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There have been 18 items by Alterega (Search limited from 07-June 23)

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#51691 Favorite groups, artists or styles at the moment?

Posted by Alterega on 18 July 2013 - 08:14 AM in Music

Okay, so I'm a musical fanatic, as you'll learn soon enough. I'm curious to know what everyone is into, currently? My tastes are rather complex and vast, but at the moment, I'm really enjoying the latest Iron & Wine record, 'Ghost on Ghost.' It's of course no 'Shepherd's Dog,' but there are a few great ideas on the LP, including the infectious 'Low Light Buddy of Mine.'

I know this is an old thread, but I'm a huge musical fanatic too! Although... I don't really listen to much of the same things ya'll do here so far... but oh well! I'll share anyway :)


I listen to a LOT of different genres. From indie electronic to Romantic classical to R&B to gypsy jazz, I'm really welcome to everything except really harsh music (i.e. heavy metal, hardcore rap).


I use spotify, and I have one major playlist folder where I keep around 10 playlists of music I REALLY enjoy listening too. There's around 500+ songs in the library so far, but some new additions to the library have included some country (lots of people bash on country, but I find it simple and sweet!), Biréli Lagrène (he's a French gypsy jazz artist), Muse (I used to think all of their songs sounded the same, but I'm really enjoying their recent album and some old songs!), and Billy Joel. I just LOVE Billy Joel. Especially "Vienna", "Movin' Out", "Uptown Girl", "Piano Man"... everything. :)

#51304 Hey everyone! *A picture guide about Alterega and the LONGEST bio ever!*

Posted by Alterega on 09 July 2013 - 05:25 PM in Introductions

Hey everyone! My user's Alterega, but my real name is Angela. I chose the username Alterega because if you meet me in reality, I'm an outgoing individual who wants to work as a business management consultant and listens to classy jazz music on a regular basis. But I feel like my comic book loving, videogamer, nerdophile me who wants to double major in graphic design and computer science and would rather ditch the lofty office for a game studio is my total alter ego! Mix in that I'm a girl and you get me, Alterega. *epic music plays!*


Let me introduce myself through a semi-picture guide through some of my stuff.


Let's enter through my bathroom (BECAUSE IT HAS AWESOME PAINTED DOORS)




Door 1: ...Planets are so pretty. I love the idea of being a science genius (you know, those kids that wipe out all of those awards at science fairs ALL the time?? Those kids that program their own programs to do their homework??? OR PEOPLE THAT MAKE MARBLE CONTRAPTIONS!!), but sadly, that's not the case for me. Got my first B's in school because of Physics, and sciences (as much as I love them) just don't click in my head for me. I can dream like I'm a genius right? And pretend that F on Light diagrams was simply because of the incompetence of my physics teacher, right? Sigh.




Door 2: This describes where I want to be post-college time. I want to live in most (probably not all) of the major US cities and experience the essence of America through their culture. I've knocked 1 city down - sweet home Atlanta! I love the city life. Apartments all the way!




Door 3: And this is my idea retirement. You can't really tell where this is, but let me tell you - I'm gonna retire in Florida like a smart grandma would. What's not to like about Florida? DID YOU KNOW that Florida residents that live near cruise ports get super-discounts on AMAZING rooms? If I'm seasick, I'd hop to Disney World and live in a fantasy with my annual pass. Creeped by Goofy? Then I'll just drift off to sea. There's a reason why so many old people retire in Florida...




I have a mediocre sock collection... (working on it)


...But I am a collector of stickers and am proud of my collection! (Consists of 2000+ stickers)

It's guarded by a green pig you all may be familiar with (even though I suck at the game) and is kept safe in a plastic red briefcase. (classy, eh?)





I LOVE to read. (Especially travelogues and mysteries. My favorite author is clearly depicted here.) Also pictured is my trusty red Kipling bag, passed down from my mother. It's 25 years old! 




