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There have been 107 items by Cotton Candy Hot Tub (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#109448 Kicked Out By A Jackass

Posted by Cotton Candy Hot Tub on 28 May 2018 - 05:40 PM in Everything Else

Has anyone here ever been kicked out of a club, bar, store, etc. for a dumb reason or for no reason at all? I want to make sure I'm not the only person who had this happen.



I was feeling very depressed one night and I needed to drown my sorrows in alcohol. I went to a nightclub and I noticed two chairs next to a bar. They were on the side of the bar and not at the front. I went around a black rope that didn't go all the way around the narrow passage. The bartender yelled "No sir!" three times and I finally noticed he was talking to me. I retreated and he yelled "Why the fuck would you cross a rope?!" I simply said I was sorry and he ignored me, then he flirted with a girl who walked up to the front of the bar. I went in the restroom to cry, then when I came out one of the security guards told me I had to leave.



I was in there for less than three minutes. Now I'm so depressed that I don't want to go to any other bars or nightclubs for at least another year or two.

#109181 So.. I cut the cable today...

Posted by Cotton Candy Hot Tub on 02 March 2018 - 10:11 PM in Everything Else

I just watch stuff on my phone for the most part. The news depresses me and most of the newer tv shows don't even make any sense. I watch DVDs of old movies and tv shows instead.

#109160 Who writes?

Posted by Cotton Candy Hot Tub on 18 February 2018 - 12:53 PM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

I write songs, not novels.

#109159 Forever Young?

Posted by Cotton Candy Hot Tub on 18 February 2018 - 12:52 PM in Everything Else

How Old do you have to be before you are no longer considered young? The reason I ask is because I'm turning 25 in a few months and still haven't settled down.

#109133 How would you feel if Bioware made a character like this?

Posted by Cotton Candy Hot Tub on 08 February 2018 - 10:41 PM in Everything Else

Nothing would change. There are already plenty of video games with females in the leading role.

1 Beyond Good and evil (2003)
2 Primal (2007)
3 Portal 2 (2011)
4 Lollipop Chainsaw (2012)
5 Life is Strange (2015)

Just to name a few.

#109080 I need a cheap hobby

Posted by Cotton Candy Hot Tub on 27 January 2018 - 10:59 PM in Everything Else

Just started metal detecting. Haven't found anything other than the stuff I put there myself.

#109034 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by Cotton Candy Hot Tub on 08 January 2018 - 05:14 PM in Everything Else

I like catchy guitar riffs and heavy, but short solos. I hate growling, but screaming is ok as long as it is not throughout the entire song. Does anyone have any similar band suggestions?

We are the champions by Queen

That song is a little slow for me, but for some reason it always reminds me of high school. I would much prefer a different Queen song. My two favorites are "Stone cold crazy" and "Tie your mother down."