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There have been 42 items by Epic?OhYes (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#57401 Winter Is Coming

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 14 November 2013 - 02:54 PM in Everything Else

It snowed yesterday and I loved it, it looks pretty any everything. I love winter, it is my favorite season.

#69815 What's your dream job?

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 01 May 2014 - 07:22 PM in Everything Else

I would like to be a language instructor for a government agency or maybe work as an agent in a branch.


Posted by Epic?OhYes on 13 December 2013 - 10:23 PM in Music

I'm a diamond - SNSD v.v 

#63996 Very proud of myself. haha ( College)

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 05 February 2014 - 09:08 PM in Everything Else

I finally narrowed it down to the college I want to go to and the majors I want to do. Most of you guys are already been through college, so what things should I expect and be wary of? I have a year until I graduate so I should start mentally prepping myself. lol

#68282 The member photo album.

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 06 April 2014 - 02:27 AM in Everything Else

Wait, you're a chick????


And here I always thought you we're a male llama. 


Yes I am of the female species.

And Epic- You're adorable!

THANK YOU! *bows* I try.

#68123 The member photo album.

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 04 April 2014 - 02:51 AM in Everything Else

here and here

 My images uploaded really big, so I link. 

#57753 The last one to post wins!

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 25 November 2013 - 07:37 PM in Everything Else

Does anyone else see the party hats or am I late on this?

#68130 That's it.

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 04 April 2014 - 07:05 AM in Everything Else

It finally warmed up here, we just got our first week of no snow and high temperatures.

#80274 Taekwondo vs Muay Thai

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 25 September 2014 - 12:42 AM in Everything Else

I am a martial artist also. I have a second dan black belt in TKD, but I also now just do Kung fu so I haven't really done TKD in 3 years. I am super biased for Kung fu over both these styles. lol It's just these are such hard (Styles that mainly focus on strength and power) , and Kung fu over all, even though there are many different styles in Kung fu alone, is very soft. It was a good fight, but it wasn't pleasing to me. 

#56080 T-shirt Design help!

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 09 October 2013 - 10:33 PM in Everything Else

lol Thank you!

#55902 T-shirt Design help!

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 03 October 2013 - 08:31 PM in Everything Else

(Image removed by moi)






^ This is going to be the design, I meant to put " Le Club Francais" not " Francois" lol

On the back it is going to say, " Qu'il mangent de la brioche"  Thanks everyone for the ideas.

#55862 T-shirt Design help!

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 02 October 2013 - 08:32 PM in Everything Else

For French Club we are making sweatshirts/tshirts for the club.. I need ideas. I was thinking on the back that it says

"Team France" but I honestly don't know what else.. haha. ;~; 

#63422 So, Snow Is Awesome

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 28 January 2014 - 09:31 PM in Everything Else

I love snow, but it has been way to cold where I live. Today it was negative something, but with the wind chill it was -30.... 

#62731 ponponpon anyone?

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 16 January 2014 - 05:44 PM in Everything Else

This song is just so cutesy.


I can only take so much Kyary Pamyu Pamyu though. It's like rich chocolate, just a bit is great but too much and you feel a bit sick!

This is exactly my feeling on it. 

#55634 OPEN MINDED, SERIOUS people to make time machine

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 26 September 2013 - 07:45 PM in Everything Else

I don't know why, but I found that really cute... 

#62171 Naming my Cat

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 13 January 2014 - 01:09 PM in Everything Else

I like Navi for the cat. lol

#61512 My dog is a dick

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 06 January 2014 - 11:37 AM in Everything Else

Black labrador, possibly mentally retarded >.>

I have a Yellow Lab and he is the same with the leash. We had to get him a harness and now whenever we walk him and he can't pull us he barks while walking. I am pretty sure just the whole breed is failing in the mental department. 

#69098 Korean Music?

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 22 April 2014 - 08:05 PM in Music

I really like CL and G-Dragon. CL belongs to the group 2ne1 while G-Dragon belongs to Big Bang. Girls' Generation, f(x)  and Shinee are also good. Those are some groups to check out. Most people under SM or YG are my favorite groups so look at the list of groups under these 2 companies. Also, YG just debut another group, well duo AKMU, their song 200% is adorable and Melted. 

