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#107403 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 12 April 2017 - 01:55 AM in Everything Else

E: Nice try FBI.


I do a lot of drugs.


Don't do drugs kids.

#107576 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 26 April 2017 - 01:04 AM in Everything Else

People tend to do hard drugs because of their life circumstances. I believe rather than banning drugs, the government should be improving people's lives.

#107598 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 27 April 2017 - 12:54 AM in Everything Else

Don't expect the Tories to do the moral or intelligent thing though aye.

#107489 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 18 April 2017 - 07:05 AM in Everything Else

Not every body has the mind for acid. You can't try and fight it or control it, any ego or resistance, or denial will only manifest itself in your trips. Just sit back, zoom out, and enjoy the altered state of consciousness. And most importantly, don't go off doing stupid amounts - that road is rocky.


I've tried other things like Shrooms, DMT, MD and Coke. Personally, LSD tops them all.


These things are controversial, but to be quite frank, I don't think they should be. Used in moderation and respect, it is highly unlikely any negative consequences will come of it. And I hasten to add, I've had some of the most insane experiences of my life experimenting with these things.


I like to think outside the box, and there's nothing quite like an altered state of consciousness to achieve such a thing.


It's just important to know your limits, be with people you can trust, and don't let yourself become consumed by addiction.


How the fuck did you find DMT in England? I literally cannot get a hold of it anywhere.

#107594 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 26 April 2017 - 02:09 PM in Everything Else

It can only be either illegal or legal, and I don't believe people should ever be punished for their health issues.

#107554 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 24 April 2017 - 05:15 AM in Everything Else

They are not hard to find in the U.S. Never bought any, but I have heard you definitely need to know the right person. I'm with Cait on this. There is a reason some drugs are illegal. Never understood why marijuana was illegal though. It's one that is actually good for you. I guess maybe it's just to cut down on obesity.


No person or government has the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't put into my body. I have agency and the ability to decide whether something is good for me or not. There's just no excuse for a government to criminalise drug use, especially when so much habitual drug use is a medical problem, not a criminal one.

#107590 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 26 April 2017 - 12:58 PM in Everything Else

So you think that meth should be legal?


Yes, why not? Is it stopping people dying because it's illegal? Or are we having tens of thousands of drug addicts suffering in prison with rapists and murderers because their life situation is fucked up and they've run out of options to try and find a happier place?

#107515 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 19 April 2017 - 03:46 PM in Everything Else

I just wanna know where Majestic is getting his regular supply of hallucinogens, cause they're so hard to find in the UK. I'm really really intrigued by acid and DMT, moreso the latter than the former, mostly because a 45 minute power high sounds more appealing to me than an eight hour one. :)


e: Cait u fuckin narc

#107533 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 21 April 2017 - 04:43 AM in Everything Else

Although on the other hand, there's nothing more fun than sitting with your mates at 2AM having bumped a gram of marching powder, a couple of hash joints and five-to-ten beers, discussing the inner machinations of the universe at 450WPM.  :lol:

#107609 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 29 April 2017 - 11:36 AM in Everything Else

Nah man roll the fattest fucking joint you can, you won't get this stoned again for a long time.

#107435 Your Drugs

Posted by Calvary on 13 April 2017 - 02:41 AM in Everything Else

Ket has always been Ket you golden oldie.  :lol:

#106387 With the current political climate

Posted by Calvary on 02 February 2017 - 05:23 AM in Everything Else

Go help out Vit Jedlicka sort Liberland.

#106404 With the current political climate

Posted by Calvary on 03 February 2017 - 02:52 AM in Everything Else

I'm just waiting for Brexit to foment people's hatred of our government so much it precipitates revolution...

#106410 With the current political climate

Posted by Calvary on 04 February 2017 - 02:56 AM in Everything Else

We will pass thanks.  :lol:


Spleen do your bit for Uncle Joe; start spreading the word of Communism. It's the only way America can be saved.

#105165 Why So Serious

Posted by Calvary on 06 December 2016 - 12:48 PM in Everything Else



Gawd damn gimme.

#104283 Why So Serious

Posted by Calvary on 27 October 2016 - 01:18 AM in Everything Else

I love the deep-voice changing ones, I've spent so fucking long perfecting Frank Horrigan quotes to those. :L

#105473 Why So Serious

Posted by Calvary on 19 December 2016 - 08:02 AM in Everything Else

I low key love getting nightmares, I like being scurred shitless.

#104392 Why So Serious

Posted by Calvary on 01 November 2016 - 05:33 AM in Everything Else

When I commute on the train I read books sometimes, but modern social media and app-based news outlets have utterly destroyed my patience and attention span, so I find it hard these days to maintain focus on a book for long periods of time, which is sad, but honest.

#105302 Why So Serious

Posted by Calvary on 13 December 2016 - 07:50 AM in Everything Else

My ex had a pretty large snake and I must admit, I found it rather a dull pet to have. :/

#105220 Why So Serious

Posted by Calvary on 08 December 2016 - 08:31 AM in Everything Else

That is fucking hilarious!

#105295 Why So Serious

Posted by Calvary on 13 December 2016 - 01:32 AM in Everything Else

I did not realise hedgehogs weren't native to America until yesterday. Y'all calling a fucking hedgehog exotic cracks me up.

#104890 Why So Serious

Posted by Calvary on 27 November 2016 - 08:23 AM in Everything Else

She definitely gonna burn her thumb holding it like that.

#107539 Why So Serious

Posted by Calvary on 22 April 2017 - 07:24 AM in Everything Else

I'd attend a furrycon to feel better about myself.

#104317 Why So Serious

Posted by Calvary on 28 October 2016 - 12:35 AM in Everything Else

I think we need a NF Snapchat threat then tbh :P

#107135 Why do these things exist???

Posted by Calvary on 25 March 2017 - 02:27 PM in Everything Else

Honestly i want to eat all of those. All. Of. Them.