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#108529 *spoilers* Blade Runner 2049

Posted by HammerBammer on 09 October 2017 - 03:26 PM in Sci Fi

(You have been warned about spoilers)



Saw it last Friday. Oh my god it was great.


The last time I went to the cinema and actually managed to see the entire movie without looking at my phone, was... Well I didn't have a phone at the time. 

Even during It I sneaked a peek or two.


The entire cast is great, though Joi managed to annoy me sometimes. I wanted her to turn evil at some point, although something got stuck in my eye when that other bitch smashed the Emanator.


I'm not one to usually like Jared Leto. Maybe I'm biased because I was introduced to him through 30 Seconds to Mars.

Still have to admit, he was great as Wallace. His little chat with Deckard made me run the original Blade Runner in my head for a split second. 

Then Rachael got shot.


I gotta know your opinions on this: is Deckard a replicant? Leto said in an interview that he is the only one that knows the answer.


And what about the theory of Alien and Blade Runner being on the same universe?



#108459 Freaky Music Videos

Posted by HammerBammer on 21 September 2017 - 05:44 AM in Everything Else

No love for Dragula?




Oh yeah and Fantasy



Or Black Hole Sun



#108431 Printed magnets

Posted by HammerBammer on 14 September 2017 - 11:08 AM in SCIENCE!

It's not that simple. The repulsion between two magnets is not a stable state. You can feel that when you point two equal magnetic poles towards each other. Yes they repel each other, but to stay aligned you need to hold them. 

Nature tends to states with minimum energy, and in this case that is two opposite poles pointed toward each other.


Even if you manage to print something that doesn't just flip over, you're still gonna have a magnetic field "run" over another magnetic field. That is going to induce some electrical currents and, depending on resistivity, probably heat.


That's basically how electromagnetic brakes and induction heating work. Permanent magnet are metals (can't think of one that isn't) and thus are conductive. If you have a varying magnetic field (like a magnetic train moving over a magnetic rail) you will have an induced current. And that is just bad.


That is one of the reasons why room temperature superconductive materials would revolutionise everything. Since the magnetic field doesn't penetrate them, there would be no induced currents. 


But you should check the Hyperloop project. They use magnets to center the "train" inside the tube and not let it touch the walls (no friction = no slowing down).

#108425 Chemicals burning different colors

Posted by HammerBammer on 14 September 2017 - 07:18 AM in SCIENCE!

That's actually quite safe.

I've been in lab with all of those except for the second on the left. Still alive. 

#108424 Printed magnets

Posted by HammerBammer on 14 September 2017 - 07:09 AM in SCIENCE!

I'm not sure when something like that will be available, I'm just excited to get the products.

I wonder if you could make a maglev track using them and not have to have superconductors. 


That's... That's not... Ok.


A permanet magnet, like the ones in the video or the ones on the fridge, create a strong magnetic field. When that field interacts with other ferromagnetic materials, like the fridge door, they induce a magnetic moment on that material, attracting the two bodies - aka, the magnet sticks on the fridge.


A superconductor REPELS magnetic fields - the Meissner effect. No field lines penetrate the superconductor. 

That's why you see magnets floating above superconductors. 

#108423 How controversial would a teen show with this plot be?

Posted by HammerBammer on 14 September 2017 - 07:00 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

I see no possible controversy.

Unless someone gets offended by the white military middle class kid with balanced political perspective saving the bullied and such.


SJWs would love it if the kid was a transexual indian vampire furry though.

#108422 Worst Movie You've Ever Paid Money to See?

Posted by HammerBammer on 14 September 2017 - 06:55 AM in Misc. Movies and T.V.

The latest Transformers. I can't even remember the name.

The one with evil Optimus Prime and Merlin and all that jazz.


If it weren't for the explosions and other loud noises, I would have slept through the entire thing.

Only went because a friend wanted to go with me. First and last time I'm going to pay to see Transformers.

#108412 Hello fellow earthlings

Posted by HammerBammer on 12 September 2017 - 06:35 AM in Introductions

Well, it's been a long time since I've written a forum introduction.


So here I go.


Hi everyone! Long time nerd, have been missing the internet forum life that I had as a teen. Now I'm 24 years old. I've been reading sci-fi and fantasy books ever since I was a kid. Videogames have been a part of my house ever since my brother got his MegaDrive and Sonic the Hedgehog 2.


Started watching anime and reading mangas around ten years ago I think. Not really sure. Read a lot of webcomics as well back then.


But then, eventually, university kind of took over everything nerdy in my life. I actually have a BSc in Physics and am finishing my Masters thesis in nanorobotics.


What else to say? I'm Portuguese and actually live in Portugal. Thinking of applying for a PhD in Nagoya or maybe a Masters in Economics or something health related. 



This any good?

#108404 The Big Bang Never Happened

Posted by HammerBammer on 08 September 2017 - 03:40 PM in SCIENCE!

Ok... There seems to be a lot happening here and I just read the posts diagonally.

So I'll not actually dwell into the theories pertaining to the beginning of the universe. Although the big bang is still the most widely accepted hypothesis and the one with most experimental/observations facts backing it up.


The major problem with cosmological theories of the beginning of the universe is how to actually corroborate them. Mathematical models and computations simulations are all fine, but at the end of the day, experiments and observations are what sustain a theory. That's the main issue with string theory and loop quantum gravity. We just don't have the technology to actually test and confirm them.


Basically every year there's a new idea on how the universe started and how to explain stuff that isn't predicted by current theories. Then comes the part to find non-mathematical proof, and most of those ideas just go down the drain.


But to those that don't believe in the big band, I need to ask:


#108403 Dimension 404

Posted by HammerBammer on 08 September 2017 - 03:25 PM in Sci Fi

Just saw the trailer for Dimension 404, looked like Twilight Zone if written by William Gibson.

Which is excellent!


What was your general opinion of it?