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#65864 "Let's Play"s that DON'T suck

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 09 March 2014 - 11:21 PM in Video Games

There's Game Grumps, Paragon Nova (of UberHaxorsNova,) and plenty of others.


It all depends on the flavor you're going for.


If you want Minecraft, you'd do no better than the Yogscast main channel.


If you want snarky commentary without a real "Let's Play" experience, try NerdCubed.


I prefer Game Grumps and the Yogscast, but I keep tabs on most of the good ones.


Zack Scott (of ZackScottGames) has the best playthrough of The Walking Dead Telltale game around.


One of the members of Game Grumps also is in a BAMF of a band, Ninja Sex Party.  Check them out.  They're awesome.  "Unicorn Wizard" is probably the best song to start with.

#65866 What do you look for in a game?

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 09 March 2014 - 11:24 PM in Video Games

"Zelda" or "Pokemon" in the title.  They're pretty much the only games I buy new.  Except for Saints Row IV, which was awesome.  (And the only Saints Row game I actually beat.)

#65867 The main character of the last game you played is now hunting you down for un...

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 09 March 2014 - 11:26 PM in Video Games

Well, the X/Y Pokemon Trainer would be hunting me.  I'd be happy.  Especially if it implies I get Pokemon.  Because I'd wreck his day with my awesome Blaziken.

#65868 Weird Bands and Songs

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 09 March 2014 - 11:30 PM in Music

If you haven't heard of Ninja Sex Party, you need to fix that immediately.  They're the best band on the Internet.


Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian.  One's a Let's Player by day, the other a theoretical physicist (seriously.)  One sings, the other writes sick jams (while stabbing dudes.)


They're also the most interesting band.  Because of what they do for a living apart from the band.


And they've got some of the funniest songs you'll ever hear.


"Dinosaur Laser Fight," "Unicorn Wizard," "Rhinoceratops vs. Super Puma," "Dick Figures: The Movie: The Song," "No Reason Boner," and plenty of others.


They're amazing.


Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 09 March 2014 - 11:32 PM in Music

The cover of the "Psych" theme song by Boyz II Men.  It's amazing.


Also, due to its nature, "Magical Trevor 2" is forever burned into my brain.

#65888 The main character of the last game you played is now hunting you down for un...

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 10 March 2014 - 08:36 AM in Video Games

or it implies you /are/ a pokemon


I'm onto you, new guy >.>

That might be awesome, depending on the Pokemon.  If I'm a Rayquaza, I get used all the time.  Because I'm the most awesome Legendary.

#65981 One for the Pokemon fans

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 09:08 AM in Nerd Art

Home appliances...?


I'm kinda glad I haven't kept up with pokemon now

That's Rotom, a Ghost/Electric type, "motor" backwards.  You caught him originally by talking to a dead air/static TV in a haunted house.  You can find a room, with persistent prodding, that allows you to change his type into a plethora of other types.  I picked the refrigerator option to deal with Ground types.


Resident Pokemon Super Nerd at your service.

#65982 Looking for people to recommend some new tunes to me.

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 09:11 AM in Music

There's Ninja Sex Party, the greatest band on the Internet.


All their songs are amazing, but here's a starting sampler pack:



#65983 Yo

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 09:16 AM in Introductions

I'm new here.  My name here is my typical handle Internet-wide (although I have a few random ones for Twitter and Blogger,) so if you've seen a Big_Willie_Styles in another place, it was probably me.


I got the name at a summer program.  Didn't find out until months later it was a nickname Will Smith gave himself.  I just thought it was cool.  I was a big dude named William.  Didn't realize the sexual joke until later.  But you can call me Mista Styles if yo' nasty.


I'm the Resident Pokemon Super Nerd, political and economic wonk extraordinaire, Zelda fanboy, and overall Knower-Of-Things.


Glad to be here.

#65984 What's Your Favorite Super Hero?

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 09:18 AM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

I'd probably say Booster Gold because he's the most honest superhero.  One who does what probably anybody would do if they gained super abilities.  He saves lives but show boats.  Human nature being a tricky devil, I suspect most think they'd be Superman but would actually be Booster Gold.  I call it the "Booster Gold Paradox."


But I also got a soft spot for Sandman from DC Comics.  Anybody who rocks a golden gas mask and a green suit with a purple fedora has to be awesome.

#65987 Yo

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 09:47 AM in Introductions

Thanks and plan to, respectively.

#65988 which of the the big three is your favorite

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 09:49 AM in Anime

One Piece is my favorite, as Manga Pirates > Manga Ninjas (although vanilla pirates < vanilla ninjas, but I digress.)


Isn't the big three DBZ, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and Pokemon?  At least on merchandise sales?

#66011 Yo

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 01:41 PM in Introductions

So what kind of things do you know? :D

Anything that interests me, which is a lot of things.


I'm a general pop culture buff outside of sports (can never watch something so similar over and over again and stats bore me but I know some things about it.)


I'm deeply ingrained in current events and philosophical economic theory.  People like F. A. Hayek.


I debate economic policy and theory for fun.  It's my anti-drug.  I get high off it, basically.


Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 01:43 PM in Suggestions

Hi. We're building a (long awaited) Minecraft server for NerdForum users.


So this brings up the question of

  1. PVP enabled?
  2. Mods?
    1. would prefer to stay away from full tekkit unless there's overwhelming want

Only NerdForum users with a validated non-banned account will have access.

