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There have been 14 items by Dr. Strangelove (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#41846 What are you reading?

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 08 February 2013 - 06:29 PM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

At the moment I'm chewing through the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett, and the Bakuman graphic novels by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata (the ones responsible for Death Note).

#41899 What are you reading?

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 08 February 2013 - 10:52 PM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

I've just started reading through the Discworld novels myself. I'm about halfway through The Colour of Magic.

Yeah I finished TCoM a while ago, devoured The Hunger Games trilogy in a week, and now juggling The Light Fantastic and The Lord of The Rings for the 2nd time in my life (the new film got me back in the mood ;)). Pratchett's books are quirky and unique but I think they're a great read! I think it's his style of writing that hooked me haha :D

#42041 Favorite mythical creature

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 10 February 2013 - 03:25 AM in Fantasy

I'm not sure but I love dragons. In particular, golden dragons, bronze dragons and pseudo-dragons because they are just awesome, but I could elaborate. Ever since I was a kid I loved phoenixes though, so there's a clash... Good topic though! :P

#41753 Who writes?

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 08 February 2013 - 09:57 AM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

Hey guys, I love to write, whether it be fan-fiction or imagination. But at the moment my friend and I are in the middle of issue 2 of our "graphic novel" to be, named 'Homo Toast!'. It's kinda peculiar, rude, mildly racist, violent but our English teacher loves it :P It's about me and him (freelance hitmen) who work for a guy called The Doc, who brought a piece of toast to life, named Toast, who's an FBI agent and all 4 of us work together solving crimes, making illegal money etc. In this issue we get kidnapped by an Al-Qaeda dog, a dog who works for Al-Qaeda. Any way its just weird aha, I can upload a few pages if anyone wants to see? I write the story, he does the artwork.

#41751 Zombie Apocalypse

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 08 February 2013 - 09:43 AM in Fantasy

Well I don't know about you guys but I live in the Northern Beaches in Sydney, Australia. We ain't got WalMart or guns, but I got a house high up with good vantage points, 2 crossbows, a longbow (plenty of bolts and arrows) a home built mortar launcher me and a few mates put together and a few recipes for pipe bombs with the ingredients (you get innovative when you cant get a gun). In case of bug-out i would take small light weapons, knives, an axe or a bat. So the plan is, we'd pretty much build a moat around the house, put a few dozen star pickets (long spiky poles in the shape of a star) (moat is 3m deep by 1.5m across) in the bottom, so that they can fall in and chillbang around. Also we have 12 hearty chickens and a lamb currently, as well as quite a lot of tinned food and readily available long life foods, water and obviously shelter, so food and water is bountiful. There is a 2m fence surrounding our house also, and the underneath of our house (not where moat is going) is solid rock so if the bastards learn how to dig, they ain't getting in under us! We have about a half dozen large solar panels which generate a substantial amount of power, and Bunnings, Woolworths and Coles are just down the road, and it'd be easy to duck in, duck out with a shload* of supplies (Panadol, other painkillers and medical/food supplies), as long as there aren't any zombles around. That's if we decide to protect the house!

Possibly Helpful Tips: don't drink tapwater, zombies may have tainted the source where it comes from, but if its from your rainwater tank it should be fine (I would boil in case the infection is airborne). Don't go out alone, at least have someone watching or within communication boundaries. Don't get eaten, or try not to. If you get separated from your group, or are just ridin' solo, be careful! Watch where you go, zombies have poor eyesight (from what I've gathered), so they would rely heavily on senses like touch (vibrations), smell (fresh flesh smells gewd to the zombie) and also hearing (so be shh). Remember, hunting and fishing skills = useful knowledge, in case you need to forage or get food from mother nature to survive.

Well, that's my thoughts anyway. I don't know if us Aussies will even be hit with an infection, but you never know... if we do I don't plan on staying at the house for long, I aim for staying at least 2 months max into the zombie 'revolution' so it can die (lol) down, grab the ute, supplies, and then head north west. Lot's of bush pretty much all over the east coast, not sure about y'all in the USA. But anyway that's what I'd do! Or grab a nice lookin' yacht from the yacht club down the road and head to sea, but aanyway... I love getting onto zombie survival topics! Even though I know one won't happen I want to be somewhat prepared :P Tell me your opinions etc, what you would change or whatnot as well! :D

*Shload = shit load.

#41909 What is the meaning of life?

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 09 February 2013 - 05:54 AM in Everything Else

The meaning of life is simply try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations...

#46379 What is the meaning of life?

