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#55654 Post your current wallpaper here.

Posted by Danikeety94 on 27 September 2013 - 01:24 PM in Everything Else

46.jpg lulz. Okay , okay. I love the shit out of Konata.

#55400 Lucky Star

Posted by Danikeety94 on 20 September 2013 - 07:27 PM in Anime

My favorites are Minami and Konata,

Minami is so quiet and cute.

Konata is so fun and the best ... she is otaku!!izumi_konata___inuyasha_cosplay_by_edosx

I love that picture! :3 Minami is related to someone...who was it again?

#55401 Lucky Star

Posted by Danikeety94 on 20 September 2013 - 07:28 PM in Anime

Lucky Star is on my top 5 favorite animes of all time. She's basically the representatives of otakus in the entire series. I really love the concept of this anime in general. One can really identify with a lot of things that go on in it.

Yes! I really love this series because it is relatable for the most part.

#55402 Lucky Star

Posted by Danikeety94 on 20 September 2013 - 07:29 PM in Anime

And a great thing is that both the original Japanese dub and the English dub are equally as hilarious. One of the best Eng dubs I've ever heard. 

That's also true. Not every English dub in anime is good. But the English dubbing in this show suits the characters very nicely. :)

#54381 Lucky Star

Posted by Danikeety94 on 06 September 2013 - 09:33 AM in Anime

This show is totally all random and rambling.


Though, I can't stop watching. ._.

and it has its funny moments.

I've been watching all day.


The characters and the way the show looks is sooo cute.


I'm having a hard time deciding which one is my favorite!

I think i'm leaning more towards Konata though.

She appeals to me more as far as aesthetics go, as well as her personality.


Who's your favorite girl out of the main four and why? 

#54420 Lucky Star

Posted by Danikeety94 on 06 September 2013 - 08:55 PM in Anime

I don't know the characters, I don't know the plot, but I do know that it has one hell of a catchy theme song. I've watched like, one episode.

That is true! I have not gotten tired of the opening theme yet. :)

#55571 The Tradeoff Between Anime and Manga

Posted by Danikeety94 on 25 September 2013 - 06:52 PM in Anime

For one, Manga is usually more close to what was originally said in the original language when being translated into English. When Anime is produced, like Sushi kitten has said, extra fan service is added. So they will sometimes completely change dialogue or phrases. Whether it's to make it more Americanized or because it was thought it would sound better than the original translation.


At times, Manga artwork can differ a bit from Anime. It's nice to see what the original art work looks like. What the artists intended for the characters to look like before they're animated and altered. For example, Inuyasha looks pretty different to me than the series looks in animated form. 

There can be certain details cut out of the Anime form of the series, such as scenes or once again dialouge that was not included in the anime.

Those are a few things I thought of. :)

#55475 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Posted by Danikeety94 on 22 September 2013 - 11:23 PM in Anime

So I have gotten into this series.


What are your thoughts about it? 


I definitely think it's interesting.


Still trying to understand it fully. I gather that somehow Haruhi basically controls what happens to the world unknowingly. If she gets bored with it then it will be destroyed...? And certain beings (Mikuru, Yuki and Itsuki) are there to make sure that doesn't happen. And not totally sure what purpose Kyon serves in the show yet... This could all be inaccurate information I know. Like I said, still trying to understand. But can someone tell to me if i'm close to understanding so far? lol.


And of course,


Who's your favorite character and why? :3


My favorite is Haruhi! ;D

#55498 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Posted by Danikeety94 on 23 September 2013 - 06:09 PM in Anime

They aren't exactly there to make sure she doesn't wreck the world. They don't have the power to do so. Yuki Nagato is an alien; Haruhi wished aliens existed, and as a result, Yuki Nagato. Haruhi wished time travelers existed, and as a result, Mikuru Asahina. She wished for espers, boom. Itsuki Koizumi the esper appears. As a result of this, their various groups also come into existence, which is the root cause of the events involving Ryoko Asakura, the esper squad in general, and the rest of the crazy silliness. All of the main events come into existence purely because Haruhi wants it to happen, e.g superhero maid Asahina with magical powers, the thriller/mystery island retreat, and the widely-disliked (though I love it) Endless Eight arc in season 2.


I recommend watching the movie before you start season 2, it ties up a few loose ends in season 1, and leads into season 2. As well as being fucking awesome and furthering the Kyon x Haruhi pairing.


