-fi world, but it's become dated. StarWars not only is more modern, but it's still evolving now, while good old Star Trek is just rusting. Maybe my opinion is a bit one-sided, but i am a full out StarWars fan and love everthing in its universe. I'm not saying Star Trek is bad, but i just think it can't hold it's own (anymore) aginst modern generation sci-fi.

#44631 What is the moral/ethical line that science should not cross?

Posted by Giandor on 04 March 2013 - 08:53 AM in SCIENCE!

No one is ever going to stop the evolution of science: it has always been this way and this way it will remain. And so saying, no one is ever going to be able to stop people from doing what THEY think is right. Its happend in past and it's still happening now. But who said's that just because we have the technology to do something, we need to do it at all cost's? I agree with using such technologies to make someone's life "normal", but (again) who said's enhancing has got to be a bad thing? Science is wonderful, it's the people who use that are evil.