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Depressed about Gameboys.

gameboy depression handheld consoles

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#1 Alterega



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Posted 14 July 2013 - 02:32 PM

Last night, I was watching a Taiwanese soap opera with my sis and mum when all of a sudden I started reminiscing about my gameboy consoles. I had lost two of them, but I remembered (or thought) I still had my Gameboy Advance SP still laying around.


I felt sad about losing my limited edition silver Pikachu Game Boy Color. I don't know what happened to it. I really don't remember, but it was my first Game Boy EVER and it had Pokemon Crystal (which I argue is the best Pokemon game EVER) in it. 


Then I lost my Crimson-Black Nintendo DS Lite on a Japan Airlines flight to Tokyo. I didn't feel as sad about losing my DS because I felt like the Japanese would take good care of it. I can imagine a seven-year old Japanese boy having bundles of fun with my Mystery Dungeon: Red Team/Diamond Version 2-in-1 DS. I hope he's having fun with it.


But alas, when I scoured the house for my advance... I couldn't find it. It was a mystery - I found all the chips associated with it (even my Pikachu Yellow Version!)... but no gameboy. No console! 


And do you know what I did? I started crying. Seriously. Not bawling, but some melancholy tears of vain. Why did I cry? Well, maybe it's because while I was growing up the gameboy was always associated with me in my family. Random chips lying around? Then you know little Angie's been around. And through gameboys was how I met my best friend back in middle school. We'd make pokemon comics and compare our stats on various games. And most importantly, I got that GBA through my sister's best friend - who, entrusting it to me for only 20 dollars, told me to take good care of it. I felt like I had broken a sacred promise of videogamedom, and that I had lost the last true piece of my childhood at that time. 


I don't believe it's gone/stolen from my house, and I swear it's around somewhere - but I guess it's not the time to find it. 


But all's not lost - along the search process, I found all my Pokemon cards. All 500 of them. And that made the pain ease an eency weency bit.


*Sigh* I'm now sending mass texts and facebook notifcations asking people if they want to sell their gameboys. But it's not the same.


Call me emotional, but... I REALLY LOVE GAMEBOYS!!! </333



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#2 Affray


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 10:01 PM

No judgement here.

I lost my purple gameboy colour once for about a week and I was nearly in hysterics.

Not because I loved it like a brother or anything, mostly because I knew it was near and just couldn't find the bloody thing and I really wanted to play me some pokemon silver. Losing something is not like me, especially something that I frequently use. I found it about a week later absolutely nowhere near where I left it and I still have no idea how it got there. Then I spent the next month solid playing the shit out of pokemon silver and loving every minute of it.

It is perfectly acceptable to fear and admire a being you could not possibly understand.

#3 No-Danico


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Posted 15 July 2013 - 02:13 PM

I lost my original box-shaped grey gameboy when I was about ten. I had a color by then so it didn't bother me too much, but I missedthe Final Fantasy Legend 2 cartridge that was in it. Flash forward to a seventeen year old me moving out. I was moving an old recliner that had broken years before, I had been using it as a table in my room, didn't even sit in it. Tucked into the side, beneath the unmovable foot rest was my lost system! It still worked, full battery, and Final Fantasy still worked. I got little done after that grand find.


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#4 Fox The Cat

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Posted 15 July 2013 - 05:20 PM

Go to lukiegames.com Probably my favorite site ever you can get A LOT of good games and consoles on that site!

you innocent... fucking... fox... 

#5 The Seldom Seen Kid

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Posted 16 July 2013 - 02:35 PM

I was given a gameboy advance SP for my birthday last year by a friend as I never had a gameboy as a kid. (i know, I missed out on my childhood) however, I still don't have any games for it, so I'm trying to get as many Zelda games as possible, plus Pokemon Emerald. So far I've been unlucky with emerald...I bought a fake copy and had to send it back...

#6 mrnerdgasms



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Posted 17 July 2013 - 05:07 PM



I broke my arm when I was a young lad and my parents bought my my first gameboy to try and ease the pain (bastards were mocking me though and one arm in a giant oldschool cast left me with one arm only to play mario... Ever tried to play mario one handed, apparently JUMPING is a big part of it and without access to the A button i was skrewed...)


I digress. This was the very first gameboy I owned and also the very first model they made. I did love it to bits though it was replaced when the gameboy colour came out. I even have a photo somewhere of my nose deep in partially coloured "pokemon blue" during christmas one year. Oh the memories.


I was never without my gameboy, on long trips, during school lunch, even at night when i refused to sleep (i has to balance a flashlight between my knees as at this point they were not backlit!)


Friends of mine had the gameboy advance and i envied them greatly due to a whole knew level of games that were unavailable to me because they wouldn't work in my old model GBC.


Finally i got a job and was able to by an SP. Oh the joy. I spent all my pennies on new games and was thrust in to a world of gaming that was at my fingertips 24/7, available from my back pocket or bag at any time and even at night now!


Eventually, *sigh*, i got a big boy job and moved out. The gameboys were lost or stolen by siblings never to be seen again. I didn't get a nintendo DS as it turns out. I just wanted my old GBA and GB games back. (IM OLDSCHOOL MMK!)