The reason/purpose Kyon has... well, it's pretty simple. He's the only person who initially tried to talk to Haruhi. Everyone else thought she was a weirdo and ignored her. Hell, he thought she was a weirdo too, but he tried to get past that and make friends with this cute loner girl in his class. This resulted in Haruhi sort of keeping him, and eventually it evolved to a point where she can't be without him, as seen in 



Another reason Kyon is where he is, is because the rest of the SOS Brigade use him as a mediator; it's revealed early on that telling Haruhi their true identities will lead to widespread insanity, so Kyon becomes the go-between. The plot of the movie builds on this, as well as throwing out some gamebreaking information should it actually become known to Haruhi.


Favourite character is Yuki. She's adorable and I have a plushie of her on my bed. Though I also like alt. Mikuru. Yuki is just so adorably deadpan and emotionless, which is how I apparently act at times.

*Claps* Nicely said. All of it. :) Thank you. I have heard reputable things about the movie from a few people, so i'm gonna watch it tonight!

#53147 Holaaa.

Posted by Danikeety94 on 14 August 2013 - 03:18 PM in Introductions

There's only room around here for one cat-loving, pizza eatin' Dan around here. I will dispose of you posthaste.


Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew Spleen's name was Danny, but I think I blocked it out.

Oh my. Watch yourself. I know cat-fu.

#53132 Holaaa.

Posted by Danikeety94 on 14 August 2013 - 01:02 PM in Introductions

Plenty of that here. :P



Hiya. What kind of games are we talking about here? 

Hmmm... A little bit of everything I suppose. I play a lot of games from the past I guess you could say. xD I've been to broke to sample any games of today. : X I have always been a big fan of Nintendo. I have a wii, of which I mostly use to play my gamecube games on. : P I have this collectors edition disk of The Legend of Zelda that has the original "The Legend of Zelda" , "Zelda II The Adventure of link" . "The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time" and "The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask." Currently I have been playing Majora's Mask and Ocarina of time. Sadly I have never beaten either...but I vow to this time! :) Big Zelda fan. And recently my brother has gifted me a PS3 so I have also been playing the first Portal. :)

#53139 Holaaa.

Posted by Danikeety94 on 14 August 2013 - 02:08 PM in Introductions

Welcome to the site Dani, I'm Danny.

Thankyou Danny. xD

#53129 Holaaa.

Posted by Danikeety94 on 14 August 2013 - 12:48 PM in Introductions

Welll, My friends call me Dani. :)

It's been a nickname that's stuck with me for years.


I'm not really sure what to say... i've never been good with describing myself or introductions . xD


But what I can tell you is that I have come here to seek out friends with my common interest. :) As lately in my life I have had a lack of. Not to say that the friends I already have aren't good enough.


But none of them share my hobbies except one person in my life. Only one.


And it would feel nice to have more than one person fully understand me you know? :)


So I feel this was a good place to come and share my love of video games of all kinds, anime, books, artwork and what not and just have interesting conversation and general.


I hope to meet some nice people here that I will enjoy talking to.


And that's all for now...xD

#53146 Dragoncon

Posted by Danikeety94 on 14 August 2013 - 02:59 PM in Everything Else

I have friends who dress up every year. I don't tag along because of the aforementioned reason. I love cosplay, but not when I know the fools.


Dragoncon is a pretty big deal for isolated nerds around here. I can't say I get the convention thing.

I feel that would be a fun thing to do. To just go and be surrounded by other people expressing their fandom and getting the chance to get my hands on some cool stuff. I love to see other people cosplay too! I wanted to, but I only have enough funds to go. So i'll have to cosplay another time. 

#53140 Dragoncon

Posted by Danikeety94 on 14 August 2013 - 02:13 PM in Everything Else

Anyone going? or ever been? I'm pretty sure i'll be going for my first time. :)


Tell me about your past experiences going! 

Or anything else you want to say about it. :P

#53142 Dragoncon

Posted by Danikeety94 on 14 August 2013 - 02:46 PM in Everything Else

I've admittedly never heard of it. Care to shed some details? x:

http://www.dragoncon.org/ Everything I know I have gathered from the website. A convention in Atlanta Georgia that includes anime, various comics, video games and other things. This will be my first big convention. :0 

#55653 AWA!

Posted by Danikeety94 on 27 September 2013 - 01:21 PM in Everything Else

I'm arriving there today. :3


Who is here is going to be there or is already there?