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 03 April 2013 - 12:47 AM in Everything Else

Been watching Monty Python eh?

Haha you bet, but last time I watched 'The Meaning of Life' was, pshhh, 2 years ago aha, just a line I've managed to remember!

And so sorry, a large lack of computer has deprived my reply :'(

#46383 Anyone know much about servos?

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 03 April 2013 - 01:45 AM in DIY

This is probably way off what you guys are talking about, but may as well give it a shot.

I've looked into various 'hexapod' designs before and these I found are quite attractive. I would say if you used light materials (balsa wood for example) with el cheapo servos first as a test (as to not strain the petit servos too much, and see their limits), persay, then you could progress to heavy duty expensive stuff as the funds increased.



(Instructables for those who dont already know about it, is a magnificent website)



These are a few, as far as I know they're not as expensive as the $1200 beast of a critter, but they do a good job.

#41910 Dr who

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 09 February 2013 - 06:05 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

David Tennant is singlehandedly the best Doctor (No. 10). Well, for me that is ;)
First episode I watched was when I was about 3 or 4, it was black and white with horrifically awful yet somehow great stop motion animation of dinosaurs walking through London, that's all I remember... BUUT nevertheless I love Doctor !DOCTOR NOT DR! Who. It's a classic BBC show and it will never die.. it'll regenerate. :P
TARDIS = Time And Relative Dimension In Space. Good to see some other Whovians!

#46438 D.I.Y Satellite, or harvesting the Moon?

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 03 April 2013 - 06:12 PM in DIY

You're not going to believe this... we had a massive downpour yesterday, from around 6am to 4pm and then on and off through the night, and guess who left their window which was next to his stack of sketchbooks open....

Most of my best sketches, designs/diagrams (not just for amateur rockets), fan-fictions - basically a LOT of stuff I've deicated time to on paper has effectively been destroyed  :( Sign of the gods? Just kidding, but in all seriousness I've set them up to dry so hopefully they'll revive, but when I get home (I'm writing from class) I should have some simple designs hanging around that I can put pictures of up, although their the ones lacking detail and the "science behind it" stuff (which the others are chock a block full of).

And great clip Sushi  :)  And Ratmastah I have seen SkyCube somewhere before and I just love their ideas, and it gave me some ideas also  :P

#46387 D.I.Y Satellite, or harvesting the Moon?

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 03 April 2013 - 02:30 AM in DIY

Honestly I had no idea what forum to post this under, so here goes! :)


As naive as it might sound; as far back as I can remember, I have always wanted to design, build, program, and launch a satellite/rocket into space! It's purpose? To say I did it.

Back in 2002 we were learning about the Apollo missions, in kindy or year 1. We learnt how they did it, the technology, and the plans they had for space, and some were definitely far-fetched. But it was more than that, I was incredibly amased about how they did it, and seeing Saturn V soar into the sky at an unimaginable speed, people floating freely, and photos of alien worlds completely tickled my fancy.

So for the past year or 2 I've drawn silly sketches designs and concepts of all sorts of rocket-like contraptions that I would love to have launched, much inspired by Planetes and some other films like Moon, but hello, Tyler, moron, you can't just shoot a rocket up into orbit like that... or can you? :huh:


SO fellow nerds, geeks and D.I.Y enthusiasts my question is how would an average Joe like me or you go about doing it? Launching something you made, into space, or a neighbouring planet, and why?


If you're interested I can explain, or show a diagram of my designs for various rocket concepts, although in saying that please don't troll, or judge! :P

Hope to hear from y'all!

#46382 So, North Korea is in a State of War With the South

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 03 April 2013 - 01:15 AM in Everything Else

Just whipped this up :D

#42032 Favorite eReader?

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 10 February 2013 - 12:32 AM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

I have just a normal Kindle (4th or 5th gen, I dunno it was $60 on Amazon so I jumped at it :P) and my old English teacher gave me her E-Book library of a whole lot of books, 3gb I think, so that was a big score haha. I wanna get a Kindle Paperwhite because of the in-built light though, I'm getting over needing an external light source while reading at night...

#46380 Inside a nuclear reactor

Posted by Dr. Strangelove on 03 April 2013 - 01:03 AM in Nerd Art

Yeah, I thought so too.


I need a pool with fancy glowing blue things at the bottom with a switch so I can make them glow red while people are in it and set off an alarm. >.>

Then deploy dry ice or something through little pumps in the walls of the pool, with bubbles of course, and have fake human limbs float to the top. Oh the fun one could have...
