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There have been 135 items by Capsicum Annuum (Search limited from 02-June 23)

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#107708 Jalapeño Business

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 11 May 2017 - 04:22 AM in Everything Else

Ok. Fine. I will not post here. I' m done with this website. I mean, If all of you hate me that bad, then just ban me.

#107704 Jalapeño Business

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 10 May 2017 - 11:39 PM in Everything Else



I thought this was settled last week and that the subject could be dropped. I don't have a time machine, but if I did, then I would stop myself. I have already apologized and said that it wouldn't happen again. I haven't even been using this site anymore. What more do the two of you expect of me?

#107694 Jalapeño Business

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 10 May 2017 - 02:36 PM in Everything Else

It's nacho problem.

#107670 Jalapeño Business

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 04 May 2017 - 06:37 PM in Everything Else

What the hell did I miss since this afternoon?

Last night I found Gol's Facebook profile by looking up the nerdforum fan page on Facebook. I proceeded to create another profile pretending to be him and using his actual name. Now that I think about it, I don't think it was a cool thing to do. At first I thought it was a little funny, but I would not want anyone to do it to me, so it's really really not. Sometimes I forget that people on the internet are actual people and not my personal playthings. I completely forgot about it today until I saw this topic and the warning message. It has been handled though. I apologized to both Spleen and Gol about this and it will not happen again.

#107668 Jalapeño Business

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 04 May 2017 - 05:07 PM in Everything Else

If you're gonna make weird accounts using my IRL name and the description from my fucking Facebook profile, at least hide your IP address so we can't find out you did it, you weird, creepy fuck.

I was gonna leave this and just accept that Danny has dealt with it but I don't think it's fair actually. What's to stop you doing that to someone else? This is me publicly calling you out to let you know: you're what we in London call a 'cunt'.

I tried to pm you about it, but I was unable to. I'm not sure what's going to happen at this point, but I did manage to pm Spleen. Look, I am very sorry this has happened. It will not happen again. Not to you or anyone else. I use this site as a means of relieving stress from being bullied every day. It also doesn't help that I have bipolar disorder and autism. You definitely did nothing to deserve it and have every right to be furious with me. I just now started thinking about how much of a bad person I am. Still waiting for Spleen's response, but I think for the most part, I should just leave this site alone for a bit. If there is anything you want me to do, just let me know man.

#107662 Cinco De Mayo

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 03 May 2017 - 03:54 PM in Everything Else

It's a bit tough in Canada.

The cold Northern breeze makes losing an eye a very real possibility when it comes to half nude women wandering about.


It's not a holiday for me but I will still be throwing beads at semi-nude women today.


I wonder if it would work for Cait to try and throw beads at half naked women.

#107645 Cinco De Mayo

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 02 May 2017 - 10:46 AM in Everything Else

What do you all have planned? I'm going to get drunk and try to eat at least five tacos.

#107644 The Mask Reboot

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 02 May 2017 - 10:42 AM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

Would the mask give Hulk superpowers if he wore it? I'm not sure I understand the effects on people who are not the original guy in the mask.

#107641 The Mask Reboot

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 01 May 2017 - 06:42 PM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

That's Captain Bananadick to you Dr. Pepperspray! But with SA Company. We have 4 or 5 free masks, I do not know if the relationship is cute and sweet. With honey. But is now the shirt that cuts the top.

Lol. Touché, my robot friend. Touché.

This is the only mask reboot I have any interest in:

What was this image from? I never knew that The Hulk had anything to do with The Mask.

#107630 The Mask Reboot

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 01 May 2017 - 04:30 AM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

Looks like Bananadick ran out of jokes. I remember the movie with Jim Carrey being advertised, but I don't think I have ever seen it.

#107623 Other Forums

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 30 April 2017 - 06:23 PM in Everything Else

I know a lot of you - myself included - are dedicated to using this forums site. I just think I want to meet new people online and I didn't know of anywhere as good as this site. What other forums site's are there that are similar to this one?

#107597 Poo Poo Smoothies

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 26 April 2017 - 09:35 PM in SCIENCE!

This is a crazy experiment. I think I might try it soon...



#107575 Your Drugs

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 25 April 2017 - 09:17 PM in Everything Else

No person or government has the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't put into my body. I have agency and the ability to decide whether something is good for me or not. There's just no excuse for a government to criminalise drug use, especially when so much habitual drug use is a medical problem, not a criminal one.




