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depression sadness confused rob$tar

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#261 Elfie



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 09:59 AM

So do I haha.. I daydream and plan vacations I'm gonna take, and things I'm gonna do. Where im gonna live. The shopping I'll do. Haha being an adult can suck. But it's enviable. Either you grow up or your stuck as an adult that hasn't gone anywhere. We all know those, where you think, have you done anything with your life?

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#262 Akiyo



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Posted 18 August 2014 - 02:49 AM

So.... that happened... I usually never want to have more than 1 or 2 beers...


after the 4th I seemed to think it was a good idea to keep going. T_T


After taking overly powerful birth control pills, I've completely changed for the worst. I am no longer happy go lucky. I'm moody and I'm angry those pills ruined everything. I could easily cry at work. I cry at home and I've yelled at people who didn't deserve it. Hormones are fucking up everything I worked so hard to achieve. Including anxiety, which takes a lot of effort to control..


What do I do.. should I go see a doctor? I'm supposed to wait a few weeks before starting on a new brand. It's only 3 weeks till I go to America :(

#263 The Robstar

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Posted 18 August 2014 - 03:01 AM

So.... that happened... I usually never want to have more than 1 or 2 beers...


after the 4th I seemed to think it was a good idea to keep going. T_T


After taking overly powerful birth control pills, I've completely changed for the worst. I am no longer happy go lucky. I'm moody and I'm angry those pills ruined everything. I could easily cry at work. I cry at home and I've yelled at people who didn't deserve it. Hormones are fucking up everything I worked so hard to achieve. Including anxiety, which takes a lot of effort to control..


What do I do.. should I go see a doctor? I'm supposed to wait a few weeks before starting on a new brand. It's only 3 weeks till I go to America :(

Yeah Rob had some issues with the pill in the past. It would screw up Ex-Ms Rob's period and make her cranky as shite!!!!!


I just got used to wrapping my junk in plastic. 


I would probably go 2 my doctor if my body we're playing up. This is my temple and I need to look after it. :)


Take care of urself sis and hopefully you are 100% come the trip to America. 


Rob over n out!!!


#264 cassXgoesXmeow



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Posted 18 August 2014 - 09:36 AM

Birth control pills can be really harsh on the body because of the dose of hormones. Maybe talk to your doctor about alternative methods of birth control. Maybe the shot or the ring or something. The best thing to do is have an open conversation with your doctor. Tell them whats going on, what you arent liking, what side effects you want to avoid and they will help you find the best plan of action.

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#265 Calvary



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Posted 18 August 2014 - 09:41 AM

Yeah I heard in the longtime they can mess with your eyes. Maybe get an IUD or something?

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#266 cassXgoesXmeow



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Posted 18 August 2014 - 09:44 AM

No IUD. Those things are scary. And they can do some serious permanent damage. They usually won't even offer it as an option unless you already have kids.

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#267 Calvary



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Posted 18 August 2014 - 01:35 PM

Ooh didn't know that!

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#268 Bowsette



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Posted 18 August 2014 - 03:38 PM

I'm very glad to not need birth control, it was pretty hellish overall. >.>


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#269 Akiyo



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Posted 18 August 2014 - 10:35 PM

After sundays disaster.. I'm gonna pick myself up x_x Fuck.


When it comes to the pill, yeh I've been almost 3 months without my period. I did go once to the doctor recently and I stopped using the oher pill a few weeks ago. (Sorry boys, TMI)


Feels like I'm fucking bipolar. It's undescribably annoying and it even affects my work. 

#270 Akiyo



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Posted 19 August 2014 - 07:23 AM

^I didn't mean no disrespect :( 



#271 SushiKitten


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 03:20 PM

After sundays disaster.. I'm gonna pick myself up x_x Fuck.


When it comes to the pill, yeh I've been almost 3 months without my period. I did go once to the doctor recently and I stopped using the oher pill a few weeks ago. (Sorry boys, TMI)


Feels like I'm fucking bipolar. It's undescribably annoying and it even affects my work. 

Oh geeze Akiyo, sorry to hear about that.


TMI incoming:


I was put on the pill when I was 16, shortly after my first boyfriend when my period got so bad one time I threw up and my mom was scared I was pregnant (I was still a virgin... thanks mom). I've been on them ever since so I guess I never remember if they ever affected my mood, it's been so long.


I heard you can use the needle for a while but it'll stop working after a certain number of times? My friend uses the patch because it's covered under her insurance while the pill is not. I'm not sure if that'll help. And yeah, exactly what cass said, you should chat with your doctor and tell them the pills are affecting you negatively. I hope you can get it sorted out.

#272 Akiyo



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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:07 PM

Thank you

#273 gigatime



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Posted 25 August 2014 - 05:43 PM

Idk where to start but this a stupid highschool girl thing just btw.


I really like this girl. Like a lot. We became friends in around late march of this year. At first it was one of those ooo damn you cute situations. So we became friends. At first it was like I knew I liked her but no one knew and of course she didnt know either. So during this time period that lasted about 4 months. And during those 4 months I found out a bunch of drama she was in.


