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#82640 Feminist Hacker Barbie is Hysterical

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 December 2014 - 06:56 AM in Coding

Pretty hilarious that Gizmodo was saying that anything remotely "feminist" was anything but raw, pure female empowerment.

#82641 Golang, you had me at "Hello, world."

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 December 2014 - 06:59 AM in Coding

My goal is to have Golang for fun projects (replacing Python, the elitist diva language of the year) and Rust for serious projects (replacing Java, the overhyped "kill it, kill it" language of all time).


Unfortunately, all of my assignments are issued in Java and Python.

#90197 So we needed to dig a ditch between two fields today

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 07:44 AM in Everything Else

Nothing will ever rinse my ears thoroughly enough to get Arin Hanson's impression of Patrick Warbuton out of my head.

#90198 I need a quest

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 07:47 AM in Everything Else

You give them a quest to find the person with the ! over their head, whom then tells them that they have to go on the forum to collect their reward.


The reward is a firm :bill:'ing.


Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 07:48 AM in Everything Else

Just dropped in to talk about how impressed I am by all of this depression.

(You can thank me for the superb puns in various -zepams and -zolams)

#90200 Because cats.

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 07:50 AM in Everything Else

Oi, I have a lot of posting to catch up on.

Cats are better for in-house companionship, dogs are better for outdoor companionship.  However, cats can go between feral and domesticated states rather smoothly, so they obviously involve less effort, unless you consider their wrath.

#90201 Started exercising with my dog

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 07:53 AM in Everything Else

Dogs and humans are on similar ground (har har) when it comes to long-distance running.  Better start moving the goalposts in your favor before he starts barking up the wrong tree.

#90204 Magnets

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 07:57 AM in Everything Else

Not sure if this is the standard price, now, but banggood (Chinese retailer with a US warehouse) has some (around 100?) tiny neodymium magnets (disc-shaped) for $1.50 per set.  Link, d'uh. These are great for getting revenge on people on the highway; just toss fifty or so out at their vehicle while you pass by, and watch them get stuck to other cars, er, curse them to forever slave for Lord Mao see them get mildly annoyed.

#90205 Buy old equipment working and non-working

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:00 AM in Everything Else

I can sell you non-working primitive calculators (assorted colors; mostly pale-skinned), but their quality degrades over time.  Probably need a few thousand volts to get them working again.

#90206 I am stoked.

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:01 AM in Everything Else

Man, I remember when this country used to be one big shooting gallery, before the Capitalists needed it all for "food" and "public relations."

#90207 I need a quest

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:02 AM in Everything Else

Thread derailed.  Where the fuck is the bill emoticon?

#90209 Entertaining google search results

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:15 AM in Everything Else



About 10,000 hours in MSPaint's stepsister later:



#90210 WEATHER!

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:16 AM in Everything Else


Around 62, but who goes outside?

#90213 Happy birthday Xiao

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:19 AM in Everything Else

Slappy Serfdom, home of the Flappy Fiefday, where Clappy Kleptos play with their Sappy Septums for your Happy Humps, son.

#90214 I painted

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:21 AM in Everything Else

Your daughter is going to wonder why she gets so nostalgic playing Saints Row in a few years.

#90215 Dawko Just Raised Over $100K for Charity Streaming FNAF

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:29 AM in Everything Else

With tax season on the way, of course you would donate.  I wonder if that puts you in a lower bracket.

#90216 Cool infographic on popular coding languages - 2015

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:37 AM in Coding

While Reddit and general Blog-based online communities have increased online exposure, they have clouded the utility of a forum.  You can post that link, but we need some substance that YOU can bring to the table to discuss this.

Reddit trains this out of users by making it impossible to post a link and a comment in the same swoop, but the forum has that feature as a core demand for content and discourse.  Please use it to your full capacity.

#90217 Because I told Flippy I'd post it.

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:41 AM in Everything Else

I am hesitant to see the collective-but-separate communities on Reddit be generalized to the point that "Redditor" become associated with anything more than slander.  A forum, made up of a community just like ours (with less features, more circlejerking, and a stupid comment-rating system), created content and used a worthless link-sharing platform retrofitted for discussion to distribute it.

I really wish communities would migrate from Reddit and back to forums, where they were free from the infectious cross-contamination that happens on microblogging wannabe sites.

#90218 I'm having trouble with CSS

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:46 AM in Coding

Click on "Learning."


Modern CSS is currently a mess because of how little has been standardized.  This means that most browser engines have their very own homebrewed versions of many features, but you should be able to glean enough information from those resources to get your basic knowledge to intermediate level.

CSS is for design.  A great way to brute force knowledge of it is to think of a design (a problem), and then learn how to make it with style sheets (a solution).

#90219 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:49 AM in Everything Else

"The Hole Where Your House Was" ~ Spor

#90220 How a differential works.

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:50 AM in Everything Else

A differential is an extremely important mathematical constant.  

#90221 Mid-West Rap and Ponies (Possible Conspiracy)

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:53 AM in Everything Else

When the Puritans prove me wrong, I really hope they burn the Bronies first, such that I can find solace before my own roasting begins.

#90222 Cortana on Windows Phone

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 09:00 AM in Software

This link reminded me of a neat De-pagination script I saw posted somewhere the other day.  I know there are extensions for it, but this was a one-shot website.  I will re-post if I find the link again.

#90276 Because cats.

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 09:29 PM in Everything Else

Worded strangely, you mean.  No need to teach the second-speaker improper grammar right off the boat!

#90277 WEATHER!

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 09:30 PM in Everything Else

Those blasted towel-tipped blokes have fended off our tea industry for the last time!