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There have been 11 items by DarkMatter (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#109217 Is Stephen Hawking wrong?

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 12:52 PM in SCIENCE!

Rest in peace Stephen Hawking.
May his Scientific soul continue pressing people's toes with his chair in the Heavens...
And yes, at 14th of March, he died in the United Kingdom at his 76s...

#109216 The Big Bang Never Happened

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 12:50 PM in SCIENCE!


#109215 Harry Potter and all things magical

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 12:48 PM in Fantasy

I am a big Potterhead too, and I love all the series. Unfortunately, very few people at my country like it compared to another like the USA or the UK, but I kinda don't care much, as I still continue being a Harry Potter fan.

#109214 D&D; what's your favorite race and class to play?

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 12:13 PM in Tabletop Games

Self explanatory...

#109213 D&D; what's your favorite race and class to play?

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 12:12 PM in Tabletop Games

Self explanatory...

#109212 Gravity Falls

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 12:11 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

The characters, the story, the episodes, the animation, the hidden messeges. All awesome and epic. It's a shame it has ended, but like the creator, Alex Hirsch, said, it's better it ended like this because some good cartoons got cancelled before the have even ended, or others like the Simpsons, don't end and continue endlessly and loose what made them good in the first place.
Gravity Falls is one of the few examples of good shows that ended well, like Futurama.

Btw, Bill Cipher forever, like the best cartoon villain ever.

#109211 Villains

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 12:03 PM in Fantasy

I am just curious, and I have made my personaly opinion on this topic.
So my question is, from all Sci-fi and Fantasy series,cartoons, movies etc, what do you believe are/is the best Villain(s) of all?

#109210 Favorite mythical creature

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 11:52 AM in Fantasy

Well this is a hard task, but I have my top three that I can't choose one.
I: European Dragons, especially Wyverns. Just epic and fascinating creatures.
II: The Phoenix, beautiful, powerful, fascinating.
III: Basilisks from Harry Potter. Self explanatory.

I would perhaps choose Dragons, but still almost the same good as the others.
I also would say Elfs for sure as #1, but I think they're considered races and not creatures among Dwarfs or Orcs.

#109209 Ultimate Villain Showdown

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 11:44 AM in Sci Fi

It would be epic to observe,

Bill Cipher vs The IT
Dark Seid vs Apocalypse,
Black Adam vs Ernestro
Darth Vader vs Lord Voldemort

#109208 Star Trek or Star Wars?

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 11:38 AM in Sci Fi

Star Wars obviously. The conclusion based on the following facts that I will mention bellow:
I: Star Wars had, and still has better special effects than Star Trek. Star Wars from the 1975 had awesome special effects for it's time. Star Trek on the other hand had awful special effects at it's old years, especially Star Trek 1 and the TV series. So Star Trek's effects are overshadowed by Star Wars now and before.
II: The characters. Anyhow you look at it, Star Wars has epic characters like Admiral Akbar, Luke, Yoda, Obi One Kenobi and of course Darth Veider. On the other hand Star Trek has Picard, Captain Kirk etc. They are good of course, but once compared, Star Wars is the victor.
III: Lightsabers.
IV: The backstory and main Lore of Star Wars is jist epic, and Star Wars has obviously more action and drama into it.
V: The series themselves. Star Wars has the movies, TV series, videogames, online games, animated series, comics snd books. All of them are perfect and epic, mostly at least, because admit it, it has a few shity ones, same and Trek. But Star Wars is victorious at this category too, compared to Star Trek. Heck, even Disney aka the movie Behemoth bought Lucasfilms and Star Wars.
So, from my point of view, even if Star Trek is very good and genius series, Star Wars comes on top, with its features and the series itself

#109207 Star Trek or Star Wars?

Posted by DarkMatter on 17 March 2018 - 11:37 AM in Sci Fi

Star Wars obviously. The conclusion based on the following facts that I will mention bellow:
I: Star Wars had, and still has better special effects than Star Trek. Star Wars from the 1975 had awesome special effects for it's time. Star Trek on the other hand had awful special effects at it's old years, especially Star Trek 1 and the TV series. So Star Trek's effects are overshadowed by Star Wars now and before.
II: The characters. Anyhow you look at it, Star Wars has epic characters like Admiral Akbar, Luke, Yoda, Obi One Kenobi and of course Darth Veider. On the other hand Star Trek has Picard, Captain Kirk etc. They are good of course, but once compared, Star Wars is the victor.
III: Lightsabers.
IV: The backstory and main Lore of Star Wars is jist epic, and Star Wars has obviously more action and drama into it.
V: The series themselves. Star Wars has the movies, TV series, videogames, online games, animated series, comics snd books. All of them are perfect and epic, mostly at least, because admit it, it has a few shity ones, same and Trek. But Star Wars is victorious at this category too, compared to Star Trek. Heck, even Disney aka the movie Behemoth bought Lucasfilms and Star Wars.
So, from my point of view, even if Star Trek is very good and genius series, Star Wars comes on top, with its features and the series itself.