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#99930 Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 03 May 2016 - 12:47 PM in Sci Fi

I didn't really even care about this movie, until now.

I'm a little ashamed to admit I'm really looking forward to this.


#98148 11 Things Atheists Can't Do

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 02 January 2016 - 03:06 PM in SCIENCE!

So im a Christian and by the chats I've seen from most people on the topic will be disgusted by my view on religion but if your going to criticise me read my opinions first.


-I support same-sex marriage

-I believe its okay for everyone to have different views and beliefs


I hate other Christians who will hate any Gay man or women for who they are. im not mad with religion, I was just brought up as a Christian. I wouldn't shame anybody for being atheist, Muslim,Jewish, ect. and I don't make assumptions on they religion a person is. for example I know not all Muslim's are a part of ISIS and just because im in the same religion as a crazy woman on the internet saying gay marriage is hell. doesn't mean I believe what she is saying. we all bend our opinions of religion okay. I believe the bible saying same sex marriage isn't natural  is wrong, sure, I believe in God but just that, what's wrong in that?


okay, I must confess im not a great Christian, but  hope my sins will be forgiven, i hope none of you attack me. im not a preacher, im not coming onto this website to say "YOU ALL MUST CONVERT" I believe onl really bad people would go to hell. like Hitler, Isis. people like that. I dong judge people on their religion. i judge hem on personality

#97295 Favorite Doctor Who Quotes?

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 24 November 2015 - 02:22 PM in Sci Fi

"people assume time is a progression of cause to effect, although if you look at it in a non linear, non-subjective view point. its more like a big ball of wibbley wobbely timey wimey stuff."

#97242 Time-Traveler Pedophilia

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 21 November 2015 - 04:08 PM in Sci Fi

now, people assume the Time is Cause to effect, though if you look at it froma non-liner non-subjective view point its more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey.... Stuff.


-I did not need to copy and paste that.

#97153 Nerd Forum Minecraft Server

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 17 November 2015 - 01:57 PM in Video Games


#97152 Back To The Future 2, Biff Lodgic

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 17 November 2015 - 01:50 PM in Sci Fi

He returns to his normal future without realisation because:

He's dumb and hasn't realised that the actions Marty make by stealing back the Almanac rights the future (his present).


Time travel, while I scientifically love the concept... Makes me a little irked in movies and series, because it makes all of your actions seem so fucking deterministic (usually, some don't). Not to mention that going backwards in time is scientifically impossible unless you're able to move faster than the speed of light (which to our current understanding IS 100% impossible).



This theory already exists, it's a quantum mechanics theory of the multiverse, coined as the many-worlds theory.

Assume you can go back in time... Even a change in observing the state of a particle could create a different reality.

(sorry about my last Post, didn't show up)

Yes, I know the theory of quantum mechanics theory of the multiverse, im not in kindergarten. I was applying to that theory and editing it a bit, I was saying that you could travel, not just in time. but through your actions, travel though Universes and parallel dimensions because of your actions. where the course of the edited history had taken course, by returning the now edited past in which you had changed to get to the parallel dimension back to normal, when coming to the present, it would your ordinary universe. so when you change history, you don't just travel in time. but space. 

#97145 Attack on Titan

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 17 November 2015 - 07:09 AM in Anime

Yeah, I've Watched almost all of it and soon im going to another show, but Its very good. I can't believe Eren forgot about Annie in the hut when he was training. But she was a quite Calm and shy figure. until THAT TITAN SCENE

#97130 Back To The Future 2, Biff Lodgic

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 16 November 2015 - 02:49 AM in Sci Fi

Yeah, time travel sort of falls apart when you sit down and really think about it.

In order for it to work out the way we all want it to we would need to have a way to turn the entire universe backward, not just the space around us or even our planet.

If we couldn't do that we would just appear out in space where the Earth was at the point of time that we jumped to.

We are spiralling through space like a solar powered bullet after all.


And if we did manage to turn back the universe there is no way of knowing if it would work in a reset on our timeline sort of way.

Maybe it would be like the multiple timeline idea where we would just step sideways in to another timeline and our original timeline continues on without us.

Not changing, just splitting.


Most likely none of it is possible and is just a cool science fiction or an attempt to hold on to the possibility that we can one day have the power to go back and fix the things that haunt our memories every day.

Yeah, I have a small Theory of mine: Its basically if you go back in time and change or edit the existing past, you would travel, not just into a future where it would be different, but a whole new parallel dimension/alternate Universe. Yet, you would know the thing other people wouldn't


For Example.


Goes back in time and kill's Hitler at a young age.


Travels back  to the future.


Nobody know who Hitler is, but a few people (Mother/ Father) and he would just be a baby who died at a young age


You would still know though.


(But things are because Hitler had a massive impact on millions of lives their could be consequences. So I wouldn't kill Hitler, because i know there are many rules of time travel.)

#97115 Feminist Hacker Barbie is Hysterical

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 15 November 2015 - 12:56 PM in Coding

Awe Man. Thats Funny.

