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#47244 This Forum

Posted by Thought Crime on 21 April 2013 - 11:37 PM in Suggestions

What is the long-term view for this forum?

#47187 Boston Terrorist Attack

Posted by Thought Crime on 20 April 2013 - 12:35 AM in Everything Else

I think there has been a general misunderstanding of my comments . . .


So. The source of these two shithooks are in denial and are screaming that their offspring were "framed" and could never do such things? Seems they have taken on the mentality of a conspiracy theoriest.


Is there anything more useless than being a conspiracy theorist?

#47138 Drunker than you know it.

Posted by Thought Crime on 18 April 2013 - 06:46 PM in Everything Else

I'm sorry you are not fortunate enough to not be close to anyone.

#47137 Iron Man 3, Extended look.

Posted by Thought Crime on 18 April 2013 - 06:41 PM in Sci Fi

Proud to say that I have not seen any of the Iron Man films. Even waited for The Dark Knight Rises to be available to rent for a minimal fee. Just don't care enough about comic book adaptations like I kind of did. The soure material angers me and so does the community.

#47136 Boston Terrorist Attack

Posted by Thought Crime on 18 April 2013 - 06:20 PM in Everything Else

No, I'm the same. Even after it happened I was able to go about my day unburdened because it didn't affect me personally. It doesn't make you terrible, just human. It saddens and disgusts me, and perhaps if you didn't feel at least that much you'd be terrible.


I don't care what country you're from, a death is a tragedy. More so when it's an innocent child


America's and other countries participate in the destruction of their most innocent every day.

#47039 Boston Terrorist Attack

Posted by Thought Crime on 16 April 2013 - 11:52 PM in Everything Else

Reading some of the comments throughout the Net about this, commenters have said some pretty dickish things. One of the most dickish comments I read was someone accussing the America's of being a terrorists and that they deserved it. The comment came from one who has caused more harm to their own people than anyone else ever has.

#46689 Things that rustle your jimmies

Posted by Thought Crime on 06 April 2013 - 11:28 PM in Everything Else

Let's just not go there.

#46639 Things that rustle your jimmies

Posted by Thought Crime on 05 April 2013 - 11:57 PM in Everything Else

What gets me irritated is when there are those who claim those against abortion are declaring war on women. Pfft! If abortion was about protection for women, then why are they okay with unborn females being aborted?

#46596 Upgraded to IP.Board 3.4.3

Posted by Thought Crime on 05 April 2013 - 01:16 PM in Announcements

I am liking this version of Invision Power Board for the most part. I would like to see single post view and the posts be separated like how a thread in vB is viewed.

#46583 Upgraded to IP.Board 3.4.3

Posted by Thought Crime on 05 April 2013 - 12:26 PM in Announcements

Have you looked at other forum software? Will Invision Power Board be used for long-term?

#46576 Upgraded to IP.Board 3.4.3

Posted by Thought Crime on 05 April 2013 - 11:45 AM in Announcements

Has this forum always used Invision Power Board?


Posted by Thought Crime on 04 April 2013 - 06:31 PM in Everything Else

Lately, the Internet has managed to not impress me. There's just so much that disinterests me to the point that it does not make surfing enjoyable. However, I enjoy forums for the reasons that I do not enjoy spoken conversations as much because so much can get lost in oral communication. I am no more socialble on the Internet than I am in my non-Internet time which has me spending more time on the Internet. It is a vicious cycle. But I'm not on YouTube, I'm not searching Wikipedia, I'm not reading the news because news is usually crap. I give a minimal amount of my attention to certain newstories. Those of which I have to pay attention to is because it is related to my career field.


And the term, "social network(ing)" . . . I hate it. I don't have any intention of being socialable on the Internet for the same reasons I'm not socialable when off the Internet.

#46507 Feedback

Posted by Thought Crime on 04 April 2013 - 06:04 PM in Suggestions

I never bought into the karma system. I was just curious about whether or not a dislike button would be added because fo the like button. Is the like button there because of facebook or something?