I think most, but not all drugs should be legal. I mean, the government makes certain drugs illegal to protect its citizens. You would die at an extremely young age if hardcore drugs like bath salts, cocaine, or crystal meth were heavily abused.

#107540 Imaginary Game Title Depository

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 22 April 2017 - 11:03 AM in Video Games

Is your brain crowded with completely generic and/or absurd game titles? Leave them here. Who knows... you might have a hit IP! I'll start.


Family Rifle Party


Funky Yak Tour


Helicopter Construction King


Refrigerator Raider


Toothy's Submarine Collection

#107534 Your Drugs

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 21 April 2017 - 05:12 AM in Everything Else

I just wanna know where Majestic is getting his regular supply of hallucinogens, cause they're so hard to find in the UK. I'm really really intrigued by acid and DMT, moreso the latter than the former, mostly because a 45 minute power high sounds more appealing to me than an eight hour one. :)
e: Cait u fuckin narc

They are not hard to find in the U.S. Never bought any, but I have heard you definitely need to know the right person. I'm with Cait on this. There is a reason some drugs are illegal. Never understood why marijuana was illegal though. It's one that is actually good for you. I guess maybe it's just to cut down on obesity.

#107528 The Voice in Your Head

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 20 April 2017 - 03:35 PM in Everything Else

At the grocery store I'm usually like

"You fucking bastard! Hurry up and get back in the damn line!"


"Why do these people have so many children? They are all right in my way."

Sometimes it's even something like

"This cashier better stfu. I don't have time to listen to you flirt with your other customers. Do you want me to punch you in the face you stupid bitch?"

Yeah. I hate grocery stores. A lot of people would probably want me to check into an insane asylum if they found out what goes through my head during the other parts of my life.

#107498 Beach Volleyball

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 18 April 2017 - 05:58 PM in Everything Else

I also don't see anything bad about women wanting to show off their fit bodies. The problem is that the men don't want to. I'm not gay or anything, but if these men are at the beach, then why can't they take their shirts off?

I don't know why it's like that in the Olympics, but I know for a fact they don't wear shirts in the AVP matches. What difference does it make anyway? It's just a sport.

Hey, Spleen. Is Banana a bot? If so, can we please keep it?

It was established long ago that 96bananathing is either an extremely meta bot or a sockpuppet. An hd beach volleyball video game? Sounds a lot better than playing the 1984 game on atari.

#107479 My Toon Parts

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 17 April 2017 - 06:29 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

What were your favorite cartoon shows as a child?

#107478 Beach Volleyball

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 17 April 2017 - 03:24 PM in Everything Else

I'm pretty sure they can wear whatever they want. Men wear less than that in diving, so I don't see a problem with what women wear in b.v. If they are proud of what their bodies look like, then why shouldn't they be allowed to show it off? That's like saying I have to be forced to wear a shirt when I swim.

Btw, I just don't celebrate Easter. No problem with anyone else celebrating it.

#107468 Beach Volleyball

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 16 April 2017 - 04:31 PM in Everything Else

Since 3raser is consistent in mentioning that beach volleyball is too controversial and because I want to get my mind off of a ridiculous holiday, enlighten me. What is wrong with discussing beach voleyball?

#107459 The member photo album.

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 15 April 2017 - 05:57 PM in Everything Else

I'm definitely not upset about it, but I will upload my voice too. I just have to get my roommate to leave the apartment long enough first. I would also like to hear Spleen and Cait's voices too.

#107458 Car Pool

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 15 April 2017 - 05:48 PM in Video Games

Need For Speed: Most Wanted is definitely something I need to buy. It is listed at the top of the list for best racing games on thetoptens.com. I will also give Double Dash a shot. I have never actually played any Mario Kart games, just Mario games. I used to play Crash Bandicoot a long time ago. Are they similar to that?

#107443 The Big Bang Never Happened

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 13 April 2017 - 01:01 PM in SCIENCE!

What if humans created the big bang, then they put the other less smart humans on earth and the intellectuals went to another galaxy?

#107437 Smart Products

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 13 April 2017 - 04:40 AM in Everything Else

I feel like robots will eventually take over every human job. Technology is both good and bad. People are becoming increasingly lazy as time goes on.

#107428 The member photo album.

Posted by Capsicum Annuum on 12 April 2017 - 04:53 PM in Everything Else

^ We waited a long time for that.

I would post my face, but I don't want people to know who I am. Like, If one of my Facebook friends uses this site.

I could upload my voice again soon though.