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There have been 27 items by TommyZ (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#56686 The Sims Deluxe Edition

Posted by TommyZ on 27 October 2013 - 05:25 PM in Video Games

Yep . . . Going back to the beginning of time . . . Sim time, anyway. None of this Sims 3 ninny-pinny. I first bought Sims Deluxe Edition when I was, like, ten. And . . . BAM! Tommy was stuck on it. Until my computer crashed, of course. I'm fixing my home computer, but I can't play Sims while I am, *twitch twitch*. I'm having withdrawls!


But my question for you is, have you ever played this game? Have any of your Sims been abducted by aliens before, or gotten sick when you forgot to clean the hamster cage? I want to hear some fun stories, so when I get to play again, I'll have fresh ideas about what to do to spice up my Sims' lives.


vv Off to do this, Tommy vv


#56683 The New Harry Potter Girl

Posted by TommyZ on 27 October 2013 - 04:24 PM in Introductions

The one you've been waiting for . . . ME!!! Okay, maybe you weren't waiting for me. That's okay. Most people don't wait for me. Like guys. Or . . . Anybody else. So, hello! I am the obsessed HP fan, the one who my friends (phhbbbttt . . . What friends?) go to when they need an argument about Sirius Black settled. I have experience with IPB forums (on Harry Potter RP sites, of course), so that's good, I generally know how they work! I talk really weird, and I love writing, programming interactive fiction games, and . . . stuff like that.


Also: Computers. My life in one word. Ta-Da! That's meeeee!!!


Sincerely, Tommy
