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#36761 Star Wars Petition

Posted by mightydamsels on 10 January 2013 - 10:01 PM in Everything Else

How am I supposed to get behind the idea that women are downtrodden when things like this happen all the time and then next week I have to listen to someone on the news complaining that women have it so terrible.

In North America women do life a pretty awesome life compared to millions of women who live in war torn countries where rape is used as a weapon.
However, I must remind you that reproductive rights such as birth control and abortion are still under debate, an issue that men should contribute their opinion but not be leading the decision making.

http://www.yourdailymedia.com/post/steubenville-covers-for-its-high-school-football-stars-rapists/  This also happens, along with countless occurences of sexual assault both major and minor. Ask most women, and they will tell you that they are always cautious when walking home at night in the dark.

On a seemingly not so serious matter, sex toys, mostly used by women, have only recently (as in two years ago) been deemed legal in a few states. This may not be an out right cry in the "war against women", but as women are the typical users of this product, I would say that there is an underlying issue with women having pleasure.

I also don't condone what was done to Matthew McConaughey. I understand that if certain roles were reversed in such situations, it would be far from funny.

#36629 Star Wars Petition

Posted by mightydamsels on 10 January 2013 - 10:43 AM in Everything Else

Sir, you are a Feminist.

I have been trying to tell these guys this since I joined this forum in July.

Also, Diabolical_Jazz, I think I love you

. Cabinet members are basically the same as the US Congress. If someone is a part of that, it is because they are highly skilled, respected, and capable of the job.

Erm. I may be a silly Canadian, but from what I can tell, if you have a lot of money and a good southern name or belong to the good ol' boy club, you can basically be apart of congress.
I think the reason why there are hardly any women in most political realms (including Canada) is because politics isn't usually an option for women when deciding their career paths. Look at Hillary Clinton. She's depicted as an ice Queen all because she's really good at her job and not the Sarah Palin type. Hopefully this will change in the next few generations.

#36526 Star Wars Petition

Posted by mightydamsels on 09 January 2013 - 03:14 PM in Everything Else

I don't think I'm bat shit crazy...and neither are my friends.....

#36465 Star Wars Petition

Posted by mightydamsels on 08 January 2013 - 08:40 PM in Everything Else


#36464 Star Wars Petition

Posted by mightydamsels on 08 January 2013 - 08:39 PM in Everything Else

I love all of the discussion that has been happening in my absence! Bravo!

Firstly, I would like to say that I consider myself a humanist, but as this word is not yet the norm, I use the term feminist.
Equality in the media has not yet occurred which is evident in the fact that I feel the need to throw a parade whenever there is an important female character in a movie or television show, when if it were an even playing field, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Feminism is not the dirty word people think it is. I have said before on this forum that everyone, excluding rapists, extreme conservatives and frat boys (*see: rapists), are feminists. Of course, like anything, the radicals have ruined it for the rest of us.

Like I said, I don't think that this petition will work. But, it did get you guys talking which I think is just as important.

Finally, I excluded the novels in my little rant about lack of female characters because the majority of people are fans of the movie but have yet to delve into the vast array of reading material.

#36081 Star Wars Petition

Posted by mightydamsels on 06 January 2013 - 07:46 PM in Everything Else

I certainly agree that Leia is absolutely top notch and out shines many of the other characters in many ways. However, she is ONE female character out of how many men? I am sure there are plenty of great female characters in the novels, but I am strictly speaking about the old trilogy (not that garbage that came out a few years ago..).
To be honest, I don't really think that my little petition will do anything. The same goes for my blog (there is always hope though!). But, I love to start discussions regarding women in entertainment because there are so many different views, good and bad.
I am not one of those radical feminists that think all men should perish and leave women alone. I actually think that there needs to be a revamp of the way men are portrayed as well (you all can't be macho, blood thirsty heroes..).
My point is is that women are shown as second rate, the girlfriend or love interest and rarely get to star in a movie where her chest isn't heaving or sweaty. So this is why I do it.
So, agree to disagree I guess. But all comments are welcome.

#36017 Star Wars Petition

Posted by mightydamsels on 06 January 2013 - 11:46 AM in Everything Else

I think its important because not only will little girls see that women can play the lead character, but little boys will as well. Men are quite often left out of the equation when it comes to women's rights but it is crucial to have them on board as well. Star Wars is marketed for males, which is fine, but they need to broaden their horizons a bit. I am not asking to have pink Star Wars lunch boxes or glitter strewn about the set, but because Star Wars has such a large following, it would be an excellent starting point for the road to equality in entertainment.
And, I totally appreciate your comment, I don't think it is rude to ask a legitimate question.

