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There have been 52 items by Timathor Aznerac (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#36648 Favorite mythical creature

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 10 January 2013 - 02:23 PM in Fantasy

Age of Mythology!

Precisely, I loved that game.

#36599 Dragonball Multiverse

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 09:20 PM in Anime

Don't hate on me but I don't like anime. I think it is very strange and I've seen it before its just not my favorite thing.

#36598 10 greatest PC video games of the year

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 09:16 PM in Video Games

I think that Far cry 3 will get a good spot on my list. I love that game so much. Any other ideas?

Far cry 3 was epic. You should try fallout or rage, I know they aren't from this year but you should enjoy them since they are both free roam shooters. Rage has vehicles and you can craft various items from resources found in the wilderness.

#36597 Adventure ideas for d&d

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 09:12 PM in Tabletop Games

Ya, I have my guys starting out at a bar talking about how much they want to start this "running/hero" business. Then a guy who provides those types of things over hears them.........walks over and offers them, what seems, a simple guard these people quest. Which 6 months later will end up being really huge conspiracy story.......or they will all die by their decisions. I changed how they make characters too to fit it. Like they can't get all the fancy stuff just the extremely basic as they want to start into the business but no contacts/money for it. Make them work to get it all or search bodies of people they fight.

You have to post up what your idea ends up being as I am sure it will end up pretty good.

Okay you are probably a great DM and I'm glad you are willing to share your ideas

#36596 Favorite fantasy movies

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 09:09 PM in Fantasy

My favorite fantasy movie would probably be lord of the rings return of the king. It was a great conclusion to the series and I was glad to see Gandalf tear crap up.

#36587 Favorite fantasy movies

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 07:42 PM in Fantasy

Hey guys, I wanna know what your favorite fantasy movie are. From lord of the rings to Monty python, it could be any movie.

#36581 Favorite mythical creature

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 07:33 PM in Fantasy

You should probably bathe then.

Aye, I was covered with the blood, puke and crap from those weresquirrels

#36577 Favorite mythical creature

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 07:28 PM in Fantasy

Unless you roll up a newspaper.

Very true, I once killed over 9000 weresquirrels with just some newspaper and poisoned nuts.

#36575 Favorite mythical creature

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 07:26 PM in Fantasy


Indeed those weresquirrels are extremely powerful foes.

#36570 Favorite mythical creature

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 07:19 PM in Fantasy

My favorite mythological creature was the colossus. It was this towering gold, practically invulnerable humanoid which could withstand huge amounts of damage and recover by devouring trees, gold and other resources.

#36567 Adventure ideas for d&d

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 07:08 PM in Tabletop Games

I am been thinking the same for the shadowrun game I will be DM'ING. What I decided was the following...........just a quick sum up for you.

It starts with how they started in the business. With that game you get 400 points to create a character. I dropped that to 350 to represent extreme newbie into the hero business. The run is going to give them a basic guard this type of quest. Within it will have characters and things that are part of a much larger story I plan to work out throughout the next 6 months. The things they do to/with these people will dictate things in later quest.

Basically I started small with NPC's that don't seem like much; people they guard, talk to about quest and so on and so on. However, what they won't realize, unless they pay attention to the story I tell and NPC's reactions, their actions/lack of actions or how they treat people/side questions will dictate and help create a story that is going to be much much larger. I hope that clarify's what I will be doing with my shadowrun story and hope it helps you develop yours.

That's pretty interesting I'll probably use some if that and in the end.. They're in a town filled with Rhaskas!

#36547 Prometheus (Aliens Prequel)

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 05:56 PM in Sci Fi

I've never actually seen the original Aliens...I liked Prometheus though, and I'm probably going to watch Aliens sometime this year.
However, I was kinda creeped out at the end when

, so if that wasn't much compared to the next Alien movie, I may have to pass.

First of all it was a black xenomorph which burst out of the engineer's chest. Also if you ever watch any alien movies, the aliens look totally different. It all depends on their hosts, like when an alien burst out of an impregnated dog, it walked on all fours and was more scorpian like. So yeah, the original aliens look a lot different than the one from the engineer.

#36524 Adventure ideas for d&d

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 02:38 PM in Tabletop Games

I've been thinking about d&d and want to create a new adventure for my friends, any ideas? I would like it to be challenging yet it has an interesting immersive story.

#36513 Prometheus (Aliens Prequel)

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 09 January 2013 - 11:11 AM in Sci Fi

That's because the erm, the Engineer and the Space Jockey are the same thing, that's what all the Alien fans were so hyped up about. Me included.

I agree I LOVE the aliens series

#36468 The new Planet Of The Apes movie.

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 08 January 2013 - 09:38 PM in Sci Fi

I definitely enjoyed this movie but I just prefer the older ones. I actually think that this movie was one of the only prequels which successfully tied in the theme of the other movies.

#36456 Favorite mythical creature

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 08 January 2013 - 06:49 PM in Fantasy

What is your favorite mythical creature from any type of mythology, post your favorite here.

#36455 The new Planet Of The Apes movie.

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 08 January 2013 - 06:46 PM in Sci Fi

I didnt like the new planet of the apes much. I liked the older one more. The new one was just all fighting and gore.Although, I did like the part where Malfo was beaten.

I agree. The original a more in depth plot and focused more on story, unlike the remake

#36404 Prometheus (Aliens Prequel)

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 08 January 2013 - 03:03 PM in Sci Fi

The creator aliens were also linked in to the first alien movie.
Right down to the look of their suits/helmets and the seats they use in their ship that are exactly the same as the giant alien in a giant seat at the beginning of the first Alien movie.
That aspect was a fair bit more organic, but that is about as far as it goes.
Maybe all the Weyland Industries stuff fit too, but that shit is everywhere.

That is true, especially when the engineer goes to pilot the ship. The ship looks like the one from alien and does the engineer cockpit.

#36403 10 greatest PC video games of the year

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 08 January 2013 - 03:00 PM in Video Games

I thought that Assassins creed 3 and guild wars 2 were pretty awesome.

#36221 Prometheus (Aliens Prequel)

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 07 January 2013 - 06:55 PM in Sci Fi

I think it could have stood on its own as a somewhat enjoyable sci-fi movie with some cool monsters and a half decent plot.
Then the whole Alien tie in thing was there, and felt fairly out of place, and pretty much just sullied the whole potential that the movie had.


I can't help but agree with this. The xenomorph was unnecessary and just felt unnatural in this movie. I felt it was just put in for nostalgia of the classic and great alien movies.

#36210 Favorite character, hero, villain, or otherwise.

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 07 January 2013 - 05:43 PM in Video Games

I like Leon from resident evil. He was just too epic in it

#36206 Dungeons and dragons races

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 07 January 2013 - 05:35 PM in Tabletop Games

Humans all the way

#36154 Prometheus (Aliens Prequel)

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 07 January 2013 - 03:01 PM in Sci Fi

I thought Prometheus was great, I liked how they left you thinking at the end. But the whole xenomorph part at the was just thrown in for kicks

#36111 Prometheus (Aliens Prequel)

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 07 January 2013 - 06:47 AM in Sci Fi

Well many people are arguing about the unanswered questions. For instance: some people like it being a mystery, and make up their own theries about. Others say it has various plot holes and is an incomplete movie.

#35936 Welcome!

Posted by Timathor Aznerac on 05 January 2013 - 07:24 PM in Introductions

Hello guys I am a nerd... I LOVE scfi, computers, D&D, videogames and spreading nerdism. I hope that one day that society will refrain from making more prejudices about nerds (No thanks to Hollywood) and hope to make nerds on top and Jocks/idiotic/popular people on the bottom.