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#5182 NO BRICK IN THE WALL!: VISA, Discover, and MasterCard Numbers In Danger A...

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 30 March 2012 - 08:15 PM in Software

Uh, yeah, as of today. =/

#5178 Does Anybody Here NOT USE Social Networking?

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 30 March 2012 - 07:45 PM in Everything Else

I feel like I'm behind the times for not using em'.

What about you guys?

#5177 NO BRICK IN THE WALL!: VISA, Discover, and MasterCard Numbers In Danger A...

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 30 March 2012 - 07:23 PM in Software


10 Million Visa, MasterCard Numbers Breached, Blog Reports

This story was updated with more information at 12:45 p.m. ET and at 5 p.m. Friday.

MasterCard and Visa have reportedly suffered a data breach at a processor that may have resulted in more than 10 million compromised credit- and debit-card numbers.

On his KrebsonSecurity blog, noted cybersecurity researcher Brian Krebs said the breach, at an unnamed U.S. card processor, occurred between Jan. 21 and Feb. 25. In warnings to banks across the country, Visa and MasterCard said full Track 1 and Track 2 data was stolen, "meaning that the information could be used to counterfeit new cards," Krebs said.

(Data on Tracks 1 and 2 on magnetic-stripe cards include a cardholder's name and account number, as well as information that is read by ATM and credit-card processing machines, including the card's expiration date, security-verification code and encrypted PIN.)

Krebs' sources in the financial sector called the breach "massive" and said it may involve more than 10 million compromised credit card numbers. Many of the cards had been used "in parking garages in and around the New York City area." It is not known how many individual cards were compromised. Visa and MasterCard did not return calls for comment from SecurityNewsDaily.

On Wednesday (March 28), Public Service Credit Union (PSCU), a group that provides online financial services to credit unions, alerted 482 credit unions impacted by the breach, Krebs said. A total of 56,455 members' Visa and MasterCard accounts were compromised, the PSCU said, and fraudulent activity was detected on 876 accounts.

UPDATE: Brian Krebs updated his blog posting later Friday morning to include confirmation from Visa, which stressed that the possible breach was at a "third party entity affecting card account information from all major card brands."
The Wall Street Journal reported that the third-party entity was Atlanta-based payment processor Global Payments, Inc.
MSNBC and FoxNews.com received confirmation from MasterCard that the company was "currently investigating a potential account data compromise event of a U.S.-based entity" and that the breach was "the subject of an ongoing forensic review by an independent data security organization."

Both Krebs and financial-security expert Avivah Litan heard from sources that the breach was tied to a Latino gang — Krebs called the gang "Dominican," Litan "Central American" — operating in the New York area. Litan said the gang may have broken into computers at a New York taxi-and-parking company, adding that "if you’ve paid a NYC cab in the last few months with your credit or debit card — be sure to check your card statements for possible fraud."

UPDATE: At the end of the working day Friday, Global Payments, Inc., confirmed to Krebs that it had been breached.
"In early March 2012, the company determined card data may have been accessed," the company's statement read in part. "It immediately engaged external experts in information technology forensics and contacted federal law enforcement. The company promptly notified appropriate industry parties to allow them to minimize potential cardholder impact. The company is continuing its investigation into this matter."

The company will be holding a conference call at 8 a.m. ET Monday (April 2). Krebs has information on how to access the conference call.

#5143 It's what nightmares are made of.

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 29 March 2012 - 04:50 PM in Everything Else

I'm going to buy one and then.....

*Cues Lady GaGa*

#5136 Oh hey, 5,000 posts

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 29 March 2012 - 04:08 PM in Everything Else

When we reach over 9,000, I'm gonna shoot mah lazerz.

#5135 Why So Serious

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 29 March 2012 - 04:05 PM in Everything Else

Not at all, there are some really sexxxy ones about.

Besides splitting, that is the weirdest penis I have ever seen.

Besides, Peter Griffin has balls on chin too.

But I grew up on rotten.com and ogrish and I go to r/spacedicks to kill time so..


In all honesty, I never knew about Ogrish until I read about it on Listverse back last year.

However, I do remember visiting Rotten back in high school. Not for any sick fetish reasons, I was just amazed at the photos and wonder why those people didn't deserve the chance to die in their sleep peacefully?

I mean, life fucks us over enough, don't we deserve better with death? :(

*Cues sentiment philosophical momentum*

#4958 bug out bags

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 26 March 2012 - 07:12 PM in DIY

I read the thread title as "bang out bugs".

There has to be a rule 34 somewhere for it.......


#4956 Post your current wallpaper here.

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 26 March 2012 - 06:49 PM in Everything Else

Miiiine. I had to take a pic of the whole shebang, because the ridiculous amount of nerd in it, is mind boggling xD

Windows XP?

How you doing there grandma?


#4955 Multiplayer Piano

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 26 March 2012 - 06:48 PM in Everything Else

Can private rooms be created?

#4952 Nerd Forum

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 26 March 2012 - 06:45 PM in Everything Else


I've been working on my dictator skills, this will help tremendously.


#4951 I just found a new breed of dog I wahnt..

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 26 March 2012 - 06:44 PM in Everything Else


He is massive!!! O_O

If I'm not mistaken, there's a breed of dog called the Sarloos Wolfhound that is basically half-dog and half-wolf.

