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There have been 12 items by bauuubass (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#111387 The Expanse

Posted by bauuubass on 05 July 2019 - 12:32 AM in Sci Fi

To revive this fallen thread :D any of you guys kept watching the Expanse? Any of you waiting for the next season? I've loved the show so much that been thinking about getting the books. Have any of you read them, it is worth reading them after I've already seen the show?

#111388 City Building

Posted by bauuubass on 05 July 2019 - 12:38 AM in Video Games

Never played Anno series or Tropico 4 or 6, but if I'm craving for a good city builder I often choose Banished, Frostpunk, Northgard (it's also an RTS) or Blockhood. I don't get simulator cravings very often, so these are enough for me.

#111389 Favorite video game villains?

Posted by bauuubass on 05 July 2019 - 12:42 AM in Video Games

Don't know if we have a spoiler tag in this forum, so: SPOILERS SPOILERS DON'T READ IF YOU HAVE NOT FINISHED DA: INQUISITION


and those who have finished it knows that the best villain is an unexpected one that you thought was your friend - the majestic egghead Solas 

#111523 Favorite mythical creature

Posted by bauuubass on 30 July 2019 - 12:28 AM in Fantasy

I've always liked mermaids, actually. I don't know why.

I used to have a hella crush on Ariel when I was younger. I also used to pretend I was a pirate, so I guess in the end I'd have probably been drowned after all. 


The Little Mermaid was my favorite childhood movie :D I was thinking, it's a pity that not many video games let you play as a mermaid, I wonder why that is.

#111532 Fortnite sucks (change my mind)

Posted by bauuubass on 02 August 2019 - 02:07 AM in Video Games

Well, it's immensely popular, so I guess lots of people would not agree. For me personally, it's just not the type of game I would enjoy, I'm not into any of the battle royal ones, really

#111551 Harry Potter and all things magical

Posted by bauuubass on 06 August 2019 - 12:42 AM in Fantasy

It's interesting, when I was younger I used to be obsessed with both, Harry Potter and LOTR. Then, as I grew older, my LOTR obsession remained, I even got a tattoo and am thinking about getting another one, but I completely lost interests in Harry Potter, and even think the movies are kinda garbage (no offense to the people who like them)


Posted by bauuubass on 08 August 2019 - 12:04 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

i agree with the thing that pewdiepie is great and whatnot but...the *clap* *clap* meme is over bruh


I think you're confused, *clap* *clap* is a way to make memes over :D 

#111574 Little Mermaid

Posted by bauuubass on 08 August 2019 - 12:10 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

I would kinda like to see a version of Ariel that would remind me of my childhood, so for now, as the movie is not even out and I have not seen it, I think I would like a white actress to play her. If the movie is good, though, I might end up not minding the actual choice.

#111575 Pet Sematary (2019)

Posted by bauuubass on 08 August 2019 - 12:15 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Pet Sematary was the first King's book that I read and it started my complete fascination with him. I have not seen the movie yet, but people saying it's good give me hope :) 

#111649 I need a new game to play..

Posted by bauuubass on 20 August 2019 - 12:31 AM in Video Games

If you want strategy, try XCOM: Enemy Unknown and after that XCOM: 2, though it also depends on whether you like turn based combat

#111781 Assistance please?

Posted by bauuubass on 20 September 2019 - 01:50 AM in Video Games

Hello, fellow nerds, this time I need your help!


Okay, despite how weird it sounds, I would like to ask the console players, which of the two you would be getting: PlayStation gift card or straight up PS Plus subscription?


My friend's bday is coming up and I want to get them something extra this year. Since he's a fan of PS (had one for as long as I remember) and now I want to get him one of those cards to use. It's either £45 card or Plus for a year - both are cost efficient for me, but I can only get one, so I want to pick the one that will give him most use/joy. As a PC player, I honestly can't decide which service is better and would like to ask console players to help me.




#111897 I need a new game to play..

Posted by bauuubass on 29 October 2019 - 03:33 AM in Video Games

Oh, and you can never go wrong with a good old Minecraft  ^_^