Plan on playing? Suggestions for mods? Want to go carebear?

pls respond

I'd like a building server for the most part.  And I'd love if we could have a ScottLand style thing going on, with someone or many filming their adventures while interacting with others on it with Skype.

#66014 Help to re-kindle my Anime past!

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 01:47 PM in Anime

There's plenty of "good" animes from my childhood (that may not be as amazing as I once thought in hindsight) that I'd still watch for nostalgia purposes.  The first 25 episodes of the Pokemon anime are up on Netflix now. Watched the episodes where things actually happened (new Pokemon caught, Lt. Surge battle, etc.)

#66060 Yo

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 04:36 PM in Introductions

Milton is where it's at, yo. Milton, Friedman and Keynes are the big three.


Love to see a political nut! Welcome.

Hayek turned out to be right.  Friedman rode his coat-tails, saying the exact same things as him only three decades later.  He got all the credit that Hayek deserved for destroying Keynes (which he did while Keynes was actually still alive, so there.)  Hayek lived to see the fail of the Soviet Union, something he predicted for the precise reason it fell back in the '40s.  He's a BAMF is what I'm saying.


And the Chicago school made a lot of errors in judgment.  They differed with the Austrian school on the Federal Reserve.  The Austrians hated that the Federal Reserve controls the interest rate and not the free market.  And the housing boom and bust proved the Austrians right on that point.  Unfortunately, those who hold the Austrian torch today are all of the "uncle you only see during family get-togethers" crazy.

I noticed there doesn't seem to be a "politics" section on this forum.  Might you point me in the right direction?

#66062 Yo

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 04:40 PM in Introductions

oookay.. I mean I know things too but I'm not at all up to date on most things. so what is pop culture? I won't even ask about the rest xD

Movies, music, TV, the Internet, YouTube, politics, etc.


Also, you a fan of "Lost Girl"?  I suspect with a name like "fae" you'd have to be.

#66064 Help to re-kindle my Anime past!

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 04:44 PM in Anime

I have to admit I have watched a whole lot of pokemon yeh! Really makes the child in you run free! or soar like a bird, whatever!


Sadly however I cannot pay for Netflix anymore... I have seen it all... maybe in 4+ months xD


Also I reject Naruto, Bleach and full metal alchemist. they're like the Anime versions of a very bad soap opera. Don't misunderstand as I have watched many seasons of them all, but in the end you're just always left with a feeling that NONE of your questions have been answered and 100 more arise each episode D:

The new Fullmetal Alchemist, Brotherhood I think is the tagline, that actually follows the manga is pretty damn good.  Same two main voice actors and everything.  I didn't watch the original much due to its terrible-ness in certain stories.  Which I found out were all not in the manga.

#66097 Yo

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 11 March 2014 - 09:08 PM in Introductions

Whaaat was that. Perhaps there really should be a section for politics and debates xD I didn't understand anything you just said! I'm gonna blame it on my norwegianess.

I crafted my debating skills over years of being in minority opinion, taking on groups of five at once.  And kicking their asses just the same.

#66132 Yo

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 12 March 2014 - 08:34 AM in Introductions

Ok :D I know some things about that as well


I like the series I guess but I used that name long before that series ;)

Hale was in the "RoboCop" reboot by the way (which I thought was better than the original.)

#66152 Yo

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 12 March 2014 - 12:37 PM in Introductions


I will never tire of this image. Welcome aboard. 

Is that Callista Gingrich?


There's a reason Gingrich is a punchline in my circle.  This may be a new one to add to the list.  WTF...

#66153 What is your favourite anime when you are a kid?

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 12 March 2014 - 12:38 PM in Anime

It was Pokemon, DBZ, Dragonball, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and One Piece for me.  Only liked the Naruto manga.  And One Piece was much better as a manga, it must be said.

#66155 So, Politics...

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 12 March 2014 - 12:43 PM in Everything Else

I am a rabid follower of current events.  If shit is goin' down, I likely know about it.


This primarily means politics and economics, as they are my forte of sorts.  Especially their general interaction.


To begin the 2016 speculation (because why not?):  Scott Walker/Susana Martinez vs. Hillary Clinton/Cory Booker.


Laying my chips down saying that would be the best match-up possible.  Who would win in such a situation?  Don't really know.  All depends on what happens in the 2014 midterms and the intervening two years after them.


But, brave souls, this is your opportunity to ask anything.  Want to know what's going on?  I can tell you.


"The Curious Task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."


--F. A. Hayek, "The Fatal Conceit"

#66156 the science of flappy bird

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 12 March 2014 - 12:45 PM in SCIENCE!


Overall simplicity mixed with finger-breaking difficulty by way of reflexes and eyeballin' it.

#66161 Why don't Zambees...

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 12 March 2014 - 12:50 PM in Fantasy

Why don't zombies eat each other?  Because their biologics mean either a functioning disposal system or not.  And considering a zombie can function without intestines, my money is on not.  If they can't stop their hunger, that means the things they gorge on have to go, well, somewhere.


Which brings the obvious point:  They can just each other.


And wouldn't sub zero temperatures freeze them in their tracks because of their human frame?  Antarctica is clearly the best place to go in the Zambee Apocalypse.


And why in most interpretations does the zombie virus only affect humans?  The rest of the animal kingdom seems fine.


Questions, questions.