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BloodPrince 2.0

Member Since 30 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2018 05:11 AM

#90873 The member photo album.

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 30 April 2015 - 01:37 AM

And here I thought you were into knk. Tsk.

Might as well contribute. Recently feeling more confident about how I look. It doesn't show up that much here, but I have a shock of blond near the middle right now. Funny thing is, this is sort of part of a deal with my mom. She never stopped grousing at me as long as I'd keep cutting my hair real short, so we made the deal - I let my hair get longer for her comfort, but in exchange she doesn't bitch at me for bleaching it. The reason for this condition is that I get really bad headaches more often with my hair long, and I feel like it's ugly in addition, so I do crazy bleaching to at least make myself feel like I don't resemble utter shit.

#90841 Girl talk

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 29 April 2015 - 04:02 PM

I think you should go see a doctor.

Blood-senpai definitely go see a doctor.

Blood, I'd say see a doctor..

I'm outnumbered. Alright then, I don't really have much access to doctors due to my caged state but next time my mom or sister has a check up, I'll definitely take the chance to ask about this.

Leafy, what kind of wigs are you thinking about? Dresses? Come on, I need more details for my crazy artistic mind to imagine.

And yes, Fae, I'm looking forward to that, if you feel comfortable telling more.

#90805 The member photo album.

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 29 April 2015 - 03:28 AM

I've missed out on a bunch of these selfies, just had to go back and see what's new. Jeez, you people are too pretty.
That means you too, Fae. Yours actually made me glance back and forth between it and your avi several times. Similar, and both are cute.

#90782 Girl talk

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 28 April 2015 - 05:10 PM

Pff It's fine, ey Elfie. I feel much more comfortable now that I know.
Anyone who finds this thread off-limits, their loss.

#90777 Girl talk

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 28 April 2015 - 04:27 PM

Transmales allowed or is that too awkward? Having lived in a female body for 21 years, I do have some understanding of girl problems, some of which even apply to me.

#90765 'Murika!

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 28 April 2015 - 01:12 PM

Nah, I think he got it right.

#90761 Handwriting thread

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 28 April 2015 - 10:25 AM

Everyone here's got great handwriting, damn. I should probably do this too.

#90758 Some drawings :)

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 28 April 2015 - 10:05 AM

Wow. These are indeed pretty amazing. I need to show my brother some of these, he's been really into abstract art recently.

#88940 Define a Good Night

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 15 March 2015 - 11:15 AM

Something my sibs and I have done a couple times on holidays - grilling burgers over an open fire together, sitting out until it's too dark to see anything but the flames, leaving foil-wrapped potatoes in the embers while we go inside to assemble the burgers, eating and watching a fun movie.

#88907 Nerd Fitness

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 14 March 2015 - 08:01 PM

Next thing ya know we'll have an anime on this topic.

#84597 What is something weird that you do?

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 09 January 2015 - 09:39 PM

I make lists.
Lists of things I need to do
Lists of things I need to get at the store.
Lists of things I need to bring home from the truck.
Lists of ideas & brainstorms.
Then I forget the lists, usually at home.
And find them later, check through them & critique myself on how many I got right or forgot.
When if I could just remember the f'ing list life would be 100% easier.

My entire fucking life story. My mom always tells me "make lists on your phone, in a notebook, or in papers around the house to remind you to do stuff!" The one question she can never answer is "So what will remind me to look at the goddamn papers, notebooks, or even to go find a list in my phone?"

Leafa, my sympathy! My mom started putting up with my reminders and doodles on my hands/wrists after a silly occurence. I was having a tough time remembering to deal with a plant she liked so she jestingly told me to write it on my face. I did. After she got over her shock at seeing my face with "PLANT" written in big bold black sharpie letters across my cheeks and nose, she told me to wash it off before it stained and scolded me roundly for doing such a thing. I still relish the look on her face when she caught sight of me.
Never again has she complained about my hand/wrist art and reminders.

#84268 The member photo album.

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 05 January 2015 - 02:59 PM

You look great. I'm enjoying the eyebrows.

#84227 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 04 January 2015 - 04:06 PM

Hurt me? Nah, you make me feel more relaxed.

Some thoughts on this. I wanted to draw something fun but my musings got in the way.

#84225 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 04 January 2015 - 02:35 PM

Oh Sympa. Made me chuckle right there at the last part. I wasn't expecting that bit, but you're probably right.

#84199 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 04 January 2015 - 04:52 AM

And you know? Anyone who says coming out as trans is like blaming the parent has probably never been transgender. These feelings are totally different. I have never looked at my mother and thought "you are to blame for this!" On the contrary, I feel that I myself am the wrong one, and yet somehow I long for pure love from her, even if she doesn't really owe it to me - like you said, Haru, the world doesn't owe me shit. I know it owes me nothing, and that's what hurts the most. I want something so bad, it's really the only thing I truly want, something so many normal people have by default and take for granted, and yet no one owes it to me so I have no right to demand it. THIS IS NOT FUCKING BLAMING PARENTS. And these parents need to stop believing the whole world revolves around them! True, the one way my world does focus somewhat on them is that I wish they loved me before I wish for anyone else to love me. Is that so painful for them to accept?

When you truly love someone you want them to be happy and you'll sacrifice your own comfort for them. Is it such a big thing to give up, accepting that they don't want to be your doll to play dress up with?
This world is so fucked up.

If I said anything dumb, please forgive me. I'm still a bit angry after getting a long rant this morning over why I should stop cutting my hair and how my mom swears she really will hit me next time I try, because 'you are looking more and more like your brother than like a girl, and that is wrong. You need to stop before I let my hand slip and I sin, and it will be your fault.' Fuck..