And lastly, this is my pencil case. I draw a lot (mainly cartoons, comics, people.. no fancy landscapes or nature), and as you can see this guy (you all may know where he's from ;D) has suffered a major yellow highlighter attack, as exemplified by his giant stain. 




Wow. This was a lot longer than I expected, but I guess... hi everyone! I hope you all know as much as you wanted to know about me.  :lol: Pleased to meet you all, and I hope to make some new friends! (if you trudged this far to read ALL of this, you're GOLDEN.) 


*humble bow*


#51484 Hey everyone! *A picture guide about Alterega and the LONGEST bio ever!*

Posted by Alterega on 11 July 2013 - 08:16 PM in Introductions

Yeah, its still going on. I was waiting to post again until I finish a logo, but yeah. We would love to have you participate

Working on it now, bud! :) 

#51520 Hey everyone! *A picture guide about Alterega and the LONGEST bio ever!*

Posted by Alterega on 12 July 2013 - 05:24 PM in Introductions

Oh, appologies :/


It has yet to start. How much have you done so far?

Oops! Did I start too fast?


No worries, if I did, then I really haven't done much. Just some character sketches right now. I haven't gotten into my final draft.

#51336 Hey everyone! *A picture guide about Alterega and the LONGEST bio ever!*

Posted by Alterega on 10 July 2013 - 07:16 AM in Introductions


Hmm... so we have a fellow Georgia peach here, do we? 


You'd better not be one of those people who post three things and vanish.


No worries, I abandoned the Rock and Pop section on Yahoo!Answers (a formerly FANTASTIC community) because my questions were getting blocked so many times. What nuisances. I kept my friends on there via other sites, but it was time to move on.



Welcome to nerd forum! I also hope to major in computer science one day!


Thank you for the kind greeting! I'm going to be taking a programming class next year to see how I like Computer Science in the first place (never programmed in my life, going to learn Java and Python this year, hopefully...) before I decide to pursue it. All of that is going to ultimately determine where I'll go to college, so it's a big choice for me! 

#51440 Hey everyone! *A picture guide about Alterega and the LONGEST bio ever!*

Posted by Alterega on 11 July 2013 - 11:00 AM in Introductions

Teehee, python is great. Java is a bit bloated, but yeah.

Just for the record, when you start python, don't use the default IDLE ide. It is buggy, crash prone, bloated and sometimes it won't even run the code propperly (it has a few issues with pygame, for example).


I reccomend an editor called sublime text 2. The free version is fine. Exactally the same as the full version, except with a "buy the pro version now" ad every 50 saves or so. Also, sublime can be used for almost any language you want, including java.

Why, thank you for the kind advice! I can't guarantee I'll start Python within the next few weeks (I'm going to New York for an academic trip), but I will most definitely keep the advice in mind. Why, I might even bookmark this on my bookmarks bar! (that's when you know a site's REALLY special!)


By the way, I checked out your Nerd Forum Art Jam... is there a possibility that's still going on? I'm assuming it is, since it's still in your signature. I don't know if I want the prizes (I think someone else would put the Steam keys to better use than me) but I might enter in it for rec. What do you say?

#51315 Hey everyone! *A picture guide about Alterega and the LONGEST bio ever!*

Posted by Alterega on 09 July 2013 - 06:14 PM in Introductions

Hey everyone, thanks for the kind replies. I'm glad this actually got some views because it's as long as a tapeworm... *shudders*






Disgusting creatures. Sorry if I ruined someone's dinner. I live in Eastern time, so I know at least one of you guys are eating dinner at this time...

#51324 Hey everyone! *A picture guide about Alterega and the LONGEST bio ever!*

Posted by Alterega on 09 July 2013 - 07:42 PM in Introductions

The thought of that thing smiling like a retard as it chomps through your intestines is the funniest thing I've thought of all day.

Hoho, but Tiddley exists. He can be your friend today, if you drink out of the right puddle... your funniest thoughts can be a reality...




Now I feel like I let everyone down when I did my intro thread way back.

Now I need to perfect time travel and show you up before you ever get here...

