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#12454 First Anime you saw?

Posted by nastalgia on 22 June 2012 - 02:55 AM in Anime

I saw Dragonball Z and Tenchi Muyo around the same time...they were both my first anime. I preferred Tenchi Muyo though, since it had Ryoko and she made me laugh.

#12453 Deathnote. (warning will contain spoilers)

Posted by nastalgia on 22 June 2012 - 02:41 AM in Anime

I really loved Death Note, both the movies and the anime (haven't read the manga).
My favorite characters are L and Near...something about that quiet, eerie intelligence gives me the tinglies.
I preferred the ending where L didn't die before Kira (like in the movie), but the fact that he dies in the anime before Kira allows us to meet Near, Mello, and Matt...so I'm not too bitter about that.
I didn't feel that the series dragged on nor ended too quickly, though I could always use more Death Note. I just think it's so well-written, and the characters are really deep and likeable. It's just so epic. ^^

#12457 The new Planet Of The Apes movie.

Posted by nastalgia on 22 June 2012 - 03:09 AM in Sci Fi

I like Malfoy...he's my fave Harry Potter character...but I didn't like his attitude in Rise of the Planet of the Apes so I guess it's okay that he got his ass kicked by a monkey.

That being said, I really liked the new movie. The part where Caesar attacks the horrible neighbor is my fave part. I was literally out of my seat, cheering him on. "Go, Caesar, go! Mess him UP!!" I loved the original Planet of the Apes, but the new movie was certainly epic on its own.

#12452 I <3 UnNatural Hair Colors

Posted by nastalgia on 22 June 2012 - 02:37 AM in Anime

Yeah as long as the hair color remains blue or purple. Green hair is kind of a turn-off. lol

#12456 No star trek topic!

Posted by nastalgia on 22 June 2012 - 03:04 AM in Sci Fi

Star Trek the original is the best!! I looooooooove Spock.♥

Actually, I grew up with Star Trek Next Generation. I was terrified of the Borgs during my childhood and had nightmares of being turned into one of them.

As an adult, they still kinda creep me out. lol

But the original Star Trek is still the best. :)

#12458 Xena

Posted by nastalgia on 22 June 2012 - 03:15 AM in Fantasy

Xena was my role model when I was a little girl. I still remember going to visit my mother in the next city over, and my parents left me and my younger sisters in a hotel room. The T.V. was on, and I saw Xena: Warrior Princess for the first time. I became so immersed in the show that when my parents brought back dinner, I was totally glued to the T.V. and not paying attention at all. I told my mom later: "I want to be Xena! And [my friend] can be Gabrielle!"
...Part of that desire to be Xena came from being bullied a lot, though. I wanted to kick so many asses but couldn't.

#12455 Kodomo No Omocha

Posted by nastalgia on 22 June 2012 - 02:57 AM in Anime

I LOVE Kodomo no Omocha. It's the ONLY anime I can get my best friend to watch...TWICE. I can't believe she actually watched it twice, and the second time, she watched it by herself! She doesn't even like anime...that's what's amazing about Kodomo no Omocha. It cracks us up. I especially love the mom when she's driving around in that toy car of hers and giving her editor a heart attack.