;D The girl in my siggy is Girls' Generation's Sunny.

#59085 Interesting personality test

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 12 December 2013 - 09:43 PM in Everything Else



I got this. It seems right. It also mentioned me having an apitude in foreign languages which is really correct. I love learning and listening on how speech patterns are different and how other languages work. 

#57273 I need some motivation...

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 11 November 2013 - 02:08 PM in Everything Else

High School.. I can't even deal with it anymore. I know tons of people go through the same thing. I am going to be out of it really soon, 1 more school year after this one.. but I just can't stand it. It's not like I am bullied or anything bad happens there, it is just the most boring place ever. I get straight A grades, and all I do the entire time is sleep in class. My grades are slipping this quarter, but I still have 7 weeks to bring them up. I just can't anymore.. I LOVE to learn and get educated, but I hate school. My mom was going to home school me next year, but what's the point when I only have my last year left.

I just need some motivation to think of. Please help!

#57380 I need some motivation...

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 13 November 2013 - 05:46 PM in Everything Else

Hey thanks guys. Starting next semester I am going to be online schooled. My parents think that is the best thing right now. C:

#61569 I am such a huge fail.

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 06 January 2014 - 09:17 PM in Everything Else

If you find a place in there that will let someone pay via credit card over phone I'd be happy to buy you lunch. I assume Pizza Hut would but I can't find a phone number for them online.

lol Nah! I was fine, I am home now and I think I ate the entire house. I almost got frostbite though! I only had a hoodie on and it is -9 degrees where I live and I was not expecting that lol


It's Texas, any native there will buy you lunch.

Texans are scary though.


But when you hungry the struggle is real!

That's the truth.

#61510 I am such a huge fail.

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 06 January 2014 - 11:35 AM in Everything Else

I don't care how embarrassing it may be, but ask someone for money so you aren't starving yourself. Just pick out the most vulnerable of the pack and jump on them!

I am way to awkward for that... I found a bag of stale almonds in my bag. 


That sucks. >.<


I'm surprised they don't have phone charging stations as well though.

They do have a charge station, but I don't have my phone charger with me right now.I am currently charging my laptop, but I still have 3 and a half hours until I leave. I am charging my laptop at the station though. P:


What airport are you at?


Dallas International Airport.

These are the reasons I never leave my house.

I know, I am a fool for leaving my protected environment. 

#61503 I am such a huge fail.

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 06 January 2014 - 10:56 AM in Everything Else

Right now I am trapped in an airport because of the storms and stuff and I was suppose to be home yesterday. I just got to my second destination and I had to check my carry-on in since there wasn't any room.... I forgot I had my money, glasses, phone charger all in the bag. I asked if I could get it, but it is going to my final destination and is on its way there now. I am starving, I have 4 hours till my next flight, my phone is on 4%.... Luckily I can keep my laptop alive with the charging area next to me.... I almost forgot to take my tickets out of my checked in bag also, but gladly I grabbed them out. Aish, this is so hard out here for a pimp like me, not to mention they keep changing my gate numbers. V.V

#64249 How do you You Define Friend?

Posted by Epic?OhYes on 10 February 2014 - 08:15 PM in Everything Else

Recently I've been pondering the idea of friendship and began to wonder if my definition is maybe to narrow. According to my current definition I have only had 4 friends in my life (excluding girlfriends but including Internet friends) and currently have 0.5 friends.


My definition is as follows: The theoretical friend and I must enjoy each-others company enough to actually seek it out.


What I mean by that is people who I communicate on a regular basis because we happen to be in the same area do not count as friends because the only reason we communicate is because of relative proximity.


That isn't to say that those conversations are of value, just that it doesn't seem to constitute a friendship to me.


Any thoughts?

I feel the same way, I have tons of people I talk to, but out of them all I only consider 3 of them as actual " friends" .