#97113 Guy Hollaway Architects (PROGRESS' Latest Works)

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 15 November 2015 - 12:32 PM in Coding

Love the user Interface of your website, I do want to become an architect! im in an engineering studio school ATM  but i love your Architecture, especially your Kew house extension. I think that is how all modern architecture should look like. One quick question. is the glass double glazing or triple glazing, I believe that's a thing.

#97112 Early Christmas Rant.

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 15 November 2015 - 12:14 PM in Everything Else


 I just wanted to tell you something that has been annoying me for the last two month's 

Christmas comes too early...

I know what you might be saying. :rolleyes: "Oh Emeralds, people need to plan for Christmas."

Yeah, but at the end of November, that's when you should be starting to ask people for their gifts.

For example Disney world's Christmas advert came out on September. SEPTEMBER!

and I saw one channel have a Christmas movie in the middle of august. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.

Their are a few exceptions though.


1. Sofa Adverts (Should be showing Christmas Ad's at the end of Oct.)

2. Fire Place Advert's (beginning of Nov.)


You have people like Superstore's and even small Shops!

I'm just saying if we start celebrating now. its not going to look great when Christmas actually here.

I do my shopping around the 10th-17th of December and decorating after that. 

All im trying to say is.

Don't ruin Christmas





#97110 What happened to this genre?

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 15 November 2015 - 12:03 PM in Sci Fi

I Guess your right. Now society has changed and left Sci-Fi nerd's like us for dead. its all changed. Its more about action or romance nowaday's    :(  

#97109 Back To The Future 2, Biff Lodgic

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 15 November 2015 - 11:55 AM in Sci Fi

I'm pretty sure Marty went back again and stole the almanac for that exact reason.

Yeah but real Time Travel would be Biff steals almanac and gives it to his younger self - Goes back to a rich future in which he owns vast companies - meanwhile Marty changes the past - Old Biff Vanishes from rich future to normal 2015 and forgets what happened. The Part in which he comes back and loses the top of his cane in the driver's seat is a complete mistake.

#96969 Back To The Future 2, Biff Lodgic

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 08 November 2015 - 09:20 AM in Sci Fi

In back to the future 2, Biff Changes the Future by giving His past self the almanac. but when he comes back in the Delorean, He's back in normal 2015. not Biff's Paradise future. Can anyone Explain why He's Back in normal 2015? because he should arrive in the future in which Biff is rich.

#96943 Greetings..

Posted by EmeraldPhysics on 06 November 2015 - 05:07 PM in Introductions

Hello guys!

I'm EmeraldPhysics Although just call me Emerald

(I Called myself EmeraldPhysics because I like Physics and Emerald was Taken)

I would like to make friends with people because im not somebody who says they're a nerd and just know about the Internet and stuff. I mean I have not many friend's because of my intellectual skill. I am properly looking to boost my career aspects towards an architect, I think I do brilliant drawings and maybe I can show you one day. I'm not in it for the money (As in im not greedy) I just want to help people build homes and the architecture career has been boosting since architects build modern homes and they look stylish and almost futuristic. as you have probably seen my profile picture I am quite a massive fan off back to the future and have some loop holes I want to discuss. but I will save it for a post! I like all sci-fi to be honest. Doctor Who, Star Trek and I will see the new Star Wars! as well as the Hunger Games. I think I will be making a few posts about katniss Killing Snow. (Oh,  just spoiled it for you? so you never though Katniss would kill Snow? are you kidding me?) I am a Fan of Bond, as I live in the United Kingdom. (and yes, I am writing this while fireworks are going off outside my house. its Nov 5th and what we call Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes night, its special to us  because there was a guy, Called Guy Fawkes (Ironic) He tried to blow up Westminster with Gunpowder. after his friend Tolled authorities about the attack he was soon arrested and Westminster never blew up. from that day froward we celebrate it buy having fireworks every night off that year)


I think off myself as one off the biggest Whovians off all, why? Beacuse:

-Been on the TARDIS Set (real :http://www.doctorwho...t/tardis-tours/)

-Been To The Experience

-Been to Cardiff Bay, Captain Jack and Torchwood HQ also where Martha and The Doctor Wave him Off 

-Been To Eddies Diner, The set in which in the Impossible astronaut the Dinner used is real and in Cardiff, as well!

-Been to a tour showing places they have Filmed. For example: Leadworth (The Eleventh Hour) ,Clara's Christmas Gravestone (The Snowmen) Sarah-Janes House (Journey's End, The Sarah Jane Adventure's), The house for Noble's (Turn left), the street that the Doctor and kaylie Monogue beamed Down to (Titanic), Small Back Street In which the 9th Doctor Arrives in (World War 2) Interested in the Tour?:http://britmovietour...r-of-locations/)

-Seen at least one of every doctors Episodes (Except 6th. I hate 6th)

-Met an extra from World War 3


This is Me and My ever growing Nerd/Geek Intellectuality
