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#114154 Why is there a growing movement to deny reality?

Posted by TigerBanks on 19 September 2021 - 06:05 PM in Everything Else

It seems like society is going backwards. It seems like each passing year more and more people believe in a fantasy reality. A fantasy reality that believes in outlandish things like "vaccines are the devil" or that "space is fake".


This mindset has even infected physically healthy people.




There was a time when these type of people aspired to be astronauts.


What has happened to society? We aren't just turning away from science but from reality as well.


Every man has its own roaches in his head and its boring to talk about it to be honest :( 
You think he is a fool, but for example, you don`t trust in something which is soo obviously true for this guy, and he thinks you are in idiot. 

#114153 What do you do for fun?

Posted by TigerBanks on 19 September 2021 - 06:03 PM in Everything Else

Usually I am cooking or just tasting new food (new for me of course). There is not much fun in my life u know xD