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There have been 54 items by Caelwyn (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#67701 Any Love For Farscape?

Posted by Caelwyn on 30 March 2014 - 06:26 AM in Sci Fi

Oh, you can feel the nostalgia already. 


Farscape is an innovative show, sci-fi or not. It's impressive all around. It is strange and beautiful, and takes us places few other series have even thought of. Carried by a strong, talented, diverse cast, who you can tell share real chemistry. It is somewhat cheesy, but isn't that a part of the charm?



#67868 Asthma Help

Posted by Caelwyn on 01 April 2014 - 05:27 PM in Everything Else

The only thing I know if is taking allergy medication before she goes out. Would help prevent an attack.

Hello chaps and chapettes,


Really I was just wondering if anyone here has asthma and knows of ways to control it? My gf can't afford medication and today just walking outside for about 20 minutes was enough to trigger a small attack. I've bought here a bucket load of caffeine pills to open her airways but I was wondering if anyone here knows whether there are any over the counter products or things like the Himalayas salt inhalers that work that don't cost half a year's salary? I'd really appreciate any help her because it's horrible to just have to watch and not be able to help.

#67529 cyberpunk

Posted by Caelwyn on 28 March 2014 - 06:18 PM in Sci Fi

Yes, please.


I haven't actually seen Blade Runner  :(

Should add that one to the list.

#67533 Does Anyone Play Titan Quest?

Posted by Caelwyn on 28 March 2014 - 06:37 PM in Video Games

A solid approach to the Diablo formula. The game gives you a lot of flexibility with regards to your character, can play your singleplayer character online, and you can create your own maps and quests. Add to this a stellar presentation and it’s hard to fault the game. I guess the next sentance will sell you or not: You can take five characters to level 65 in the same time it takes to get a toon to level 75. Seldom few have gotten to 75 without cheating.
Does anyone happen to be currently playing this? There are rarely more than a few people on servers. It's been a favorite of mine as of late so just looking for people to play with.  You can get it on Steam for $19.99 (with the expansion pack.) Though when it goes on sale, it goes down to $4.99.

Add me on Steam if you want regardless: Caelwyn

What are some games you guys can recommend me?

#67540 Does Anyone Play Titan Quest?

Posted by Caelwyn on 28 March 2014 - 08:39 PM in Video Games

Yeah, I'm a big fan of summoning. My main was a Summoner as well. I always do Conjuring when playing an Elder Scrolls game. Also did Necromancer in D2. Nice to know someone else has played it.

My main is, (or was, since I switched computers) a Summoner.

#68703 DRUNK THREAD 2014

Posted by Caelwyn on 13 April 2014 - 04:44 AM in Everything Else


#68953 DRUNK THREAD 2014

Posted by Caelwyn on 20 April 2014 - 12:48 AM in Everything Else

Loser ^

#68955 DRUNK THREAD 2014

Posted by Caelwyn on 20 April 2014 - 12:50 AM in Everything Else

Yeah, you Norwegian waste of space.

#68951 DRUNK THREAD 2014

Posted by Caelwyn on 20 April 2014 - 12:47 AM in Everything Else

I'm drunk, and high.

#67700 Firefly

Posted by Caelwyn on 30 March 2014 - 06:13 AM in Sci Fi

Firefly is awesome. 



#68165 Flawless marketing strategy.

Posted by Caelwyn on 04 April 2014 - 12:15 PM in Everything Else

And the link is gonneeee.

#67523 Here We Go.

Posted by Caelwyn on 28 March 2014 - 05:35 PM in Introductions

I am the Dayman~


My name is Damon, but on the Internet I prefer Caelwyn. Either way though, yo. Uh, I'm twenty.

I have been looking for an outlet/discussion like this for awhile. This website stood out among a lot of others I've looked in to. I've never been active on a forum before, but within the last two years I've kind of lost touch with all of my friends (college, moving, changing interests.) No big deal. Just trying to meet people.


I graduated from the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences, an audio production school and have found no work, currently doing pet sitting.

My first gaming experiences include LoZ: OOT, Final Fantasy VII, and Sim City. My dad was a gamer. My favorite game ever may be Pokemon Yellow simply because it was my first game, alongside the limited edition GameBoy. Not to mention I still play either that or Blue often, never really got past the first generation. I'm currently playing Ni No Kuni, though I rarely play on console. Add me on Steam: Caelwyn. Not much into anime, but I am not against it at all. Mushi-shi is awesome, and so is Attack on Titan. Music is my thing, a big fan of Post Rock, Drone, Ambient, minimalist.

I'm too sarcastic. Everybody hates me, haha.


PM me or post on this thread if you want to talk.

