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#42801 Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system...

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 14 February 2013 - 08:05 PM in Tabletop Games

Well, you've informed us of some bad things you've done, but you haven't said much about good. It's hard to say. Good is harder to pin down, as well. Most good is accomplished by being kind to people in one's everyday life and habits.

Also, I try not to judge people as good or evil.
The Tao says (paraphrased) "What is a bad man but a good man's job? What is a good man but a bad man's teacher?"

But since you really seem to want us to guess, my guess is true neutral; you do some good, you do some bad.

That works.

#42800 Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system...

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 14 February 2013 - 08:05 PM in Tabletop Games

Chaotic neutral, mainly from the inability to determine whether you're good or bad. Which is, I think, worse that evil. Atleast with evil, one genereally either knows what they're doing is wrong, or their twisted view of reality makes them think they're doing right and everyone else is wrong... Where as chaotic neutral (this is my opinion) falls along the line of mild sociopath.

Why I think the OP is chaotic neutral is manily the inabilty to determine if good or evil and generally follows own rules without a sense of developed morals
E.g. "I also have gone and sold a christmas present after being told not to for money, because i was craving Popcorn at the time."
Can't be evil because - "I don't use violence"
Can't be good because - "don't consider myself a pacifist"
Can't be true neutral because - "I also don't like being told no but tend to swallow my feelings about the issue and pretend like i don't."

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!

#42695 Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system...

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 13 February 2013 - 11:27 PM in Tabletop Games

By how much you spammed I would say you are a nerdy Google Bot

And which alignment would that be?

#42678 Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system...

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 13 February 2013 - 07:19 PM in Tabletop Games

Chaotic good.

Don't care for most governing rules, but will follow those that fall in my own morals
I do believe that in most cases the ends justify the means, but that's only if the end result is equal to or more than the means.
I don't like violence but think sometimes you just need to smack a bitch.

That seems like Chaotic Good to me, whom might the OP be?

#42677 Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system...

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 13 February 2013 - 07:18 PM in Tabletop Games

My answer is exactly the same as Rose but I would call myself Chaotic Neutral, Good and Bad are subjective, I will help someone and will do bad things to help them if I think it is the "Good" thing to do. This is why I would call it Chaotic Neutral in terms of alignments but in real life it would be "I am a good person" :D

Where would you put the OP? :P

#42676 Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system...

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 13 February 2013 - 07:17 PM in Tabletop Games

Chaotic good to chaotic neutral. Total disregard for authority, standard conventions, social mores, but still interested in doing good and being morally sound, most of the time.

Is this one of those times? OP check and guess time. :lol:

#42675 Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system...

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 13 February 2013 - 07:11 PM in Tabletop Games

Chaotic Neutral babeh

My motives are unclear, and my morals are questionable.

Check the OP and guess you beautiful thing you. ;)

#42673 Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system...

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 13 February 2013 - 07:10 PM in Tabletop Games

Can we rename the forums to Chaotic-nerd.org?

I might get invested in that cause, but first you must guess the OP :P

#42672 Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system...

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 13 February 2013 - 07:09 PM in Tabletop Games

I feel like warning people that we're chaotic ruins the fun. We should just let them stumble into it without warning.

Anyway, I'm Chaotic Evil. Could'ja tell?
:) ;) :P :D :lol:

Not really though. Honestly I vary between Neutral Good to Chaotic Good. I care more about good than about freedom, for real, but I also don't like to be tracked or interfered with in any way. I resent absolutely every scrap of paperwork that informs any organization as to my location. Doubly so if I am legally required to do it.

...and that's why my car is still registered to Minnesota.

That fits my understanding of Neutral Good, Now oh Diaboloical one where oh where does the OP belong you oddly kinded hearted boat? LOL

#42529 Rihanna and Chris Brown

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 12 February 2013 - 11:31 PM in Everything Else

Posted Image

Meh, :) ;) :P :D :lol: :( :angry:

#42525 Dealing with an idiot.