Oh yeah, people don't usually back up why they like something. The only service a like button adds is keeping from several member replies stating"I agree" in a row, but at the same time cutting down on non-contributive posts.


Sorry, SpleenBeGone, I thought this would be a just as helpful thread being that it would be all inclusive.


Posted by Thought Crime on 04 April 2013 - 12:31 AM in Everything Else

I would not say that I am "addicted", but Internet Acess is a neccessity for what I need to accomplish. I am definitely not someone who always has a smartphone in their hand. I don't even have a smartphone. I'm glad I don't. For one, I rarely have a conversation over the phone. I prefer the communication method of sending text messages. It is short, simple - and to the point. It also cuts down on awkward silence type of moments. A pre-paid mobile phone suits me best. And why would I want to pay ludicrous monthy bills that come with smartphone?


I do have a mobile device that's not a phone that I use to get updates, keep me on schedule and has WiFi access when needed and It isn't in my hand 24/7. So. No - I'm not addicted.

#46453 Left shift button or Right shift button

Posted by Thought Crime on 04 April 2013 - 12:19 AM in Hardware

I never really made an attempt to notice what SHIFT key I use while keyboarding. Now that I look at it while I'm writing this post, I noticed that I am consistently using the left SHIFT key. Probably developed that habbit long ago, though I am sure when first learning how to keyboard that there was a "right way" and a "wrong way."

#46452 Feedback

Posted by Thought Crime on 04 April 2013 - 12:00 AM in Suggestions

Would this thread made more sense if a member with a higher rank would have created it? Probably. Anyway, I thought it might be a good idea to have a comprehensive feedback thread.


About those "Like This" buttons, what about the addition of a "Dislike This" / thumbs down button?

#46391 Feedback

Posted by Thought Crime on 03 April 2013 - 03:07 AM in Suggestions

I had a thought that it may be a good idea to have a general feedback thread so that a member does not feel like they must create a new thread for every suggestion they may have.


Yay or nay?

#46381 Guests

Posted by Thought Crime on 03 April 2013 - 01:12 AM in Suggestions

I am fine with either way. I was just going to PM the question to you, but, a prompt said you are not accepting messages.

#46294 Guests

Posted by Thought Crime on 01 April 2013 - 05:59 PM in Suggestions

Will settings be kept as is?

#46293 For those of you not using the IP.Board or Aura skin...

Posted by Thought Crime on 01 April 2013 - 05:54 PM in Announcements

It looks a bit off when posting - until I revisit the thread that I posted in.

#46136 Guests

Posted by Thought Crime on 29 March 2013 - 11:29 PM in Suggestions

I don't know how much it affects a forum if it is private, somewhat private or mostly open, or completely open. Some have certain areas of a forum that are private. 


And I logged out to see if I could view my profile as a guest, and I could.

#46103 Guests

Posted by Thought Crime on 29 March 2013 - 04:32 PM in Suggestions

If for enabling those restrictions for guests, wouldn't be a bad idea.

#46099 Guests

Posted by Thought Crime on 29 March 2013 - 03:44 PM in Suggestions

You have mod or admin capabilities? I thought there was only one admin.

#46084 Guests

Posted by Thought Crime on 29 March 2013 - 02:18 PM in Suggestions

It seems guests have nearly all the capabilities members of this forum have except for communicating with members and posting messages. Is there an option to disable some of those things, like, viewing members profiles? I don't know what the options are for various forum software, except a few.

#45879 Antivirus Software

Posted by Thought Crime on 26 March 2013 - 05:40 PM in Software

Layered protection is the best way to go. How users surf the Net is really what allows for intrusions. You can have the best security system to protect anything -but- if you are careless, then a security system will be unable to fully protect them. More often, it is the site that is being attacked at its weakest points and that is how people's information is intercepted. Also, people shouldn't think that their Operating System is immune to malware. Because malware writers eventually find a way. Just look how sophisticated financial malware has become.