#67602 Here We Go.

Posted by Caelwyn on 29 March 2014 - 01:25 PM in Introductions

Welcome to the forum. :)

Generic awesome newb response.

#67694 Here We Go.

Posted by Caelwyn on 30 March 2014 - 02:27 AM in Introductions

Oh, no haha. Though, there are a few full time pet sitters in a lot of city's here. I'm just doing it for some extra money.

So, you're actually making a living out of pet sitting? o_o; I've never heard of that before :o Then again, I live in the distant viking land xD

#67601 Here We Go.

Posted by Caelwyn on 29 March 2014 - 01:23 PM in Introductions


May your adventures here be many and varied.

I may have to pick up your Kanto Badges patch soon my friend.

#67600 Here We Go.

Posted by Caelwyn on 29 March 2014 - 01:19 PM in Introductions

I feel ya. I've only been to Vegas once (last year) and I got the impression that nothing really happens in that city aside from what occurs on the strip.

You're absolutely right. I have nothing do to here. I'm very.. bored.

#67581 Here We Go.

Posted by Caelwyn on 29 March 2014 - 10:55 AM in Introductions

He's a musician by the name of Mac DeMarco. Serious music, very laid back and funny guy.


Here's a link to one of his songs if you're interested:

Please, would you mind explaining your signature Caelwyn? xD

#67679 Here We Go.

Posted by Caelwyn on 29 March 2014 - 10:19 PM in Introductions

You, The Robstar, and I should start a club where we cry and hold each other while not getting paid.

I am also a college graduate currently doing fuck-all.


BA in French, unemployed for 9 months and counting.


On that cheery note, welcome indeed.

#67539 Here We Go.

Posted by Caelwyn on 28 March 2014 - 08:36 PM in Introductions

Well, the Degree/Certificate hybrid I got was to a specific, industry standard course designed by the school. Though I did receive some certs for specific hardware/software. So the course entailed everything from how waveforms are created, and different kinds, to troubleshooting a recording session.  We covered a lot, and were placed into internships. I live in Las Vegas and had no funds to do my internship where the industry is thriving such as LA, or Austin. Had to come back home. So we're on the same boat.

Very interesting. What exactly does your degree/diploma/cert specialize in? Like becoming a music producer of sorts? In any case I feel your pain, I graduated in Video Production/Computer Graphics and are unable to find work in my field as well. It basically comes down to where I'm living because agriculture and horticulture primarily dominate the job scene here.

#68338 I just... this guy...

Posted by Caelwyn on 06 April 2014 - 01:41 PM in Music

I saw Baths live last year and it was great, rapidly evolving he is. Flying Lotus is just great. I think he's got a BOSS RC-20XL looping pedal. At least, at one point I know he used one. I have the same, and everything in that video can be achieved on it. It's possible in Ableton live to live loop, but it's extremely hard to do. 

Yeah, this kind of thing is rapidly growing on me. I just found it last night on a youtube hunt :) I'm digging Shlohmo, and other bands that are in this vid's description: "Baths, Amon Tobin and Flying Lotus". But I'm just so all about the way Binkbeats is going about doing his covers! I'm totally digging yeah the analog sound from looping. I notice he's got ableton, and a few dynamic and condensor's.. trying to look closely at how he's looping, unless it's pre-programmed into ableton somehow.

I bought a Critter & Guitari pocket piano, which i'd wanted for a while, but this vid was the icing on the cake that tipped me over to buy it :)

#68178 I just... this guy...

Posted by Caelwyn on 04 April 2014 - 02:58 PM in Music

Shlohmo is pretty cool, I've been a fan for quite a few years now. I will be honest and say that what he does is pretty simple if you have the mindset, but not at all does that take away from the creativity. A lot of this music is based upon loopers and reverb. All of that being said, he is one of the best in this genre. Many would go all sample based, but the fact he is original, creative, AND analog is something to be blown away about!

#68180 I just... this guy...

Posted by Caelwyn on 04 April 2014 - 02:59 PM in Music

Just nice to know that someone here is interested in this genre of music.

#68014 I'd like to get a nerd newsletter going,

Posted by Caelwyn on 02 April 2014 - 11:21 PM in Announcements

:D !

I, personally, would be very interested in that, Caelwyn.

#67912 I'd like to get a nerd newsletter going,

Posted by Caelwyn on 02 April 2014 - 01:04 AM in Announcements

I could write video game soundtrack of the month or something if anyone would be interested.

#68098 Kickstarter

Posted by Caelwyn on 03 April 2014 - 07:04 PM in Nerd Art

I'm sorry no one has replied to your post my friend. I, sadly, am of no help to you, just wanted to send good vibes your way. ~~