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#43943 Homestuck

Posted by Kaytiii on 22 February 2013 - 03:37 PM in Fantasy

I clicked the link to this thread hoping to learn what Homestruck actually is. It was the wrong move to make.

#41843 Brandon Sanderson!

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 06:13 PM in Fantasy

So...the only Sanderson book I've read is The Way of Kings, but holy cow I loved the crap out of that and hope he continues the series at some point(the tome is MASSIVE and he said he wasn't sure he was going to be able to consider the series due to publisher reluctance). In the meantime, I do mean to pick up more of his books when I'm current on the Song of Ice and Fire series.

If you like Way of Kings, go for Mistborn. It's better, imo.

#41792 What are you reading?

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 12:19 PM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

I'm currently reading my Microbiology notes but I'd love to actually finish The Wayfarer Redemption series.

#41790 The nature of light energy.

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 12:16 PM in SCIENCE!

That is a very fair call B)

I was actually expanding upon the idea of reality not being perceived but for the shadows on the wall, and saying everyones shadow is different! I actually subscribe to the belief that everyones reality is very different but it is not measurable because the processes and outcome is the same. When someones processes or outcome is different though, we then label that person as crazy. If we all have a different notion of what our world is though, then underneath we are all crazy :-D

I understand. I think that's an idea that anyone would be naive not to at least consider.

#41789 Brandon Sanderson!

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 12:13 PM in Fantasy

You could always return them or give them away, and then go obtain them on your own.
Thus cleansing any potential association with anything squicky.

This. Do this. Then read and enjoy.

#41737 Brandon Sanderson!

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 09:08 AM in Fantasy

For all of you Rothfuss loving people, fantasy loving people, and people who just like things, you need to read anything and everything Brandon Sanderson has ever written. Start with Mistborn. My significant other and I go back and forth on a regular basis about which is better overall, Kingkiller Chronicles or Mistborn. My SO is in love with KKC and I with Mistborn. Don't get me wrong, Rothfuss is fucking amazing. His writing is better than Sanderson's. But I would argue that the overall story in Mistborn is better. They are just too different and too wonderful to compare in that way, really.

Sanderon has several other great books as well. I'd recommend Elantris and Warbreaker specifically. They are different stories entirely but similar and sort of matched in a lot of ways. Elantris is the night to Warbreaker's dawn. You'll know what I mean when you read them.

#41736 The nature of light energy.

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 09:02 AM in SCIENCE!

Plato's Cave!!

God I love philosophy! (I hope someone knows what I am referring too, I really don't want to explain this one)

and I highly doubt I stated my gender, I was curious from an... I suppose you could say Quasi Anthropological/Philosophical/Psychological viewpoint. When people guess my gender they usually say male, this happens on many sites, which is why I am curious as to the cause of gender profiling, and is there a unified male persona or female persona? Do we categorize people subconsciously into these without meaning to do so? Most intriguingly how often are people correct?

I have a suspicion that its personality substitution, we create attributes that we can't guess about a person, in doing this we complete the person so we feel more comfortable talking to them.

hmm I need more data...

It was really nothing this serious, haha. I actually, genuinely thought you identified yourself as male. I could have sworn you said something like "I'm a huge metal head guy" or something like that. But upon inspection you did not. And, I know that you have no way of knowing this, but I'm definitely one of the last people to assume that you're any gender just because of reasons.

Also, I get why people like the allegory of the cave so much. But I just can't get all that excited about it because I really don't like Plato. He believed that science (and, by proxy, philosophy) were only for a select few, an elite group of a small percentage of the human population. He also thought that the state should raise children, but that's another discussion entirely.

If I'm going with one of the big three old Greek guys, it's going to be Aristotle. But I'm not much for general philosophy as it exists today. Every hipster I meet that says "Omg, I loooove philosophy 5ever" proceeds to launch into a rant that proves that they have little understanding of the natural world at least and even less understanding of the people in it. You can sit and philosophize all day based on your own experiences and the writings of old, dead people, but you can't contribute in any way without a fundamental understanding of how things are as we know them now.

Not saying you're one of those people Sll, I'm just saying that those people have left a bad taste in my mouth for philosophic discussion.

#41717 Need cosplayers and friends of cosplay for a Psychological study! :)

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 08:44 AM in Everything Else

Bahaha, that will be no problem. But it will be a little while before they're in and ready, and even longer for me to formally write them up. Then I have to prepare a presentation and present the results and two separate psychology conferences. So I'm going to attempt to get them up here in, say, mid-April. Maybe sooner, but hopefully no later.

