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#86019 Scientists Slow Down Speed of Light

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 26 January 2015 - 12:09 AM in SCIENCE!

Never underestimate people.

Despite the glaring obviousness of human stupidity, which is made far more accessible by the internet, we are getting smarter and smarter as a race.

I think more people would understand high end science, at least in principle, than you would believe.

While they may understand the basic principle of "speed of light slowed," they probably don't understand the implications like a person with a degree in astrophysics would.


It sounds cool and all, but it's outside my wheelhouse (and most people's wheelhouse.)  I'll leave it to somebody with more understanding of the topic to explain it to me.

#86018 Most played game on steam

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 26 January 2015 - 12:06 AM in Video Games

Salute the Sun!

#86017 Shovel Knight

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 26 January 2015 - 12:05 AM in Video Games

Did somebody get knocked the fuck out?


(Just saw that movie for the first time recently. Damn, was it good times.)

#86011 Scientists Slow Down Speed of Light

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 10:35 PM in SCIENCE!

I think he knows exactly why it isn't headlining world news.

It comes off as more of a "I am annoyed that amazing scientific progression isn't celebrated by everyone worldwide".

Most people don't really understand it. Most people, if we're honest, when told about it will go "Hey, that's kind of cool."


The media is filled with people who don't understand much of science or economics. We don't need them giving Facepalm-worthy analysis of another thing they don't understand.


The implications of this are pretty amazing. But most people don't follow news nearly as closely as many of us here.

#86009 Scientists Slow Down Speed of Light

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 09:47 PM in SCIENCE!

International front page news is based on what sells paper. This is important but not "BREAKING NEWS!!!" in the same context as the fall of the Yemeni government, which also happened this week.

#86008 American Sniper

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 09:41 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

That's a stupid controversy. It's a fake baby that's in the movie for all of 30 seconds. I don't care at all. I noticed it, slightly, but I was focusing on the plot, atmosphere, and dialogue.


The important thing is the scene that precedes it, which just that clip robs this one of context.


As I implored everybody in the topic post:  See the movie, just see it.

#86004 American Sniper

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 05:11 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

No, it's "conventional wisdom" among the academics and journalists like Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greenwald.


I like challenging conventional wisdom.  I Think Like A Freak.


(That's a book, for those unaware.)


And it's not a "ra ra ra" 'Murica movie.  It paints a complicated picture.


The trailer made war look like Hell.  You haven't even seen that apparently.


Because it took zero stance on the Iraq War, focusing instead on the psychological and physical toll it takes on soldiers, Chris Kyle specifically.


Your loss, then.


(When discussing the merits of a movie, it helps to have actually seen it.  Playing with a full deck as it were.)

#86001 Mortdecai

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 05:06 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

It was a film in the style of British slapstick comedy.


Johnny Depp did a damn good Terry-Thomas impression (I got that almost immediately after the movie started.)


Terry-Thomas is this guy:




If you like slapstick in the style of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World or the Monty Python sketch comedy show, this is the movie for you.



Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 04:33 PM in SCIENCE!

It's an observation.

I'm a fairly happy-go-lucky person. But personal insults set me off. That was a personal insult. Please avoid them in the future.


Attacking the messenger and not the message itself is generally bad form.

#85995 Why So Serious

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 04:32 PM in Everything Else

#85986 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 01:09 PM in Everything Else

#85983 Shit Your Parents Say

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 01:01 PM in Everything Else

My mom just made a Pedo Bear joke.

I'm glad my parents don't get Internet humor.  Or video games in general.  My mom already ruined Facebook for me five years ago.

#85982 Best Sci-Fi video game of all time

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 01:00 PM in Sci Fi

Isn't Outlast like that?

Yeah, Outlast reminds me a bit of F.E.A.R.


But Outlast is like Jumpscare City meets found footage.

#85975 Choose spleens ringtone!

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 12:09 PM in Everything Else

When I update my phone, I'll probably mess around with special ringtones.


Probably gonna pick a Smooth McGroove or Jake Kaufman Shovel Knight tune.


