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#15422 The Dark Knight Rises

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 17 July 2012 - 10:50 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

I'm going to see it but I haven't been a huge fan of the The Dark Knight series, well I liked the second movie The Dark Knight mainly because of Jokers performance. Bale has not been my favored Batman and as far as Anne Hathaway goes playing Catwoman I'm not sure she can top Michelle Pfeiffer's performance the original Catwoman. The Dark Knight series doesn't even really follow the comics but DC has a hard time with being consistent with their movies, if they had their game together like Marvel I think The Dark Knight live action would have been a great series. We shall see.

Visit my blog if you want to read more about my thoughts on my favorite superhero Batman :)

#13978 The Amazing Spiderman

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 07 July 2012 - 02:24 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Thank you!   :)

#13692 The Amazing Spiderman

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 05 July 2012 - 10:01 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Has anyone watched the Amazing Spiderman yet? What is your opinion on the movie?
I watched it opening night and quite loved it, defiantly exceeded my expectations going into the movie. Plus Andrew Garfield awesome job playing his role as Parker and Spiderman. I think he did a better potrayal of the loving comic hero than Toby Maguire, his performance says it all totally shot a cupid arrow in my heart haha
If you haven't seen it you should defiantly go check it out this weekend.

Please go and check out my latest post in relation to spiderman at www.brittniyoung.wordpress.com

#13013 Last Movie You Watched?

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 26 June 2012 - 09:07 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan it was a good movie. Before that I watched Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame, this is a really awesome action film. The girl that plays the Captain from the Empire is the same girl who plays Lily in Snow Flower. I would recommend both of them. They're on Netflix if anyone wants to watch them.

#13011 The Battleship movie...

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 26 June 2012 - 08:56 PM in Sci Fi

When that is all movie depend on its not that great its a slap in the face for wasting my time and money tsk tsk

#12950 The Battleship movie...

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 26 June 2012 - 05:22 PM in Sci Fi

I havent seen it for the fact of so many bad reviews I read about it. Just watching the trailer the only thing that looked great about it was the graphics. Someone on the film crew was obviously a big Bay/Transformers fan and went Bay crazy on the battleship graphics. Maybe it should've been called Transformers the Aquatics edition. They just don't feel the need to make a good story anymore, just force feed us explosions and high budget graphics. Do they think we are that simple where we can't enjoy or understand a complexed storyline and characters?

#12929 Munchkin Zombies

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 26 June 2012 - 04:43 PM in Tabletop Games

I can't remember if there was a sex change card but for some reason with that game I would not doubt it lol

#12364 Star Wars

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 20 June 2012 - 08:59 PM in Sci Fi

Oh yeah there's so many Star Wars books out there. I have the Lost Time of the Sith collection on my Kindle. I didn't get to finish the series because I started reading another book but they're pretty good books.

#12363 Giving up

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 20 June 2012 - 08:57 PM in Anime

I have seen a few episodes of Bleach but never really followed it much after that. Naruto I started watching it and I liked it but I never kept up with. When I was younger and watched more of the lengthy anime that aired on Toonami. Now I mainly watched anime that are not too lengthy usually the longest about 28 episodes. If I had more time on my hands I would defiantly watch the longer ones.

#12247 Best old school console

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 18 June 2012 - 03:44 PM in Video Games

N64! I remember spending the whole day with my dad and brother playing star wars games and my mom yelling at us for spending so much time playing games. I loved playing Banjo Koozie and Glover. N64 was the greatest invention I miss the 90s.

#12229 Um, scuze me 11th Doctor, wtf do u think ur doin?

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 18 June 2012 - 02:38 PM in Sci Fi

Haha yeah I miss the ninth doctor and loved the tenth, the 11th however took me a while to come to like. The 11th doctor episodes are good but they do totally shift in tone from the previous doctor whos. The season of the 11th doctor is very dramatic and while he still tries to add that comical charm to his character it does not compare to the previous doctors.

I wonder how the season would have played out if they kept the previous writers. I know River came up in the tenth doctor's season so that was supposed to play through this season with the 11th doctor but it seems the 11th doctor has taken its own turn. Idk how they will play the future seasons when the 12th doctor comes along. They're making The Doctor basically settle down in the current season, he's not that same comical character who leaves you always guessing. He's become predictable in a way and with him basically settling down. What excitement does this leave for the audience who is use to the doctor coming and going and bringing someone new along for the ride.

#12228 K Drama

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 18 June 2012 - 02:26 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

I've never ventured out to chinese dramas but I will have to check them out. Is hana kimi a live action of the manga?

