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There have been 5 items by Wafflydig501 (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#109676 What is your favourite anime when you are a kid?

Posted by Wafflydig501 on 10 August 2018 - 11:32 AM in Anime

When I was a kid I used to watch Dragonball Z and Yu Yu Hakisho. I liked DBZ better though.


As an adult Gurren Lagann, hands down. I also really like My Hero Academia and One Punch Man.


Hell, I Liked Gurren Lagann enough I got their symbol tattoo'd on my shoulder. As ridiculous as that probably sounds the show did a lot for me. When I began watching it I hadn't yet grown up I mean I was technically 18 but I wasn't grown up yet. I was really shy, timid, not insecure but I had no faith that anything would work out for me in life. That show made me realize that you've got to have faith in yourself and sometimes you've gotta say "fuck it, I've got this", if nothing else through force of will. Within a month of finishing the show I had moved out of my parents house, got a new, better job, bought a car and got the tattoo. I haven't looked back since. Nowadays I'm happily married with a full time job with great pay and benefits and my wife and I intend on having kids next year. I'm in a good place in life right now but without Gurren Lagann making me have those revelations I may not be here right now.


Take away: Draw inspiration from wherever you can, people, books, movies, giant robots smashing the hell out of each other, whatever if it helps you get to where you want to go there is no shame in it! *mic drops*

#109677 So how about that new Smash Bros

Posted by Wafflydig501 on 10 August 2018 - 11:40 AM in Video Games

Title says it all, what do you guys think?


Personally I'm stoaked, the new character additions I felt were clever and varied. The soundtrack is going to be AMAZING and the new gameplay modes I feel will be a lot of fun. Highlight for me was the introduction of SImon Belmont. I've wanted him in Smash since Brawl!

#109678 Final Fantasy

Posted by Wafflydig501 on 10 August 2018 - 11:42 AM in Fantasy

I know it's not the traditional FF but I've played the hell out of FFXV. Love that game! The DLC adds a lot of flavor to the narrative and the new styles of gameplay are really cool too.


I've played FFIV and FFVI too but I haven't beaten either yet sadly.

#109679 Disney

Posted by Wafflydig501 on 10 August 2018 - 11:44 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

Uh, Princess Leia, hello? haha but If you want a more traditional answer then I'd say Ariel, can't beat the classics.

#109675 A Wild newbie appeared!

Posted by Wafflydig501 on 10 August 2018 - 11:19 AM in Introductions

Hello! I'm Wafflydig501 but call me Dig. The name was auto-generated from a friend of mines Xbox One and I found it so funny that it stuck.


I'm 25 years old and live in Northern New York...like WAY north, I could probably chuck a rock and hit Canada haha. I'm here to make some nerd friends because Im a lone nerd out here and would love to find some new people to talk to! I'm happily married to a woman awesome enough to deal with my shit for the past 11 years. I like just about all aspects of nerd culture from video games to comics, from technology to anime (although thats probably my weakest area of nerdom). 


Happy to be here and looking forward to chatting with all of you!