#41715 The Legend Of Korra

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 08:42 AM in Anime

Have to disagree with this. He was ridiculously whiny over having to kill Ozai. And it wasnt even warranted.
Aang had killed before, or do you believe that there were just trucks full of pillows waiting at the bottom of the cliffs where he knocked fire nation off the side of the cliff of the northern air temple, as well as in a few other episodes I believe.

And I'm sure all of the fire nation navy that he destroyed protecting the southern water tribe managed to swim to shore and survive in the frozen wastes right?

I thought it was made pretty clear in the show that Aang grows A LOT over the course of the events of the series. As the show progresses he makes it obvious that he doesn't actually want to hurt or kill anyone. He becomes more careful with his actions because of the ramifications he sees them having. It's really easy for me to believe that, when being faced with the prospect of killing someone whose death would quite literally change the course of the entire world, he's going to have a hard time making that choice. Also, his turmoil over whether or not to kill Ozai is, in my opinion, an analogy about the ethics behind dealing with threatening and dangerous foreign world leaders.

#41712 There should always be a Kingkiller Chronicles thread.

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 08:36 AM in Fantasy

What they said. Patrick Rothfuss is some kind of bearded god from the old world (or perhaps some new world) giving us all gifts in the form of literature. Sadly, those gifts come 7~ years apart.

#41711 I am a bear.

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 08:34 AM in Introductions

Welcome to the forums! Glad to have you aboard :lol:

:) <3

Also, WTF Rothfuss? I won't wait six more years for the third book. My weather dominator will be done before then. Try to write with ten feet of snow blocking the sun from coming inside your manor.

I knooooowwwwww ;_; Also, that's terrifying.

Aaaaanyways, welcome to the forum :D

Did I accidentally join a cult again? :unsure:

I can't believe I'm the only that has picked up on this (as far as I'm aware)...

I also like to dance naked.

*helicopter penis*

Now that any potential scarring has been done, a belated welcome to you! Hope you enjoy your stay. =)

NoDanico also picked up on the "dancing naked" that was thrown in there. Also, being able to actually spin your penis around like that is impressive.

#41708 Need cosplayers and friends of cosplay for a Psychological study! :)

Posted by Kaytiii on 08 February 2013 - 08:28 AM in Everything Else

I took the survey and am curious, do you have a control group outside of Nerd Forum?

Yes, there are many groups and various sources outside of this forum but since it is an ongoing study, I'm not at liberty to discuss it. However! If anyone is curious I will be happy to report the results and explain the study further in this thread when it is completed :)

#41584 The nature of light energy.

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 06:15 PM in SCIENCE!

Wait, in laymen's terms, are you saying that my red might be someone else's green and it might be totally normal?
I may have misread that, but I'm only in Honors Biology right now, I'm not that high up >.<

But I've always wondered that my red might be someone else's green and I would be totally amazed if this were true.

I was actually referring to the fact that we experience part of the electromagnetic spectrum as light and color but on the same spectrum are also radio waves, microwaves, gamma rays, ect.

Though I've always wondered how other people see colors. Perhaps we all seem them differently, at least slightly differently. I suppose there's no way of knowing really.

#41573 The nature of light energy.

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 05:54 PM in SCIENCE!

Why do you think I am male? Just curious.

I could have sworn you said something about being a guy on another thread. Did I remember incorrectly?

#41571 I am a bear.

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 05:52 PM in Introductions

Welcome to the forums, only thing missing was "Firefly"...

I like Firefly. I'm sure I missed quite a few things.

Hell yes the Kingkiller Chronicles.

I would punch a baby if it would make the third book come out sooner.

Oh god, I feel your pain. Rothfuss has been randomly posting lines from the new book on Facebook every so often for the past few weeks. Such a tease.

#41553 There should always be a Kingkiller Chronicles thread.

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 04:59 PM in Fantasy

I have not read it, you have 3 seconds to sell me...go! (been looking for a good fantasy story for a bit now, is it really that good?)

It is really that good. It has the high fantasy feel of LOTR/The Once And Future King/ect. with the coming of age wizard-ness of Harry Potter and a writing style that flows like some kind of natural poetry. It's about a guy named Kvothe. It's basically his life story. Though the actual presentation of the story is set up in such a way that Kvothe, in his middle age, is telling the story of his youth to someone with occasional jumps back to the present of his middle age and the shenanigans that are occurring there.

Just go to your local book store, find the book, and read the back. It will look like any other fantasy novel on the shelf but, make no mistake, it is not. And as for the author himself, the only other person I like as much as Patrick Rothfuss is Brandon Sanderson. And if you've never read Sanderson, go do that too. Specifically the Mistborn series.

#41549 I am a bear.

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 04:48 PM in Introductions

What server did you play WoW on? A few of us play/played on mug'thol.

