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#106951 I made a knife, too.

Posted by Calvary on 18 March 2017 - 06:29 AM in Everything Else

Dude that's really cool, it looks proper professional.

#106949 Weird States

Posted by Calvary on 18 March 2017 - 04:03 AM in Everything Else

Oh shit. Oh shit Danny are you gonna take that?


Posted by Calvary on 12 March 2017 - 04:00 AM in Everything Else

Sorry man, that really really sucks. :(

#106860 The member photo album.

Posted by Calvary on 11 March 2017 - 03:28 PM in Everything Else

finally got my hair done...


...and became an animal

Oioi saveloy!

#106812 Kim Jong Unfit

Posted by Calvary on 07 March 2017 - 04:12 PM in Everything Else

Try and get Kim Jong-Un to use it.

#106802 Kim Jong Unfit

Posted by Calvary on 07 March 2017 - 12:35 AM in Everything Else

Nuclear war.

#106787 The member photo album.

Posted by Calvary on 05 March 2017 - 01:06 PM in Everything Else

I have. ;~)

#106773 The member photo album.

Posted by Calvary on 04 March 2017 - 06:03 AM in Everything Else

Yeah man what the fuck's up with posting your face and not your voice in the Member. Photo. Album?

#106761 why are you happy?

Posted by Calvary on 02 March 2017 - 01:18 AM in Everything Else

I'm teaching myself to skateboard and I'm at a point now where I can comfortably balance and push myself along. Taking respite in small mercies because everything else is going to shit. ;P

#106760 The member photo album.

Posted by Calvary on 02 March 2017 - 01:16 AM in Everything Else

She's not nice. She just looks nice. ;)

#106724 Take A Little Trip

Posted by Calvary on 24 February 2017 - 09:16 AM in Everything Else

Don't need to tell me to strip off twice.

E: Spleen you twat you could have left an admin notice so I didn't look insane lmao!

#106714 Take A Little Trip

Posted by Calvary on 23 February 2017 - 12:59 PM in Everything Else

I highly recommend it.

I can't think of anywhere else in the world I would rather live than Canada.

Plus we spell thing the same way as you chaps and the queen is all over our money, so it's almost like home but less rainy.


Honestly dude if I was gonna live anywhere in the west, Canada is in the top five. For me it'd be South France; Castille y Lyon in Spain; Santiago, Chile; Canada or SW Ireland.

#106711 Take A Little Trip

Posted by Calvary on 23 February 2017 - 09:30 AM in Everything Else

Interestingly I actually do meet the requirements to emigrate to Canuckistan, so maybe one day. :P

#106709 Take A Little Trip

Posted by Calvary on 23 February 2017 - 05:37 AM in Everything Else

If I had to pick anywhere it'd be somewhere warm but not exceptionally hot, with low humidity, low rainfall and hilly/forested. The more interesting the better as far as I'm concerned. Honestly though the world is too big a place to pick any one type of biome.

#106701 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 22 February 2017 - 12:42 PM in Everything Else

I think we can all agree that rapists, regardless of gender, are low life scum who should be fucking castrated.

#106699 Oh my god you guys look what I found...

Posted by Calvary on 22 February 2017 - 12:31 PM in Nerd Art





Here's a few while I have a moment. Honestly that top one is my fave.


#106696 Oh my god you guys look what I found...

Posted by Calvary on 22 February 2017 - 11:26 AM in Nerd Art

I'll do it this evening if I have time, if not tomorrow evening fo' sho'.

#106692 Oh my god you guys look what I found...

Posted by Calvary on 22 February 2017 - 10:38 AM in Nerd Art



Seriously I have all of these saved in a file on my hard drive. I transfer said file over every time I get a new laptop. >.>

#106691 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 22 February 2017 - 10:19 AM in Everything Else

Again, how can the statistics be completely justified when men simply do not report sexual harassment and rape nearly as often as women do.

I am not belittling the horseshit that women have to deal with from sexually aggressive men, but how could the stats tally up the people who don't come forward with the info? Out of curiosity, did you report the two women who forced themselves on you while you were passed out drunk?


Where are you getting the idea that men don't report sexual assault as much as women? Surely if it's a big unknown then there can be no evidence to support what you're saying? I didn't report it because at the time I didn't consider it assault, and because it hasn't negatively impacted my mental or physical health; in fact I don't think I've ever even told anyone before. One piece of anecdotal evidence does not constitute blanket proof however, and I refuse to be used as a statistic.


I can only go on what has been compiled over the years and decades of demographic study, and the conclusion of said studies are more often than not that sexual assault is a male dominant crime, although it is also one perpetrated by a smaller number of women. So I understand that there are two sides, I'm not saying "woman on man sexual assault doesn't happen". I said 'men are gross', you responded with what boils down to a 'not all men' response, as far as I'm concerned. To me that's diversionary.

#106686 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 22 February 2017 - 03:20 AM in Everything Else

CW: rape


#106685 2020 Elections

Posted by Calvary on 22 February 2017 - 03:10 AM in Everything Else

It's the same, they just change the Queen bits to King.

#106670 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 21 February 2017 - 08:44 AM in Everything Else

I have personally been groped at bars by women and when I make it very clear I have a wife they act like I've done something wrong, this has happened numerous times.

A buddy once had his pants pulled down and his junk grabbed by a girl at a college party and when he pushed her off a bunch of bros ended up dragging him outside and threatening to beat his ass. If that shit happened to a woman it would be on the news and the guy would be in prison. Women get away with horrible criminal shit because they are still seen as weak objects who need protecting, not the animals they can be, just like any man.


The stats are pretty skewed because men tend not to report any harassment or even rape, just like my buddy who was dragged out of the party.

He ended up having to shrug it off because most people thought it was hilarious that the girl did it and who wouldn't want a hot chick to grab their cock right?

When a woman reports a sexual crime she is generally helped, when I man does he tends to either get no help or is mocked for it.

Boys are trained from a very young age that we shouldn't even cry when we get hurt because only pussies cry, and that we should be tough guys who can't be hurt in any way.

In recent years more and more men have been coming forward about their being raped/sexually harassed because people are starting to have a more open view of sex crimes and we are getting less shame for it. Watch those stats for the next decade and a guarantee there will be a noticeable shift in the weight of what gender they come from.


I understand where you are coming from, but it just isn't the way it is.


I know what's it's like, I've been groped and had two women physically force themselves upon me on separate ocassions when I was pass-out drunk in the past. Do we consider that rape? If it was a man doing it I guess so. It's not fun and erasing female on male assault is a pretty shitty thing to do. However, we were talking about men assaulting women, so to take my fairly obviously flippant comment and press that, shifting the focus of the conversation away from female assault is--in my opinion--not okay.

#106669 2020 Elections

Posted by Calvary on 21 February 2017 - 08:38 AM in Everything Else

Just gotta hope Johnson can find it better than he could find Aleppo.


I think JC will win the elections in Britain, can't physically predict further ahead for Spain or the US because both could be in the throes of civil war. :P

#106649 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 20 February 2017 - 03:16 AM in Everything Else

95 times out of 100, a man being harassed by a woman isn't being worried about date rape though. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, absolutely we know it does. Statistical evidence would show that it is by an large a male crime, however.

#106635 The Bitching Thread

Posted by Calvary on 19 February 2017 - 04:40 AM in Everything Else

Because men are fucking gross, and plenty of guys don't take no for an answer.