#36004 Star Wars Petition

Posted by mightydamsels on 06 January 2013 - 10:58 AM in Everything Else

Hey everybody! It's been like, ten years since I've been on this forum!
As per my feminist ways, I have started a petition to the creators/writers/director (s) to make the main character of the new Star Wars franchise female. I have posted this on Reddit and have received both positive and negative views ("Its Star Wars not kitchen wars", "Don't ruin Star Wars!" Etc.). But I am hoping that even if you guys don't sign it, that it will as least spark an excellent discussion about the need for more women in lead roles in movies like this.


Thanks for reading, thanks if you sign and thanks if you leave a comment, good or bad.

Happy New Year everybody!!

#23615 What shows are you currently watching/following?

Posted by mightydamsels on 27 September 2012 - 07:03 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Being Human UK!!!!!! Just got turned on to this show, and it is amazing!! I saw a trailer for the US version and actually gagged.
Why must America make their own versions of UK shows!!! The only series I condone is the US version of Queer as Folk...
But anywhooo, people, watch Being Human, and prepare to die of laughter

#23332 Terra Nova

Posted by mightydamsels on 25 September 2012 - 07:27 PM in Sci Fi

Anybody seen it? Anyone else cry when they found out it was canceled?
Bad acting aside, its a pretty awesome show and a really neat concept

#23331 Halloween Costumes.....

Posted by mightydamsels on 25 September 2012 - 07:26 PM in Everything Else

I've been MIA for a while, as per life...but I recently posted on my blog about Halloween costumes for women, and how the only options we have are Sexy, Skimpy and "Slutty".
Don't even get me started on Superhero costumes: Iron Woman, Female Captain America/Thor, Supergirl...they are all female versions of male characters (and all consist of tiny skirts and skimpy tops)
Thoughts on the matter?
What are peoples best and worst costumes?
And, what are you planning on dressing up as this year?

#23330 Song of Ice and Fire- show/book

Posted by mightydamsels on 25 September 2012 - 07:22 PM in Fantasy

Bro, that was way cool

#19229 Women in nerd genres

Posted by mightydamsels on 30 August 2012 - 04:08 PM in Everything Else

Don't make me whip my burned bra at you......

#19181 Probably the second worst feeling on the planet.

Posted by mightydamsels on 30 August 2012 - 09:23 AM in Everything Else

I was just trying to make you laugh...and then it kind of got off track......haha

#19180 Women in nerd genres

Posted by mightydamsels on 30 August 2012 - 09:22 AM in Everything Else

Yeah, I was going to post something but I got lazy. I will come up with a fancy new thread COMING SOON

#19141 Probably the second worst feeling on the planet.

Posted by mightydamsels on 29 August 2012 - 07:46 PM in Everything Else

*cue cheesy porn music

#19140 The president's on Reddit

Posted by mightydamsels on 29 August 2012 - 07:45 PM in Everything Else

Stephen Harper wore dad jeans to the Calgary Stampede....he's also just an awkward white guy who hates the environment

#19136 Probably the second worst feeling on the planet.

Posted by mightydamsels on 29 August 2012 - 06:28 PM in Everything Else

You shouldn't be embarrassed by things you do in front of your parents. Remember, they changed your shitty diaper for years and were probably watching when you were making your Barbies kiss each other...even though they were supposed to be sisters......was that just me?......awkward....

#19135 The president's on Reddit

Posted by mightydamsels on 29 August 2012 - 06:23 PM in Everything Else

Bahahahaha, that's a good one.....

#19131 Sailor Moon Returns!

Posted by mightydamsels on 29 August 2012 - 06:05 PM in Anime

Think of the possibilities if somehow, in some alternate, parallel universe, Hayao Miyazaki did the remake of Sailor Moon................................

#19130 Women in nerd genres

Posted by mightydamsels on 29 August 2012 - 06:03 PM in Everything Else

Shameless posting to improve the standing of this thread part 2.........

#19128 The president's on Reddit

Posted by mightydamsels on 29 August 2012 - 06:00 PM in Everything Else

You guys have a way cooler head of state....

#17032 On the subject of countries, a bit of information

Posted by mightydamsels on 08 August 2012 - 06:28 PM in Everything Else

I think there are only aboot three Canadians on here (or that identify as such,) so erm, your welcome (62% new visits..)

#17031 Women in nerd genres

Posted by mightydamsels on 08 August 2012 - 06:20 PM in Everything Else

I think Catwoman is important because as much as she is a sex symbol, she's pretty bad ass.
My goal is not to try and cover up all cleavage or make women feel mediocre. I think all women are sexy in all sorts of ways, not just by showing off their tits.
Everyone wants to be sexy and see "sexy" people, but they shouldn't be defined by it.........enough ranting for today...

#16950 When Bored:

Posted by mightydamsels on 08 August 2012 - 03:10 PM in Everything Else

Lost, Friends, Dexter, Supernatural, Sex and the City and Breaking Bad are all shit to me,

Oh no you di'nt!!!