I started on Magtheridon and eventually moved to Thrall. I stopped playing just before Cata and came back briefly during MoP, but I couldn't get back into it and, by that point, Skyrim had too much of my attention.

Also, I like how my intro thread turned into peer pressure.

Pretty impressive nerd there, also Hell's Kitchen is an awesome show. Nice to meet you Kaytiii, I'm Matt...t.

Hi, Matttttttttt. Hell's Kitchen is quite amusing, though I prefer Kitchen Nightmares. I'm not really sure why since they're both just Gordon yelling "this looks like a dog's dinner" and "shut it down" at people.

I just saw a commercial for the next season of Lost Girl and I thought I might like it. I have it downloaded to watch, after I finish Continuum anyway.

Welcome to the forums! :)

Thank you! It's kind of cheesy and adorable and awesome. Also the sex. My god, does it have the sex.

Welcome ^u^

Thank you! <3

#41539 The nature of light energy.

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 04:36 PM in SCIENCE!

Pink is not a colour!

God I love science!

There could be no better reply, sir.

#41537 Once Upon A Time

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 04:35 PM in Fantasy

I think the way they twisted the fairytales was interesting, although I am really not a fan of the costumes... I look at them and just think "no, stop, now, this isn't appropriate" But that's just me being nit-picky about historically accurate costuming.

I had that reactions to the costumes at first as well, but now I think that was kind of the intention all along. It makes the whole place seem more relevantly fairy tale-ish and less muddle-middle-ages-throw-back (like some fairy tale based things) to me. I think one of the things I love about the show is how it takes fairy tales so out of context.

#41533 I am a bear.

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 04:32 PM in Introductions

I'm Kayti. I love bears. I'm 25, a double major in Biology and Psychology, a cosplayer, a lady.

I found this forum by random chance and I really like it so far.

Here is my nerd: Final Fantasy (VII, IV, V, III, VI, II, VIII, IX - in that order), Star Trek (TNG, Voy, and DS9), Supernatural, Lost Girl, The Kingkiller Chronicles, the human brain, bubble tea, psychology, biology, neuroscience, Skyrim, smoothies, Carl Sagan, cosplay, World of Warcraft (vanilla - WotLK), documentaries (all of them - I will watch any documentary), action figures, Dawn, maps (especially old maps), bellydance, Vampire Hunter D, Gordon Ramsay, The Dresden Files, The Vampire Chronicles, Scott Westerfeld, Everworld, dancing naked, candles, jewelry making, DIY anything, some other stuff I can't think of right now.

#41530 Once Upon A Time

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 04:21 PM in Fantasy

It's silly and pretty and (despite the fact that the effects are kind of bad) I love it so much more than I thought I would.

Anyone else?

#41528 There should always be a Kingkiller Chronicles thread.

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 04:19 PM in Fantasy

The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss is, hands down, the most well-written fantasy I've ever read. And, having worked in a bookstore for 8 years, I've done my fair share of reading. The story is just outstanding and compelling. And the writing is just...perfect.

If you haven't read it, I cannot recommend it highly enough.

If you have read it, join me in loving it.

#41524 The Legend Of Korra

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 04:13 PM in Anime

I watched em. Korra is my new favorite avatar. She's more willing to get things done and damn the consequences!

Compared to Aang who went around feeling sorry for himself over the idea of the impending fight where he must kill the firelord. I like Aang, dont get me wrong. But Korra has a more productive attitude.

Hell yeah I really enjoyed The Legend of Korra. She was a lot more headstrong to that of Aang, and I really liked how she marveled in the glory of being the new avatar whereas Aang was a bit of a pussy...

Aang was thoughtful and had a conscience, not to mention an incredible badass. Not that Korra doesn't have a conscience, but still. He was raised in an isolated world of tranquility. Korra was raised in a much harsher place. And, if you want to compare the two, Korra got herself trapped and in deep trouble more times in a short season than Aang did in an entire series. He thought about things before he did them, which is why he saved entire villages/cities/groups of people time and time again. If you think he was a pussy or weak or whiny for not wanting to kill Ozai, clearly you weren't paying enough attention to the entire show.

#41521 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 04:09 PM in Everything Else

A loop of Thrift Shop by Macklemore and Crayon by G-Dragon

#41518 Need cosplayers and friends of cosplay for a Psychological study! :)

Posted by Kaytiii on 07 February 2013 - 03:58 PM in Everything Else

Thank you to everyone who has taken the survey so far!

Don't worry, Sllhouette. You've helped by just contributing :)

Also, this was my first post on the forum. I realize now that I may have seemed a bit abrupt but at the time I was so concerned with getting the survey out there that I didn't even consider the connotation. However, I have been looking for a non-ginormous general forum of good spirited people for quite some time so I will definitely be sticking around. :3 <3