Bring it on, Fray-Fray! I'd stalk the intros for your introductory post but considering you've had 2,448 posts, I feel like it's a futile deed...


Posted by Alterega on 14 July 2013 - 10:18 AM in Everything Else

@Alterega - you do realize we'd prolly need about 100 lbs of bean pods, right....?




At the current time I am forced to make due with frozen packs, but there is a little sushi restaurant over on us-67 that makes them fresh!

Yep, I love them fresh too. Hehe... I live near a Japanese buffet that has fresh edamame... why don't you fly over here and then we can compete here? 


Posted by Alterega on 12 July 2013 - 10:07 PM in Everything Else


It's always better from the garden, they smell better and taste better 

I dunno what it is, but I always love that smell of freshly picked tomatos
My family look at me like I'm a freak when I sniff them because I love that earthy tomato fresh-picked smell


^Waiting for these babies to ripen. But not too long or the deer'll get a free dinner. Usually the deer beat me to the tomatoes, so I never get to eat my hard work of harvest. :'(



My mom was a fitness instructor, so I have a very strong working knowledge of the rhyme and reason behind any workout by association and from my own education/knowledge seeking.

Sound like some smart thinking's going on there! Go for it! 



I've never tried kale chips, but I LOVE Edamame steamed & lightly salted with sea salt!

Now you, my friend, have VERY good taste :) I'd invite you over for an edamame-eating contest, but alas, this is the interwebz and such liberties generally do not occur so easily...


Kale Chips = Kale + Sprinkling of Olive Oil + Salt + Some Pepper + Whatever herb you want (not too much of it, the first time i put so much paprika in my chips everyone in my house loved them but we fighting to get to the restrooms afterwards) 


^It's yummy! Try it sometime.


Posted by Alterega on 11 July 2013 - 08:45 PM in Everything Else

I eat about as healthy as some sort of guy who eats very poorly.

My body manages to deal with it though, and I plan on beginning a workout regime soon to further turn my body in to a machine of unstopable sex.

"I live to eat, not eat to live.." <- A perfectly sound philosophy by me, by the way.


Ooh! What are you thinking of doing? 


I'm asking 'cause I actually tried out one of the Super-Ass-Advertised TV Workout regimes (Insanity, to be specific), and they work really well. :) 


Posted by Alterega on 11 July 2013 - 08:14 PM in Everything Else

Hold up there just a second, there are at least 2 'super foods' that I think are quite yummy.
Blueberries and sweet potatoes.
I think pumpkins are a super food as well, but I'm not too sure....

Kale chips, anyone? ^_^




I actually eat really REALLY healthy... I don't eat past 9 PM, I actually eat breakfast (all whole grain too!), fruits over desserts, and I LOVE broccoli...


Posted by Alterega on 10 July 2013 - 05:53 PM in Everything Else

This morning I dragged myself into my kitchen to eat some Honey Bunches of Oats when I saw this hot mama near the sink:




"AHHUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed at my mother. "WHAT IS THAT?"


I don't know about you guys, but it looked like a dried up, hairy human leg. It looks smaller in this picture than in real life, but I literally thought it was a human body part.


Apparently, it's a "Nagaimo", which is a Japanese herb that is apparently very expensive. 


"I'm going to cook it for dinner for us! It's very good for you!" 


...guess who skipped dinner tonight.


Posted by Alterega on 11 July 2013 - 11:06 AM in Everything Else

Fun fact: people in the Tokugawa era would use the paste from these things as a sex lubricant. That's right, samurai KY jelly that also goes well with noodles. Bon appetit, minet.

My mother is going to make it into "something sweet". My sister and I are slightly terrified. 


Bullshit. That is a human leg.

Do you know what's ironic? That very same night, I was watching the show (idk if ya'll watch this, but anyhoo) Criminal Minds, and the episode was about a doctor who abducted people into his garage to amputate off their legs so he could try and transplant their legs on his wife, who was an amputee herself. I think it was one of the most terrifying episodes I've ever watched, and it definitely made me lose any open-mindedness about trying this thing, no matter in any dish.