#11775 K Drama

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 15 June 2012 - 11:19 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

I love me some Korean drama like every other crazy fan girl or pretty much anything Korean.

Does anyone watch Kdrama if so what's your favorite Kdrama or what Kdrama are you watching now?

If your interested in seeing what all the awesome rave is about Kdrama check out www.dramafever.com,

they are Kdrama central or you can watch tons of amazing Kdrama series on Netflix! :D


#11774 Munchkin Zombies

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 15 June 2012 - 10:47 PM in Tabletop Games

Has anyone ever played the tabletop game Munchkin Zombies? I played it at Gato Con the person in charge of the game never played so we were all virgins to the game and was confusing at first, but once we got in the groove of it it was really fun.

#8312 Being Human finally came back.

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 23 May 2012 - 03:29 PM in Sci Fi

I like the American version. I haven't seen the British version but I think I may check it out on Netflix. I do think they should go into more depth with their characters, they just like killing everyone. I think it would've been cool too if Aiden turned intoa half vamp half wolf. I'm interested to see what will take place next season with Aiden grounded and Sally gone.

I wonder how they are going to portray the place that she is in and what's going to happen there. idk why the hell she would want to shred herself in the first place everyone that she killed thats in there probably want to kill her for putting her there. I would make her unlife a living hell if I could if she shredded me.

As far as Nora I like that they showed her give into her wolf and fall in love with it, it would've been cool to see where the story would have led if Josh wasn't a little puto and accepted what he was like she did.

#8310 Star Wars

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 23 May 2012 - 03:12 PM in Sci Fi

Yes unfortunatley so.I do think Star Wars is a great franchise personally for the fact that it has become multi generational. I work in a childrens clothing store, I love when kids come into the store to buy the Star Wars clothes and totally geeking over their favorite characters and how much they love the movies and shows.I love that the name of Star Wars is ingrained in our culture, whether a person has seen the movies or not they know what Star Wars is. Lucas is a genius for being able to keep the name and story alive alongside help of authors who have written the thousands of books floating out there about Star Wars that further expands this realm of lightsabers outside of the movie line.

#8125 Greetings from the Empire

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 20 May 2012 - 07:59 PM in Introductions

Hey guys I just want to invite you to come check out my blog I have started recently and ask you to support and share. I open to suggestions and comments so don't be shy. Thanks so much ^.^

#8122 Greetings from the Empire

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 20 May 2012 - 07:50 PM in Introductions

Thank you everyone ^_^

#7981 Greetings from the Empire

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 18 May 2012 - 10:48 PM in Introductions

Okay. Well in that case I will defiantly be back again, I have found myself to come to like this place of course with your acceptance of the dark side to amongst you. I see very great potential in many nerd rants I would gladly love to engage in.

#7978 Greetings from the Empire

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 18 May 2012 - 10:35 PM in Introductions

Well I am loving this place already. I wish I could see more interaction from others. It seems a quite day on this side of the galaxy or am I looking in all the wrong places?

#7975 Greetings from the Empire

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 18 May 2012 - 10:09 PM in Introductions

Oh in that case you are a clever sith lord and I bow to the force you have come to rightfully wield. Never underestimate the dark side of the force, the first rule many should know to abide by.

#7974 If you could be one of the various types of movie monsters, what would you be?

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 18 May 2012 - 10:06 PM in Fantasy

A vampiress or a witch, both highly debatable.
As a vampiress you are the hierarchy of  a powerful breed that is ageless, has useful powers of hypnotism and are forever beautiful.
Then the witch you have boundless powers which places fear and control over others from the powers you bestow. A witch gives you more leeway in any situation where as a vampire you are limited; you can't go out during the day and all you can feed on is blood so you miss on the delicacies that are offered through time.

#7973 First Anime you saw?

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 18 May 2012 - 09:55 PM in Anime

Dragon Ball Z the greatest of my childhood memories.

#7971 Greetings from the Empire

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 18 May 2012 - 09:54 PM in Introductions

I see your not easy to convert next time we will plan with better tactics.

#7970 Star Wars

Posted by sith_lord_brittni on 18 May 2012 - 09:32 PM in Sci Fi

Hmm I actually didn't see the 3D whenever it came out only because I felt and probably knew the reason behind it was for money matters as is everything. Lucas has such a great brand with Star Wars I thought it was kind of stretching it by bringing in the big screen when he just released the blu ray collection. However I wish I did go see the 3D even though I have seen it theaters. I just thought is this really worth seeing when I can watch it on my blu ray 3D tv and save me ten bucks plus costs of snacks I must indulge in.