Well first of all in the first month of me meeting her and realizing I liked her I found out one of my best friends has liked her for a whole year. But when he confessed to her more drama came up. She said no to him 1. because her dad is super protective. 2. She has had a crush on this guy for a year who she has never talked to.


So now 2 months after this. My best friend doesnt really like her anymore. She doesn't have a crush on that one guy anymore either. So now this past month me and her have been hanging out. Once she came over to my house and we hung out watched movies and played games. Then the other time I went to a pool party with her and met her whole family on her mom's side. Also when her mom introduced us to some people who didn't know her or her sister and she said this is (we'll call her sister nancy) nancy and (we'll call the girl I like Meghan) meghan and then those are their boyfriends. I looked at meghan and she just was looking at the people the mom just introduced herself to and didn't say anything about the whole boyfriend thing, and I haven't even asked her out yet.


So now school started today and still no one knows anything about it, but I think she likes me. But.... Today at school I was with her in the morning and I got her schedule with her and walked wth her to class which was good. But then during lunch I went to go get lunch with a friend and never saw her. Then when I was in line I saw her with one of my "friends" but he is actually a huge dbag to me and I think he may like her and she may like him. He is taller than me and asian and I think she prefers asian boys but idunno. So then I started getting really worried. So I got my lunch and went over to her/my group and she was talking to him. Like I was next to her and she had her back turned to me and facing the guy she was talking to who I think she likes. Then when she started finishing talking to him she sarted talking to me and the other guy just kind of left with out saying anything. So then we talked the rest of lunch but then at the end he came back and then one of her best friends was with him. I know the guy who may like meghan and meghan may like him to had a crush on her(meghan's) best friend but she said no. So now They kind of went into there own circle and I just followed. Then after school I had band and stayed a little after and never her saw her the rest of the day and she was with him I think. So now I've just been worrying ever since lunch about her. I really like her a lot. I think she is so cute and so sweet.


Another thing to keep in mind whenever I text her I have to be the first to text her, like I need to be the initiator. Is that weird? and then it usually takes her 20 mins to an hour to respond and then late at night we just text back and forth and the wait is like 5 to 10 mins. Then sometimes she just never texts me back. It's rare and all but I'm worried sick that she doesn't like me. I don't know if I'm over thinking this but I don't want to lose my chance.

#274 cassXgoesXmeow



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Posted 25 August 2014 - 09:41 PM

Personally, I think you are over thinking things a little. Ask her out tomorrow. Just do it. DO IT!! Oh and do it in person not by text message :P

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#275 Calvary



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Posted 26 August 2014 - 04:37 AM

Yeah man, to be absolutely blunt: grow a pair and ask her. If she says yes you have a date if she says no nothing changes.

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#276 The Seldom Seen Kid

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Posted 26 August 2014 - 05:16 AM

You're being way to keen. Humans get a bit more excited when there is something they can't have so don't spend every second you can with her otherwise she'll either get bored of you, think of you as nothing but her bro or get a shiny new restraining order. Play it cool, heavily reduce the time you spend with her, be a bit mysterious, act distant and perhaps talk to her about some non existant girl you 'saw' that you wish you can see again to see if it sparks any jealousy.


Failing all this, severe her head so only you can have her.

#277 Akiyo



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Posted 26 August 2014 - 07:06 AM

I do not think he's being too keen. They go to the same school and guys seem to be flocking to her so, no. He just be himself.

Your mind is worrying and overthinking because you really really like her. The only thing left to do before paranoia consumes you dear Loafcat, is to ask her politely and properly before those other guys do. There really is nothing scary about, because in the end that's what you want right? Worries won't get you anywhere and she might prefer someone who's more blunt for all you know :P


There's no easy answer, but go with your gut and whatever choice you make, HAVE NO FEAR :D ;3

#278 Calvary



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Posted 26 August 2014 - 07:18 AM

You're being way to keen. Humans get a bit more excited when there is something they can't have so don't spend every second you can with her otherwise she'll either get bored of you, think of you as nothing but her bro or get a shiny new restraining order. Play it cool, heavily reduce the time you spend with her, be a bit mysterious, act distant and perhaps talk to her about some non existant girl you 'saw' that you wish you can see again to see if it sparks any jealousy.


Failing all this, severe her head so only you can have her.



Smarmy smarmy smarm smarm.

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#279 The Robstar

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Posted 26 August 2014 - 03:07 PM

I really like this girl. Like a lot. 

Personally, I think you are over thinking things a little. 


^^ I agree with this.


Over thinking often creates fictitious scenarios in your mind and often leads to paranoia and making irrational decisions.


I wouldn't know how to approach this situation but when you are around her make every second exciting so that she looks forward to seeing you and misses you even when you are not around.




Just be yourself and make her smile, best advice I can give ya. 


#280 Paranormalist



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Posted 26 August 2014 - 10:48 PM

I've been fighting a funk for a few weeks now. It's hard to have any social interactions and, oddly,  even hard to post on here.

Oh good! My favorite show...



Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: depression, sadness, confused, rob$tar