Sex lubricant or not, my little Japanese "herb" is going to the landfill in the boonies. 

#51564 Depressed about Gameboys.

Posted by Alterega on 14 July 2013 - 02:32 PM in Video Games

Last night, I was watching a Taiwanese soap opera with my sis and mum when all of a sudden I started reminiscing about my gameboy consoles. I had lost two of them, but I remembered (or thought) I still had my Gameboy Advance SP still laying around.


I felt sad about losing my limited edition silver Pikachu Game Boy Color. I don't know what happened to it. I really don't remember, but it was my first Game Boy EVER and it had Pokemon Crystal (which I argue is the best Pokemon game EVER) in it. 


Then I lost my Crimson-Black Nintendo DS Lite on a Japan Airlines flight to Tokyo. I didn't feel as sad about losing my DS because I felt like the Japanese would take good care of it. I can imagine a seven-year old Japanese boy having bundles of fun with my Mystery Dungeon: Red Team/Diamond Version 2-in-1 DS. I hope he's having fun with it.


But alas, when I scoured the house for my advance... I couldn't find it. It was a mystery - I found all the chips associated with it (even my Pikachu Yellow Version!)... but no gameboy. No console! 


And do you know what I did? I started crying. Seriously. Not bawling, but some melancholy tears of vain. Why did I cry? Well, maybe it's because while I was growing up the gameboy was always associated with me in my family. Random chips lying around? Then you know little Angie's been around. And through gameboys was how I met my best friend back in middle school. We'd make pokemon comics and compare our stats on various games. And most importantly, I got that GBA through my sister's best friend - who, entrusting it to me for only 20 dollars, told me to take good care of it. I felt like I had broken a sacred promise of videogamedom, and that I had lost the last true piece of my childhood at that time. 


I don't believe it's gone/stolen from my house, and I swear it's around somewhere - but I guess it's not the time to find it. 


But all's not lost - along the search process, I found all my Pokemon cards. All 500 of them. And that made the pain ease an eency weency bit.


*Sigh* I'm now sending mass texts and facebook notifcations asking people if they want to sell their gameboys. But it's not the same.


Call me emotional, but... I REALLY LOVE GAMEBOYS!!! </333



#51306 ...So I just got my first PC gameboy emulator...

Posted by Alterega on 09 July 2013 - 05:39 PM in Video Games

Okay, I've been a diehard Pokemon fan. The only other handheld videogames I've ever played was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on GBC (amazingly good, if you haven't played it, play it HERE: http://www.playr.org..._stone/988#play) and Powerpuff Girls: Bubbles (not so good. I kept dying... which makes me unhappy and makes me give the game an automatic boo!)


But I realized, THERE ARE SO MANY GAMES TO PLAY USING AN EMULATOR THAT I'VE NEVER TRIED.  :ph34r: Legend of Zelda?? Kingdom Hearts??? Final Fantasy???? I don't live in a hole. I've heard of these games. I've seen them before! But I never got them. My pokemon wouldn't let me. But this was my time to break away!


So I started playing Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on Desmume and I got hooked. It was gorgeous! Link was adorable! I actually laughed at the story plot! Then I got greedy... ish. I got to the Temple of Fire, and I couldn't get past these pools of lava! It really annoyed me that I couldn't jump and the fact that I could die so easily irked me, so I got a mega-jump cheat and an infinite health cheat (I spoiled the fun, right?). Sure enough, when I got blocked inside a room full of ghosts that wouldn't die, I just jumped out. Too impatient to fight a bunch of zapping slug thingies to get a key? I just jumped over them.


Soon, I jumped so much that I skipped way too much stuff and my game totally started messing up. So I got irked and I decided to call Zelda for quits because I was so frustrated! (lame me, right?) Then I started playing Kingdom Hearts: 358-2 Days. I was so intrigued by the story plot (mind you, I didn't know anything about Kingdom Hearts before playing this except the time I read the first book in the series of anime... but I couldn't go further because my library didn't have any continuing copies!) that I decided to learn what had happened before this game.