I did purchase a PSP when they came out only to find the games lacking something, they were cool, 3D gaming on a handheld, but they were slow, loading times were long and there was no zelda, no mario, no metroid or pokemon.


At that point i realised my mistake in going for Sony rather than Nintendo.


UNTIL! One day as i was raging around the internet, as i often do in times of boredom or whenever i bloody well can, i happened upon a site with instructions on how to turn my PSP in to an emulating beast.


I now have emulators on there for gameboy, gameboy colour, gameboy advance and even the nintendo 64!


I filled it with roms of games i used to have as a kid and found joy like only a kid trapped in an adults body could find!


I did miss my old hardware and nothing could bring back the pleasure that they used to bring me even with their limitations and faults, however having the games back at least and all in one place made up for the pain of that loss.


I feel your pain and I admire the post! Good luck in your quest! I hope you WIN and find what you're looking for!


Peace out! x

#7 mrnerdgasms



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Posted 17 July 2013 - 05:10 PM

Reading that back I apologise for the spelling and grammar errors... FOR SHAME... It's Late... I had some beers... I was feeling passionate for gameboys... take your pick of excuse :-D

#8 SushiKitten


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 07:23 PM

So many great posts here.


I had a gameboy for a long, long time. I'm pretty sure it's broke and in the toybox we never open anymore, sadly. It was well loved, anyway. I had an SP for a long time, played mostly Pokemon games and I had Sacred Stones as well. That was my childhood, playing Sapphire and Fire Red/Leaf Green with my friends. I even finished the Pokedex in Sapphire. Definitely not worth it. At this point, if you complete it, they should send you a certificate in the mail. Like, "Professional Pokemon Master"


I never really picked up games after high school, I could never get back into anything. I may buy a DS for Animal Crossing New Leaf and Pokemon X, but that's only if I find the money. I find games need to be realllly good to keep my attention anymore.

#9 Fox The Cat

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Posted 17 July 2013 - 09:36 PM

Well I'm gonna tell my story to try to stay on topic here. My last  post here wasn't really relevant.


Well I never really lost my GBA. I just forgot about it. I probably take a good 3-6 year break of it, yeah there is a lot of months in between that time, I know. This is how I realized I'm one of those crummy "new age kids". Considering I was born in 1998 I never had a chance to play a  whole lot of those old games.


But don't get me wrong I play my GameCube a lot! I own some fantastic games on it. Sure I own the Zelda Collectors Disc thing. It has Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II The Adventures of Link or something like that. I also own Wind Waker but that's it for Zelda games. 


Now My favorite GameCube game or series is Super Monkey Ball. Super Monkey ball was my first game I ever played. Then I got into handheld devices I guess. I know that sounds quite odd but whatevers. I really enjoy Super Monkey Ball 2's story mode. At first that game is hard. Now I can beat it in 3-5 hours no problem. The first I think 4 worlds are so easy to me it takes me like an hour or less to complete that. and then it takes me 3-4 hours on the rest because of some of the levels that still take me like 20 minutes to complete.


I did enjoy Super Monkey Ball Jr. on my GBA and SP, but It's obviously going to be better on a huge TV anyways, haha! Even though I can't really own or afford these games but, I love earthbound. It is the funnest game ever to me. I play it a lot on my jailbroken Ipod touch. To behonost I don't get why people freak out over Super Mario games at all. To me those games are on the extremely boring side. Probably because it is a platformer, but Klanoa is a fun game to but I think is more challenging.


Now back to GameCube. I loved Animal Crossing. Well I still do. I probably think the GameCube one is my favorite, Or the Wii one. New Leaf didn't strike me as the best. I think I would like it if they kept Tortimer as the Mayor, I don't like the whole responsibility stuff in ACNL.


So yeah I guess that is my story.

you innocent... fucking... fox... 

#10 The Robstar

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:10 AM

I've lost, sold, broke many gameboys.


However I still have in my possession an original gameboy console. (the big grey brick)


I'm eventually going to give it to my niece for christmas along with pokemon red. It's time to pass on my legacy to the next generation.


#11 No-Danico


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 01:13 PM

"What? There are only a hundred and one pokemon? What shit is this?"  <--- Christmas at Rob's house.


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#12 Mister Sympa

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Posted 31 August 2013 - 04:32 AM

I miss my Advance. It got stolen along with my backpack (and my parent's copy of Terry Pratchett's Guards, Guards which pissed me off more).


I had been playing FFT:A, and I had a really solid team. I had about 20-30 Jugglers and a core group of characters that had been with me from the beginning. I dismissed my Bangaa, Roker because I had too many damn people, and pretty instantly regretted it. I still feel guilty about it, and I can't even do anything because I SOLD the damn game when the Advance was stolen. A Link to the Past was in it at the time, which, while a travesty, is nothing compared to the guilt I carry.


Come back, Roker! I didn't mean it! I still love you!



I don't have any real friends.


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: gameboy, depression, handheld consoles