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There have been 98 items by DaRatmastah (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#80908 Will a Newtons Cradle work with rings instead of balls?

Posted by DaRatmastah on 22 October 2014 - 08:57 PM in SCIENCE!

Solid supports are going to screw with the conservation of motion a bit, so the bounce duration will probably be shorter than a "normal" newton's cradle.  I'd advise using some extremely well-lubricated bearings to mount the support to eliminate as much friction as possible (I assume they'll be hinged in some way).

#80336 Taekwondo vs Muay Thai

Posted by DaRatmastah on 28 September 2014 - 09:07 PM in Everything Else

I'm sorry if I'm being "that guy."


But that was totally staged.


Cool choreography, and well done, but still staged.

#77318 Drink of Choice

Posted by DaRatmastah on 07 August 2014 - 03:56 PM in Everything Else

Mmmm beer.  I'm a craft beer guy.  LOVE it.  Also a fan of mead, and some fruit wines (not grape, so much, but I love raspberry wines).  Spirit of choice for shots would be vodka or rum, sipping spirit would be a good scotch, neat (cold scotch tastes weeeeird to me).  I actually got a bottle of 12 year Glenlivet waiting for an appropriate occasion downstairs...hmm...

#76206 Guardians of the Galaxy

Posted by DaRatmastah on 02 August 2014 - 05:27 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Groot was definitely the funniest part of the movie. Over all GotG was good, but compared to other Marvel movies it wasn't the best. I do agree though that the Winter Soldier was the best one they've made so far. Captain America my favorite super hero.

Saying that anything besides Drax was the funniest is heresy.


"Nothing goes over my head!  My reflexes are too fast.  I would catch it."

#75846 Deadpool.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 29 July 2014 - 11:47 PM in Fantasy



Apparently it was too good to be true :(  Just test footage that was formerly attached to a Deadpool movie that now appears to be off the table.

#75695 So my new boss sent out an email

Posted by DaRatmastah on 28 July 2014 - 06:16 PM in Everything Else

Calibrate and align ingoing and outgoing data ports while maintaining asynchronous transfer streams to all host processes on the local and wide area networks.

#74957 Who is the Arkham Knight?

Posted by DaRatmastah on 17 July 2014 - 08:10 PM in Video Games

R'as.  Calling it now.  >_>

#74844 Batmetal.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 15 July 2014 - 09:20 PM in Everything Else

Yeeeaaaah I'm gonna have to share this one all over the place...

#74837 Worst president

Posted by DaRatmastah on 15 July 2014 - 08:50 PM in Everything Else

Ooh politics!


They all suck.


Nah, j/k, we've had some really great presidents.  That said, ranking presidents from good to bad is actually incredibly difficult, due to the large amount of non-powerful power the president has.


Basically, the things we blame a president for, or ask a presidential hopeful about when they're running, have fuck all to do with what a president's actual jobs and responsibilities are.


The majority of things we get pissed at presidents for aren't even within the scope of the job title.  Employment rate, laws brought into existence (with the exception of vetoes), the financial health of the country, various hot-button topics...besides being the guy with a microphone stating his (or her) opinion about these things, they don't really have anything to do with the process.


You know what we should get pissed at presidents about, and judge them on? Appointment of individuals (committee leaders, supreme court nominees, etc.), executive actions, clemency decisions, bill vetoes, and encouragement of corruption.


That said, a large percentage of people who bash X president wouldn't even be able to begin naming their appointees, executive actions, clemency decisions, or what bills they vetoed.


Now yes, everyone who's bashed a recent president in this thread could go and look those things up now (since we're on the internet), and say, "No, I hate him because of X!"  But in reality, do you dislike the president in question because of those specific things they did, or do you dislike them because of what they and others say into microphones?


Case in point:  President Obama declares greater transparency, less cronyism, and free internet as big parts of his platform in campaigning.  During his second term he then appoints a longtime telecom lobbyist to the head of the FCC committee governing, among other things, the internet, who almost immediately comes out in favor of overturning net neutrality.


But if you ask the vast majority of rabid anti-obama people why they dislike him, they'll spout nonsense about him being bad for the economy, a supporter of communism(or socialism, or marxism...it's basically all the same thing as far as they're concerned), and a dirty anti-american muslim.  Honestly, none of these things would affect the country much even if they were true.


So yeah.  Fun thing to do next time you get into a debate with someone over politics and they bash a particular president.  Ask them which bill veto or personnel appointment they disagreed with most, and then see if they stumble all over themselves.

#73853 Birthday Time For Captain Overexcited Cyclops

Posted by DaRatmastah on 30 June 2014 - 08:11 PM in Everything Else

Woohoo!  Thanks everybody!  Sorry I haven't been around much.  Between my blog, my dojo, and my actual day job I'm kinda working like three jobs now.  >_>  It was really nice to pop in here today and see this, though!!  =D  <3

#71860 13 Generations of Lara Croft

Posted by DaRatmastah on 05 June 2014 - 11:37 AM in Video Games


#71737 Hey :)

Posted by DaRatmastah on 04 June 2014 - 12:18 AM in Introductions

Hi!  Ultralisks are badass.  You must be badass, too!

#71386 Some Canadian politics.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 30 May 2014 - 09:11 PM in Everything Else

Hahaha I was gonna say, I'm guessing it's maple based.

#71380 Some Canadian politics.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 30 May 2014 - 08:02 PM in Everything Else

Welp.  Officially time to move to Toronto.  Seems like you guys have ALL the fun.

#71367 Hello

Posted by DaRatmastah on 30 May 2014 - 05:24 PM in Introductions

As someone who also loves bosoms...



#70799 Josh Wise, Dogecoin car driver will get to race again

Posted by DaRatmastah on 17 May 2014 - 08:31 PM in Everything Else

Racegod, baby!  TO THE MOON!

#70318 Animated fights.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 08 May 2014 - 01:10 AM in Everything Else



#70317 Animated fights.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 08 May 2014 - 01:01 AM in Everything Else


My personal favorite...

#69862 Fitness.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 02 May 2014 - 01:59 PM in Everything Else

I am all about dat nerdy fitness.  Shameless plug time!


http://www.beagamecharacter.com  <dis is mine.


Game character inspired workouts, skill tutorials, general awesomeness.  Forums just went live, too.


As for myself, I'm an avid martial artist, fitness enthusiast, outdoorsman, blah blah blah.  =D

#69484 I'm sorry to have to tell you this guys, but...

Posted by DaRatmastah on 29 April 2014 - 09:15 PM in Everything Else

Wow.  I was winning for a loooooong time.



#69041 DRUNK THREAD 2014

Posted by DaRatmastah on 21 April 2014 - 10:27 PM in Everything Else

Totally forgot I made this.






Posted by DaRatmastah on 14 April 2014 - 07:08 AM in Everything Else

If I felt the need to shart explosively I probably wouldn't aim in your direction.




#68699 DRUNK THREAD 2014

Posted by DaRatmastah on 13 April 2014 - 12:01 AM in Everything Else



It hs been an tnerteaining evening with a barbecuhe a the nehibords and then much drinking for me.  HOW BAOUT YOU!?

#68630 Pokeball jello shots

Posted by DaRatmastah on 11 April 2014 - 11:34 AM in Nerd Art

http://www.geekosyst...emon-cocktails/ They would go very well with these.  =D

#67049 Wolf, you could be a Bear.

Posted by DaRatmastah on 21 March 2014 - 07:39 PM in Everything Else

I kinda wish it was third person bear...