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BloodPrince 2.0

Member Since 30 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2018 05:11 AM

#84198 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 04 January 2015 - 04:15 AM

Kids can be transgender, too, mate.
They're still people.
And about the mother being "hurt" by her beliefs being rocked:
Not a single fuck is given.
I've spent YEARS giving fucks on that topic. It's bullshit.
Which do you love more, your beliefs or your child?
If it's a tough decision, you don't deserve your child.

I don't have words enough. You are right.

#84173 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 03 January 2015 - 05:57 PM

Good point. Signed.

#84126 Am I the only one who gets ticked off by this?

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 02 January 2015 - 01:04 PM

I'm just imagining burning bread. But nope, petty things like that don't get me mad.

#84051 2015 is upon us

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 31 December 2014 - 05:43 PM

Six-point-five more hours here, you furry cup of coffee. I have never done resolutions before, in fact I only found out it was a tradition a couple years back, but might as well. My main resolutions then are to get college done and start studying what I'm actually good at, start a cosplay ask blog and just generally get some cosplay shit done, become less androgynous, get my health up, fix my relationship with my mom (which by the way, is in the process already, I hope), do more art, and be more active on dA.
What's yours?

#84036 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 30 December 2014 - 10:58 PM

Being "good people" isn't enough. Brains are extremely important to have a good life.
They should consider that their god made this kid's preferences different for a reason. He created this brain and its thoughts - does he not have control over this then? He makes no mistakes - this child was meant to feel like a woman despite having a man's body. That can't be a mistake, can it?

Fuck religion.
There are so many self contradictions and yet people let themselves become fucking twisted by it and ruin other peoples' lives. There are hundreds of people who used their brains and realized that something is wrong, and stuck with it despite the terrible earthquake of fear that comes with your beliefs being shaken. Do not tell me that girl was a coward when her trash parents are just as hellfucking cowardly for not facing the truth just because it makes them afraid.
"Confusing, scary thing"? Does that sound like something you should escape instead of facing head-on?
Criticize a child for running away from fear, and not her parents for also running away from fear? I am disgusted!

#84033 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 30 December 2014 - 10:02 PM

I wonder about that, Affray.
I do understand where you're coming from, but sometimes there isn't much left to live for. I used to get annoyed with this too, even when I myself felt suicidal. But really? What is life truly about?

This is a very unromantic way to put it, but the human lifecycle is not as important as our emotions say it is. It's the same as any animal's. The basics are be born and slowly die for the rest of your life, and in the meanwhile mate. When I realized this, life became even more meaningless for me. Thus I never feel angry anymore when someone commits suicide.
Because what is the point.
Is there a point?

If life is to be enjoyed, and you are not enjoying it, why do you need it?
I genuinely wonder about this.

#84028 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 30 December 2014 - 07:11 PM

Fuck her. Fuck both her idiot parents.

This hurts so much. That could have been me had I been brave enough to let my parents know more about me. I recognize this attitude from my own mom who threatened to send me to therapy when I showed I was slightly depressed not long ago. Ha. Some therapy that would be with only Christian, Russian-speaking (she insisted that they speak the language she understands so she could butt in if I say anything "wrong") therapists. Plus she ordered me not to admit that I'd been molested as a child, if asked. Why do parents like this even exist??
Fuck overly religious assholes.

#84024 Leelah Alcorn

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 30 December 2014 - 06:49 PM

Who else has heard about Leelah? She's a trans woman who committed suicide this weekend.
Odd thing is from what I heard, her parents tried to make it look like an accident, her getting run over, but her suicide note on Tumblr says otherwise.

Google for more information.

Damn it. I feel extremely shaken. Trying not to cry.
This is so wrong but so fucking common for trans people.

#84010 Little gift for my friends here

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 30 December 2014 - 01:54 PM

Which means about every two weeks I'm going to be stuck wondering who this salamander guy is, or maybe that iguana person. Sounds like fun. Exercise my brain, will ya?

#83861 Weirdest message

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 27 December 2014 - 06:08 PM

What is the weirdest message you ever left anyone, or one you simply heard about or recieved yourself?

Just left this one for my brother. I think he'll get the point.

It's not visible, but the one peeking out from under "Okay?" says "But I still love you."

#83832 Little gift for my friends here

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 27 December 2014 - 01:22 AM

Those two people I missed. Willie, I didn't find out in the end whether he does or doesn't have wings, so I drew him without. If anything, I can still add them on later.

#83825 The member photo album.

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 26 December 2014 - 10:39 PM

You girls... (whistles) There is too much beauty here, excuse me while I shake off my daze.

#83687 Little gift for my friends here

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 25 December 2014 - 03:56 AM

See if you can recognize yourself. I tried to sketch anyone I've interracted with, but I may've left out someone or other. If I've forgotten you, just say so and I'll post a scribble for ya. These are my mental images of you guys, some based off of avatars, some from names, and some are also influenced by each person's behavior.
You guys have been really cool to me so far, and damn, I feel like you could be family to me if I stick around long enough. Thanks, you impertinent heart thieves. Happy yule, merry christmas, and all that good shit.


#83595 AOT or Death Note

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 23 December 2014 - 10:03 PM

Still just planning to watch Death Note, so I can't give you a perfect answer. However, from the information I've gathered on it I'll say Attack on Titan is probably better.

Kind of off-topic: Tokyo Ghoul, on the other hand is nearly as good in my opinion. (I finally watched it in the last couple days.)


Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 23 December 2014 - 04:40 PM

We're on the same page, fae.
By the way, NF really is starting to sound like a fairytale land to me. I've now seen an angel, an elf, a talking leaf, and an unspecified fae. I may have missed some, but I'm pretty sure Spleen is doing a bad job hiding that portal we spoke of when I first arrived. Magic is seeping through steadily.