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#104035 why are you happy?

Posted by Calvary on 15 October 2016 - 02:53 AM in Everything Else

Man it is too fucking early for me to be tearing up TES. Fucking Russians, man, they good people.

#104056 why are you happy?

Posted by Calvary on 16 October 2016 - 01:08 AM in Everything Else

All Russians said that.

Very important you discern between politicians and people with these things. Not all Americans are myopic, corrupt cunts, for example. The politicians however....eh, p sure even Bernal Sandles bought himself a nice five bedroom cabin in Vermont with the proceeds of his campaign after he lost or some shit.

#106761 why are you happy?

Posted by Calvary on 02 March 2017 - 01:18 AM in Everything Else

I'm teaching myself to skateboard and I'm at a point now where I can comfortably balance and push myself along. Taking respite in small mercies because everything else is going to shit. ;P

#105068 What's your favorite cookie?

Posted by Calvary on 03 December 2016 - 02:15 PM in Everything Else

They're biscuits you colonial upstarts.

#105323 What are you Watching?

Posted by Calvary on 14 December 2016 - 02:52 PM in Everything Else

Just marathoned the last two episodes of TWD half season. Boyyyyyy, I just wanna see what they do to take Negan out of the story line...

#105328 What are you Watching?

Posted by Calvary on 15 December 2016 - 01:39 AM in Everything Else

I hate his character, but at the same time he's just oozing so much personality you gotta kinda be like, damn.

#105099 What are you Watching?

Posted by Calvary on 04 December 2016 - 01:20 PM in Everything Else

I can't remember if we have a thread like this on NF, but on another forum I'm on it's always pretty active.



I've just finished the first Ghost in a Shell anime. Having been vaguely aware of it since I was about ten, it's nice to get closure on it. The soundtrack was fantastic, and I know it's an absolute classic, but I must admit there were times where I felt both the story line and the actual animation, was a bit sub-par, not to mention the English dubbing, cor lummy.


Overall I'd say it was a 7/10 experience, and I still wanna watch the second one now. 



Also just, god damn, this song.


#105143 What are you Watching?

Posted by Calvary on 06 December 2016 - 01:23 AM in Everything Else

Is Westworld as good as everyone makes out? I was tempted to watch it but I don't really know if it can live up to expectations.

#104915 What are you eating thread

Posted by Calvary on 27 November 2016 - 12:29 PM in Everything Else

Where then, do you feel is the best place to live


Gotta go with Switzerland or maybe somewhere like Denmark. Also, as a wild card, throwing Rojava in there.

#104983 What are you eating thread

Posted by Calvary on 29 November 2016 - 03:01 PM in Everything Else

I know.


You're such a I love you, Sethre.

#104920 What are you eating thread

Posted by Calvary on 27 November 2016 - 01:05 PM in Everything Else

I mean, this is probably the wrong thread to discuss it, but yeah, they're pretty good places to live. Well, I mean Rojava might be the exception depending on what you think about being about 10 miles away from the frontlines between ISIS and the Kurds...

#104992 What are you eating thread

Posted by Calvary on 30 November 2016 - 02:05 AM in Everything Else


#104891 What are you eating thread

Posted by Calvary on 27 November 2016 - 08:24 AM in Everything Else

Alaska: All the snow, none of the liberalism.

#104893 What are you eating thread

Posted by Calvary on 27 November 2016 - 08:31 AM in Everything Else

I assume their entire economy is based on hunting whales and/or exporting snow to warm countries.

#105094 What are you eating thread

Posted by Calvary on 04 December 2016 - 04:18 AM in Everything Else

Just don't mix the two up. ;)

#105925 What are you eating thread

Posted by Calvary on 07 January 2017 - 06:10 AM in Everything Else



I miss Nigel too.



I had celebration cake for getting my first 2:1 in my uni coursework. I say had a celebration cake, I had a slice. My girlfriend at the rest. >_>



It serves 12 people.



There's two of us.

#105209 What are you eating thread

Posted by Calvary on 08 December 2016 - 05:35 AM in Everything Else

I only really like streaky bacon, but the terminology of what constitutes types of bacon varies wildly by country; for instance pork-belly bacon isn't a big thing that I know of in England, in fact I can imagine we'd just call that pork-belly cuts. Also we eat pancetta as the Italians do, so I can't imagine doing something as culiniarily satanic as frying it. I really do like Turkey bacon though, it's such a versatile meat and it has a fraction of the bad-fat and calorie percentage of normal bacon.


Also, udon noodle are the shit.

#105344 Well Shit

Posted by Calvary on 16 December 2016 - 01:05 AM in SCIENCE!

If you think it's a legitimate possibility then go to your doctor. Just don't go on WebMD, because you'll spend five minutes there and loose all hope.

#105363 Well Shit

Posted by Calvary on 16 December 2016 - 10:36 AM in SCIENCE!

Somehow, we still don't have a health section on the forums.


We're still not WebMD, mucker.

#106521 Weird States

Posted by Calvary on 12 February 2017 - 04:03 AM in Everything Else

If you think about what the British isles look like, they're actually pretty fucky. Like, Scotland has a perfectly flat head, but  its ears are pretty messed up.

#106949 Weird States

Posted by Calvary on 18 March 2017 - 04:03 AM in Everything Else

Oh shit. Oh shit Danny are you gonna take that?

#104159 Weather

Posted by Calvary on 21 October 2016 - 04:24 AM in SCIENCE!

Right, I think what happened is you were looking for Mkhedruli Georgian script, didn't know what it was, so settled for something superficial. It's not hate. It's annoying and churlish.

#104127 Weather

Posted by Calvary on 20 October 2016 - 12:51 AM in SCIENCE!

Why do you like me so much? It's the only reason I have as to why you keep changing your username to copy mine...

#105144 Unbiased Testers Wanted!!!!!

Posted by Calvary on 06 December 2016 - 01:26 AM in Nerd Art

Sethre. >:c

#104607 U.S. presidential election 2016

Posted by Calvary on 08 November 2016 - 11:07 AM in Everything Else

Okay so tonight is the big night, right? What do we predict will be the outcome?


I believe that Clinton will see a Pyrrhic victory in her favour, in which she clinches a narrow win but must come to terms with the fact that neoliberalism is in it's death knell, an increasingly socially conscious precariat will expect her to uphold her progressive election pledges, and that she is ultimately not trusted. She will continue to receive the unbashed support of the Democrat party core, including St. Bernie Sanders, who will wheel himself down from his beach house funded by campaign pledges and reaffirm support for Clinton to return the support of disenchanted leftist Democrats who felt betrayed by his submission to the Establishment.


Trump will lose without grace, will probably deliberate over bowing out straight away and will make rumblings about a fixed election that will plague Hillary for months. His loss will incense the ultra-right and a surge in patriotic-nationalism will lead to a further deterioration of race relations. He will continue to hold Clinton to account and could force her either to shift back to the right to appease his support, or shift even further left to condemn Trumpists.


Jill Stein will bake herself into a mud sarcophagus and rest under a pine forest in Yellowstone for 700 years until The Awakening.


Johnson will be quoted approximately twelve seconds after the announcement asking, "what exactly is the Congress, anyway?" Will probably do a lot of cocaine tonight. May or may not fade into insignificance after fucking up his best and only chance at turning the Libertarian Party into a viable and realistic alternative to the bipartisan norm.