Like this one:


#85972 American Sniper

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 11:51 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

The American government directly and intentionally places people of their choosing in to positions of power (or maintains the integrity of people already in power) in a great many countries they have stakes in. A lot of them are even trained along side the US military, and funded by the military, and equipped by the military. They aren't accidents, they don't just pop in to the vacuum created by some freedom that the US is dealing out.


I noticed you neglected to even attempt to negate what I said in response to your "nobody stops bad people except America" statement.

Examples then.


Affray, explain who stopped bad people post-WWII. That was the dawning of America's geopolitical dominance.  The UN, designed as a way to help stop bad people, hasn't been very successful in doing so.


No other nation or group of nations seems to have a grasp on what to do about international terrorism. Hell, the current administration in my country is feckless on that topic.


The funny thing about "me not knowing as much as I think I do" is that I'm seemingly the only one in this discussion who's actually seen the movie.  Which hasn't stopped any of you from commenting and criticizing a movie without actually seeing it.  Just thought I'd point out the hypocrisy of that.


My whole jam is that I like being proven wrong.  It takes effort to do that. I want you to prove me wrong. Allow me to learn something.


(Just so you know, I assumed you weren't talking about the topic of "regime change," but something more nefarious than that.  Most of those were during the Cold War and were done to stop the spread of Soviet-backed communism.  Something y'all forget about the Cold War, as in the Soviets were aggressive in backing communist governments and rebels hoping to install a communist government.)

#85970 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 11:48 AM in Everything Else


Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 11:45 AM in SCIENCE!

The ill-placed pretentiousness continues.

It's like you want me to hate you.  I won't, obviously, because you're not James Cameron's Avatar, but you can stop with the personal insults.

#85966 Shovel Knight

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 25 January 2015 - 11:42 AM in Video Games

i recently got this game and i felt that it was a "port" of pure nostalgia juice

I backed the Kickstarter. Hell, Yahtzee, the persistent negative reviewer, gave it a positive review.  That says a lot.


Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 24 January 2015 - 05:52 PM in SCIENCE!

That's so whacky and unusual.

Considering I went to one of the most highly ranked party schools in the country, it actually is.


We got drunk on knowledge, not booze.  And occasionally booze.

#85930 American Sniper

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 24 January 2015 - 05:50 PM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Is anyone else just sitting here laughing at this point? If it wasn't so sad at the same time I'd be in tears.

When you're the one losing an argument, such bravado is funny, Gol~.  :D


Because, honestly, by choosing not to engage, I win the argument.

#85924 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 24 January 2015 - 01:46 PM in Everything Else

#85923 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 24 January 2015 - 01:45 PM in Everything Else

Just read the Wiki page on it.


"Died in your arms" is a euphemism for climaxing during sex.


I watched a lot of VH1 countdowns and whatnot as a young'un.

#85922 For all you fellas doing computer stuff for a living

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 24 January 2015 - 01:42 PM in Everything Else

Sweet! That's awesome man. You've got a potential great Kickstarter right there. Get in on it while  you can!

No, his business is a "Silicon Valley VC-backed to the tune of millions"-level idea.  (He hasn't gotten to that stage yet, as he doesn't have a prototype worked out, but when it goes, whoa boy.)  If his idea works like he's described it, he'll be a billionaire overnight.


My imaginative writings require a publisher willing to listen to the pitch.  That's really hard these days if you're a complete nobody.  I'm content to just keep slowly improving the stories until I get that shot.

#85921 The member photo album.

Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 24 January 2015 - 01:41 PM in Everything Else

All I want to do is make tunes and shred the fuck out. Oh sorry about your ego? It's cool though, we can all be sick c*nts.


I'll raise a glass to that. *Clink!*


Posted by Big_Willie_Styles on 24 January 2015 - 01:39 PM in SCIENCE!

I want to input ... but at the same time I want to watch this thread unfold in it's off-topic madness.

This has been so entertaining.

Honestly, I want to stop it, but I won't.  (not that I could but whatever)

It's what I do.  My best friend in college and I would have hours-long philosophical discussions that ping-ponged from topic to topic like it weren't no thang.