I was SO confused. I went on a Kingdom Hearts wiki and I was absolutely lost by the end of 3 paragraphs. What on earth was going on? Kingdom Hearts is owned by Disney? HOW? It was so DARK!  :ph34r: 


Then I escaped back to Pokemon. I couldn't take change any longer! I needed to get back to some familiar non-human faces. Well guess what? I downloaded Pokemon Black, and before I had played black the most recent Pokemon game I'd played was Emerald. So when I saw the new pokemon I had to choose from for a starter pet... the old pokemon elitist in me protested. 


My brain: "They're sooooo ugly!!! EW!!!!"


Thus is my experience with emulators so far. Call me shallow. Call me lame. But I'm going to get back into emulators. Or maybe I shouldn't play DS-emulator games. Time to get back to playing GBC/GBA games....  -_- 

#51316 ...So I just got my first PC gameboy emulator...

Posted by Alterega on 09 July 2013 - 06:23 PM in Video Games

Heyy Sushi :)


Yep! It follows the Organization. I kinda started drooling imagining impossible virtual romances with some of the members uh, thinking about stuff when I first saw the intro to all the members of the Organization, hehe. 


Well, you see... I've NEVER had an actual TV-hooked-up console before. Yep. No PSPs or Xboxes, not even Wiis. I've been meaning to get one (I can definitely afford it) but I've always been such a freak about schoolwork and grades that I've chickened out each time. </3


Ooh! What pokemon is that? I'm giving Pokemon Black a try, the pokemon COULD be worse... my friend did point out some cool-ish looking ones. Like the 3rd generation of Oshawott, Samurott.





Haha, I'm kind of scared of the 3DS because I heard it gives people seizures... and I'm one to get dizzy easily... haha. I lost my GBA and my DS on airplanes, so I don't trust myself with handhelds anymore. The only survivor left I have is a GBA SD :(

#51341 ...So I just got my first PC gameboy emulator...

Posted by Alterega on 10 July 2013 - 10:28 AM in Video Games

BTW, the Harry Potter you're talking about is the turn based rpg, right? It's the only good Harry Potter game. So simple, yet, exquisite. The crafting wasn't too bad for a Gameboy game, either.

Right? I completely agree with you. I loved the flexibility of the game - there was lots of room to collect cards, gather tons of ingredients to make potions, and candy/stuff to buy to make the game seem more of like a real RPG. I heard the later versions were just so-called "boring mediocre action adventure games". As you can see, I totally dig customization. I love being able to have more choices to do different things in games. My friend and I were just imagining how cool it'd be if you could choose to be any character you wanted in a HP game, even being someone evil like a Death Eater. Not everybody wants to be good 100% of the time.. and people to mix up their games once in a while. I'd totally love to have that option, frankly. 


I guess Samurott and Emboar are plain radical. Poor Seperior. Firstly, I hate the name. How snobby can you get? Also, it looks similar to one of my least favorite pokemon (mainly because it kept whooping my ass while I was battling the Elite 4 in Emerald!), Milotic. And also because I've never chosen a grass-type for a starter pokemon because I'm narrow minded enough about my pokemon to never get a grass type in my party. (Sorry, Bulbasaur. I still do love you so.)



Just get a load of that! It's definitely "serperior" than you, right?


Yeah, especially since I lost all my handhelds, I definitely don't trust myself with buying any more of them. So emulators it is! I think the GBC emulators bring back the most nostalgia for me... it all started with Pokemon Gold. That was my first-ever videogame I ever owned. Played it until its eventual death on a Japan Airlines flight... but because it's Japan Airlines I haven't cried over it because I feel like the Japanese are going to take good care of my limited-edition pikachu GBC. I hope some happy 7-year old Japanese boy is having a blast with it... :')