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Worst president

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#1 ทหารราบ



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Posted 09 July 2014 - 05:43 PM

Who was the worst U.S. president of all time?

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Posted 09 July 2014 - 06:21 PM

George W. Bush, hands down no contest.

I was dumbfounded that he was reelected.

Once someone tries to defend anything about him, i immediately lose every ounce of respect for them and just tune them out.

Also, to clarify, there needs to be respect to begin with for me to even bother taking your viewpoint seriously.



#3 Affray


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 06:32 PM

George W. Bush, hands down no contest.

I was dumbfounded that he was reelected.

Once someone tries to defend anything about him, i immediately lose every ounce of respect for them and just tune them out.


I will point out however, that he did wonders for the comedy world.

So there is that.

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#4 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 09 July 2014 - 06:37 PM

Based on this: http://en.wikipedia....e_United_States


This guy isn't too well liked. http://en.wikipedia....rren_G._Harding


#5 Calvary



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Posted 09 July 2014 - 06:54 PM

Dat tea pot dome thing scandal. Oh also Buchanan kinda helped with the whole Civil War thing. XD


Honestly every president from the end of WW1 to 1929 though. Even Silent Cal, though I do personally love him. >w>

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#6 The Robstar

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Posted 10 July 2014 - 02:59 AM



Jack Nicholson because he died in Mars Attacks


I duno, we don't have presidents here. Gotta live in the country to experience their policies.




#7 Bowsette



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Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:36 AM

George W. Bush, hands down no contest.

I was dumbfounded that he was reelected.

Once someone tries to defend anything about him, i immediately lose every ounce of respect for them and just tune them out.

He can read children's books just fine though


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Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:41 AM

He can read children's books just fine though




#9 Calvary



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Posted 10 July 2014 - 10:58 AM

Now now, lets not misunderstimate him. He works hard to put food on his family.

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Posted 10 July 2014 - 12:46 PM

Oh man.. the words he used to pull out of his ass.

Hilarious now, when he was the leader of our country, not so much.



#11 ทหารราบ



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Posted 10 July 2014 - 05:49 PM

We should think less recently than George W. bush. I admit he was one of the worst. After all, Hurricane Katrina and 9/11 had little to no FEMA support. He was not THE worst though. I was thinking of people like Nixon, Carter or Buchanan.

Nixon - Watergate and expanding the war in Vietnam.

Carter - Importing almost every U.S. product from China and spending millions of American dollars on trying to avoid a war in Iraq, which inevitably ended up happening years later anyway. People these days complain about the economy being at 4% unemployment. When Carter was in office, the unemployment rate was just 11%.

Buchanan - He seemed creepy. Plus, Wikipedia says he was polled as the worst, so I know he is probably at least one of the worst.

I'm still not sure who my exact least favorite would be...

#12 Calvary



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Posted 10 July 2014 - 06:07 PM

Buchanan seemed creepy, and that's a reason why he's a bad President? XD wow

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#13 ทหารราบ



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Posted 10 July 2014 - 07:12 PM

Buchanan seemed creepy, and that's a reason why he's a bad President? XD wow

I don't know. I guess he just seemed like he was up to something. There were many false rumors about him. Apparently, there were plenty of other people who did not like him. I'm not sure if he actually did good or bad things while in office. After all, I didn't live back then. Lol.

#14 Calvary



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Posted 10 July 2014 - 08:03 PM

I dunno I mean, people say Buchanan had a big hand in causing the civil war but those are probably the same people that say Hoover caused the Depression. It's an out-dated view really.

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#15 Elfie



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Posted 15 July 2014 - 02:34 PM

So is everyone here pro Obama? Is it because of a very active liberal task list he has fulfilled?

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#16 Calvary



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Posted 15 July 2014 - 03:46 PM

He's done fuck all but it's not his fault. I think he'll go down in history as the first black president, and not much else unfortunately. I'm pro-most of Obama's policies but yeh, those naughty Republicans...

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#17 SpleenBeGone


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 04:20 PM

Lewis Black summed it up rather well:

  • The only thing dumber than a Democrat or a Republican is when those pricks work together. You see, in our two-party system, the Democrats are the party of no ideas and the Republicans are the party of bad ideas. It usually goes something like this. A Republican will stand up in Congress and say, "I've got a really bad idea." And a Democrat will immediately jump to his feet and declare, "And I can make it shittier."


#18 DaRatmastah


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 08:50 PM

Ooh politics!


They all suck.


Nah, j/k, we've had some really great presidents.  That said, ranking presidents from good to bad is actually incredibly difficult, due to the large amount of non-powerful power the president has.


Basically, the things we blame a president for, or ask a presidential hopeful about when they're running, have fuck all to do with what a president's actual jobs and responsibilities are.


The majority of things we get pissed at presidents for aren't even within the scope of the job title.  Employment rate, laws brought into existence (with the exception of vetoes), the financial health of the country, various hot-button topics...besides being the guy with a microphone stating his (or her) opinion about these things, they don't really have anything to do with the process.


You know what we should get pissed at presidents about, and judge them on? Appointment of individuals (committee leaders, supreme court nominees, etc.), executive actions, clemency decisions, bill vetoes, and encouragement of corruption.


That said, a large percentage of people who bash X president wouldn't even be able to begin naming their appointees, executive actions, clemency decisions, or what bills they vetoed.


Now yes, everyone who's bashed a recent president in this thread could go and look those things up now (since we're on the internet), and say, "No, I hate him because of X!"  But in reality, do you dislike the president in question because of those specific things they did, or do you dislike them because of what they and others say into microphones?


Case in point:  President Obama declares greater transparency, less cronyism, and free internet as big parts of his platform in campaigning.  During his second term he then appoints a longtime telecom lobbyist to the head of the FCC committee governing, among other things, the internet, who almost immediately comes out in favor of overturning net neutrality.


But if you ask the vast majority of rabid anti-obama people why they dislike him, they'll spout nonsense about him being bad for the economy, a supporter of communism(or socialism, or marxism...it's basically all the same thing as far as they're concerned), and a dirty anti-american muslim.  Honestly, none of these things would affect the country much even if they were true.


So yeah.  Fun thing to do next time you get into a debate with someone over politics and they bash a particular president.  Ask them which bill veto or personnel appointment they disagreed with most, and then see if they stumble all over themselves.

#19 Calvary



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Posted 15 July 2014 - 09:44 PM

All the likes. Take them all.

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#20 Elfie



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Posted 15 July 2014 - 10:31 PM

Very nice, I asked because there is so much back and forth.. I'm not a hard core political person, so all I know is liberals love him and conservatives don't. I think I the reason I hear more now than before was because of my age, and social media. I don't like some of the things his wife puts her name on/starts. But I can easily go around it so it's not a big deal

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