If that makes any sense. =/

#4950 Multiplayer Piano

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 26 March 2012 - 06:42 PM in Everything Else

So much fun! :D

#4923 For those of you I talk to outside of the boards..

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 26 March 2012 - 08:33 AM in Everything Else


Ohhh! Okay!

Yeah, I had to get one for my algebra remedial class this semester.

I declare, the calculator is more complicated than the algebra.


Good luck to your sister's academic adventures!!! :)

#4902 For those of you I talk to outside of the boards..

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 09:28 PM in Everything Else

What's the gift?

Me too. :D


And she's gonna use it for her SAT, ACT, and AP tests as well as trig next year and calculus this year. :)

She got a 4.4 GPA out of 4.6 while using a little kids calculator.


She's the most amazing Kristy in the world.

She sounds smart.

#4901 I just found a new breed of dog I wahnt..

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 09:26 PM in Everything Else

As long as we're discussing personal favorites, I have a husky.



But, he doesn't have the "Bitch, I will kill you!!!!" eyes. O.o

#4900 I just got some cute as shit clothes today.

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 09:25 PM in Everything Else

Ah, I agree it's fascinating, I study the English Language and if there was money in it, I'd get a job in it too. =)

Alack it can never be.

Yeah, I love translating (between Americanized English and foreign languages) and while there are jobs in the translation business, such jobs do not pay good at all! :angry:

Serious but, slightly dumb, question: Is the word centre pronounced like the word center?

One of the local shops in my town decided to be fancy and put the word centre on their entrance signed several years ago.

I was wondering what was cool about spelling the word center wrong and thought the internet had caught on in real life.

#4899 Log in

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 09:19 PM in Everything Else

That's fair enough, not everyone purveys it like we do. Hell I imagine I'm one of the softest nerds on the forums because I won't touch places like 4chan or 9gag or any of those sorts of things with that nerdy dogma associated. Call me shallow but I'm happy with my lot and my secret second life on the net, if you will, I never let it converge with IRL though.

I remember when I first went to 4Chan a couple of years ago. I kept on reading about it on the nets' and was curious what it was about.

Well, I went there and for the most part it was quite enjoyable, until I stepped into /b/.

Never went back.

9gag is alright, went there one time but, just that one time. Nothing personal about it, it just didn't hold my interest long enough.

Also, I don't blame ya on keeping your real life and internet life separate.

That's what I do and it works wonders.

Honestly, if more people did do that, I think there would be less issues with online privacy and identity theft; also, less message board drama.

#4879 I wrote'd a song.

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 03:54 PM in Everything Else

They're goggles. :P
But thanks.
And yeah, that's me. As of about ten minutes ago.

I knew they were something else! >.>

Also, I read goggles as Googles.

Yeah, time to log off.

#4876 I wrote'd a song.

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 03:38 PM in Everything Else

It plays now.

Is that you?

You're pretty hot in a scruffy n' bones kind of way.

Loving the sunglasses.

#4875 I just got some cute as shit clothes today.

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 03:36 PM in Everything Else

We don't really ever speak rhyming slang, unless you're in the East of London, and then it's only to a few other cockneys. For example, I would never use rhyming slang in a day to day conversation except for berk (cunt) or perhaps a few I can't think of. It's not so much a dialect as it is a bastardisation of the 'English' language. XD

Ah, okay.

What I find interesting is how the English call us Americans yanks, however, in America, the term yank or Yankee is used in referenced towards Americans who hail from the Northeastern region of the U.S., particularly New York City. Granted, the word is rarely used in America nowadays.

Also, English words that end in -sation over there in England always end in -zation over here in America.

My spellchecker says you're wrong whenever I quote you.

This is so damn fascinating. =/

Interestingly enough, my reading voice speaks in a posh British accent for whatever reason. :P

#4873 I wrote'd a song.

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 03:30 PM in Everything Else

"An error occurred, please try again later." =/

#4869 I just got some cute as shit clothes today.

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 01:33 PM in Everything Else

I have no idea what's going on here.

Golgotha is insulting us Americans in his native tongue that even insults the Queen of his country. :( :angry: :P

#4868 I just got some cute as shit clothes today.

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 01:31 PM in Everything Else

yeh, not that many people know the true meaning so you can get away with calling a teacher a sex-offender rather easily. XD

Now 'en, time to leave all you septic tanks, I'm Hank Marvin and I need chish and fips.

Later berkshire hunts ;D

Hank Marvin: Cockney slang for starving.


Septic Tanks: Cockney slang for yanks.

Berkshire Hunts: Cockney slang for cunts.

I feel loved. >.<

Anyhow, I've heard of the the Cockney dialect before (Is it considered a dialect?), is that what you speak regularly or just dish out a few words here and there?

*Taking notes for future trip to England*

#4862 Why So Serious

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 12:11 PM in Everything Else

The ridges means its working!

Ridges ridging against my ridges?


Wait, is ridging even a word?

#4861 Things my sister said last night that made me lol.

Posted by Zashiki_Warashi on 25 March 2012 - 12:09 PM in Everything Else

Not sure how many of these will be as funny sober, but.. >.>

"I wanted to text you marilize legajuana, but then I forgot how to spell marilize legajuana."

"So all you need is a midget to get in there and you can steal those cars?" <~~ Me
"Pretty much.Our car has one of those." <~~ Her
"A midget?" <~~ Me

"He ran away to northern Canada. I mean, who does that? Even Canadians don't go there."

The chosen ones my dear, only the chosen ones.