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 12 February 2013 - 10:10 PM in Everything Else

There is this boy at my table who sits with my friends and I, he is so very annoying. Since I am quiet and more passive , I am really easy to pick on, though most people don't because I am cool with mainly everyone and I don't cause any problems.
This boy keeps being REALLY racist, him being mixed with black and white, and keeps calling me rude names and saying really disrespectful things. I'm mixed myself, and he's decided to insult all of me.
Anyways, he is really getting on my nerves and one thing I can't stand is ignorant cows. -.- I can't even really kick him out the table because my friends are friends with him and he was at the table before me.

Like I said I am really passive and I don't like confrontation, but when I get mad, I go off, which I feel I am going to do to him tomorrow.

._. Sorry, just had to rant here.

Perhaps let him know your thoughts about what he's been saying to you?

also talk to the other people at the table about what you've been feeling.

:) ;) :P :D :lol: :( :angry: :mellow: :huh: ^_^

#42524 Horror Movies and Bras

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 12 February 2013 - 10:05 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Okay, so I have a question....why are girls nipples always extremely visible in horror movies? Do they not wear bras? Are their bras super thin? Is it so cold on set that their nipples are pushing through the material of their bra and their shirt? Can anyone explain this and put my mind at ease?!?! PLEASE!

Because they or the producers want them visible so they can sell the movies perhaps?

#42523 Welcome!

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 12 February 2013 - 10:02 PM in Introductions

Hello new members of nerd forum! Welcome to the boards. Please take a bit of time to make a thread and introduce yourself, tell us some things about yourself and why you're here, and where you found us at. Most importantly, enjoy your time here and have fun. :)

Hello i'm bbgenderless 200 and i like stuff and things.

I've already made my two threads, one intro and the other dealing with the D&D alignment system.

Here's a link to it.

#42522 Yo Yo.

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 12 February 2013 - 09:28 PM in Introductions

Greetings, i decided to join your website out of boredom and a whim.

Here's the link to my first thread:

Check it out.

#42521 Adventure ideas for d&d

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 12 February 2013 - 09:25 PM in Tabletop Games

I've been thinking about d&d and want to create a new adventure for my friends, any ideas? I would like it to be challenging yet it has an interesting immersive story.

Why don't you start your adventure in the middle of the desert where you guys can only rely on magic and weapons.

#42520 My mom just threatened,

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 12 February 2013 - 09:22 PM in Everything Else

and threw a grape fruit at me. :wacko:


#42519 Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system...

Posted by bbgenderless200 on 12 February 2013 - 09:19 PM in Tabletop Games

The alignments i think i'm are: Chaotic Neutral,True Neutral,Neutral Good and either Chaotic Evil or
Neutral Evil.

I don't really trust anyone or anything at all because they all tend to oppress my freedom to do whatever i want to do which is what i long for and really only care about despite seeming like i don't. I also can be really lazy when it comes to everything and anything. I believe that good and bad are subjective as what one person views as good another will view as bad etc. For example: I slept with my good friend who is dating someone at the moment
some will consider me evil because of this or Neutral, however he offered to do it with me when i brought it up in a conversation one night and then he changed his mind while doing it with me so i stopped due to him changing his mind. I was so enjoying it until he stopped and since then i've been upset with him. So
because i sensed that he was gonna kill the enjoyment for me somehow, afterwards and still am irritated that he backed out. I also have gone and sold a christmas present after being told not to for money, because i was craving Popcorn at the time. I also for the longest time made it out to look like i forgave my mom but really i went over to her place with her current lover to eat and so she can't say that i don't see her at all.
I will always respect her for bringing me into this world but don't trust her.

I also believe that people should be free to do whatever they want, however whatever they end up doing with that freedom is on them to deal with not me.

I don't use violence but don't consider myself a pacifist because if i could find a way to use it with my lack of upper body strength i would.

I also don't like being told no but tend to swallow my feelings about the issue and pretend like i don't.

If you think i could pass for one of those alignments then go for it and tell me which one it is and explain why.

Will be interesting to see the responses.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 225186_Dungeons-and-Dragons-Alignment.jpg