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#77464 Weekend plans

Posted by Akiyo on 08 August 2014 - 01:56 PM in Everything Else

Got the weekend off, so I'll just do what I always do: relax. :D 


Guess I'm going for a drive though and also hanging out with a friend. (IKR :o)

#77538 Weekend plans

Posted by Akiyo on 09 August 2014 - 11:06 AM in Everything Else

I'm waiting for a call back from an interviewer, so I'm trying to draw to keep myself distracted.



and sleeping. Plenty of sleeping.

Joining contest Wolfie? :D

#77506 Weekend plans

Posted by Akiyo on 08 August 2014 - 10:56 PM in Everything Else

I sick so I stay in bed and touch up on my Japanezie by watching terrible anime lol.



Feel better <3

#66686 Video?

Posted by Akiyo on 18 March 2014 - 01:08 PM in Suggestions

Honestly, it's lack of interest and ideas. As the forum grows, it's still on the table. 


Does this forum grow though? 


I really hope to get this going, because it sounds like a great idea, though :D:D

#68050 Uh... What.

Posted by Akiyo on 03 April 2014 - 09:33 AM in Everything Else

I have no words for this video. I can't tell if its hella freaking weird or really deep..


Why couldn't I stop watching this. 

#74524 Transcendence (2014) (Slight spoiler alert. I dunno how to do the thing..)

Posted by Akiyo on 10 July 2014 - 01:06 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Okay, so.. the monvie has a few flaws. All movies do, however this is a FASCINATING MOVIE. I'm really a goofball when it comes to science, but gawd. The only thing I would see as far fetched were the airborne nanomites... Didn't really care about the spesifics.


Y'all should watch it. :D


Also I changed my steam name to Kate Mara, because she is cute. Amiright? >_>

#74596 Transcendence (2014) (Slight spoiler alert. I dunno how to do the thing..)

Posted by Akiyo on 11 July 2014 - 02:25 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Really no need to apologize for your opinion, lando. :D


Seriously the movie does have many flaws and I was probably just in a happy-go-lucky mood when I saw it xD


Where sci-fi movies are concerned I'm less judgemental because I just love all the effects and all they do haha 

#72616 Towards the perfect state of mind~

Posted by Akiyo on 16 June 2014 - 09:16 AM in Everything Else

Oh, goodness. Thank you for your <3felt (CLEVER!?) responses! 


You're all awesome ;3! 



#72531 Towards the perfect state of mind~

Posted by Akiyo on 15 June 2014 - 02:47 PM in Everything Else



Lately I have not been posting much and this is partly due to me feeling better about myself and partly because of lack of imagination. 


Now I know some might react to what I said about me feeling better about myself and not posting to much because of it. To explain this and the reason I made this thread I'd like to say that I started off on this forum for probably all the wrong reasons.

Pretty sure a lot of people come by here to indulge themseves and clench their thirst for attention, pity or whatever. 

I just wanted attention after a break-up. Lonliness and all that. I've really dug into my issues lately and my behaviour.


I've always been a person to try to change myself for the better and also others around me. Never felt so emotionally independant, strong and enlightened before. A new era in my life is about to unfold and I simply had to be crazy enough to share it with you :D I see more and understand more of other people's behaviour  and I am so, so happy with who I am. The ability to see your family go against you trying to give you guilt and bad conscience and feel completely unaffected is AMAZING. :D 


Change :D I obviously have lots yet to learn, but hey! 


As it turns out I have made quite a few friends here who I can talk to outside of the forum, which in turn also caused me not to cling to the forum as much. HOWEVER I KEEP A LOOKOUT STILL. All you amazing people are refreshing these twisted, perverted pages for different reasons and y'll have one thing in common: humor. It's incredible. 


I really don't intend to come off as cocky, but if someone finds my happiness insulting or rude, well.... nuff said.



#72672 Towards the perfect state of mind~

Posted by Akiyo on 17 June 2014 - 06:18 AM in Everything Else

I don't intend my cockiness, but I called this months ago.


Good for you, Helga the Mighty. You found the power inside of you. Just remember, you a strong, independent black woman and you don't need no man to validate your self-worth nohow.


(I used both the words 'cock' and 'inside of you' and didn't make a single sex joke.)

You don't know me.

#66281 Toradora, do you?

Posted by Akiyo on 12 March 2014 - 05:42 PM in Anime

I sense... death issues and seperation anxiety. No?


Y'know, all good things must come to an end. I'm sure watching the show won't be such a bad thing. If it is, that just means you're ignorant to the fact that all anime's you're currently watching and will watch in the future, also END. So get over it :P


Edit: I don't intend to sound mean! Sorry!

#66657 Toradora, do you?

Posted by Akiyo on 18 March 2014 - 03:53 AM in Anime


#78198 This week in Tech.

Posted by Akiyo on 15 August 2014 - 09:39 PM in Everything Else

Wooooow. @_@

#78202 This week in Tech.

Posted by Akiyo on 15 August 2014 - 10:36 PM in Everything Else

It's very fucking amazing :o 

#74271 This made me think of you spleen.

Posted by Akiyo on 07 July 2014 - 10:20 AM in DIY

That is so funny! Cause I kept replacing his face with Danny's !



#74304 This made me think of you spleen.

Posted by Akiyo on 07 July 2014 - 03:14 PM in DIY

Give us your redneck videos Danny! TEACH ME YOUR WAYS! ahaha

#76374 There's got to be a better way

Posted by Akiyo on 04 August 2014 - 08:35 AM in Everything Else

I'd say most here sleep naked or at least want to. ;p

my own room however my family doesn't believe in privacy so no freeballin for me.

I'm sorry.

#76287 There's got to be a better way

Posted by Akiyo on 03 August 2014 - 08:40 AM in Everything Else

I... wonder if others join him on display. Your local red light district.

#76304 There's got to be a better way

Posted by Akiyo on 03 August 2014 - 02:14 PM in Everything Else

Who sleeps naked?! o/

#76175 There's got to be a better way

Posted by Akiyo on 02 August 2014 - 12:14 PM in Everything Else

>.> I fast forwarded.

*nods* Yes, yes you did. xD 

#76171 There's got to be a better way

Posted by Akiyo on 02 August 2014 - 11:29 AM in Everything Else

Disappointed that there wasn't one nip/dick slip in that whole video. :P

More surprised you watched the entire clip. XD! amiright

#76310 There's got to be a better way

Posted by Akiyo on 03 August 2014 - 03:02 PM in Everything Else

I do!! I can't be restricted!!!!


#76373 There's got to be a better way

Posted by Akiyo on 04 August 2014 - 08:33 AM in Everything Else

Such enthusiasm. I'd say most here sleep naked or at least want to :P

#76162 There's got to be a better way

Posted by Akiyo on 02 August 2014 - 08:33 AM in Everything Else

Published on Aug 30, 2012
PNBR is about: Riding together to promote fuel conscious consumption, positive body image, and cycling advocacy. Scenes from the preparation phase of the 4th Annual Philadelphia Naked Bike Ride






I was stumbling upon other videos of mass nudity and they just called it art. Then I stopped browsing cause I felt like a perv. D:

#76165 There's got to be a better way

Posted by Akiyo on 02 August 2014 - 09:00 AM in Everything Else

@-@ dirty...



They're promoting positive body image by saying if you ride your bike more you won't look as bad (lumpy and saggy) as half of us.

Hahaha Body image be dammned they're just naked. On a bike. Essentially.


Is mass nudity really art? Or just a bunch of naked people?