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#90219 The "What Are You Listening To?" Thread

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:49 AM in Everything Else

"The Hole Where Your House Was" ~ Spor


Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 07:48 AM in Everything Else

Just dropped in to talk about how impressed I am by all of this depression.

(You can thank me for the superb puns in various -zepams and -zolams)

#90484 Forum Titles

Posted by flcl_grim on 18 April 2015 - 07:23 PM in Help and Error Reporting

I keep accidentally reading the title of this as "Forum Titties"

What is wrong with my head

I was wondering who borrowed my eyes.

#82640 Feminist Hacker Barbie is Hysterical

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 December 2014 - 06:56 AM in Coding

Pretty hilarious that Gizmodo was saying that anything remotely "feminist" was anything but raw, pure female empowerment.

#90483 Red vs Blue Season 13 Trailer

Posted by flcl_grim on 18 April 2015 - 07:22 PM in Sci Fi

Does that sacrifice the comedic edge?

#90283 Red vs Blue Season 13 Trailer

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 10:08 PM in Sci Fi

Has Red versus Blue changed from a strictly one-off comedy series to a serial show?

#90415 So I drew this thing for the Forum :P

Posted by flcl_grim on 17 April 2015 - 05:20 PM in Nerd Art

I would recommend that you change the logo stylization; instead of having the F come on the same plane as the D, you could do it like so.


Just a suggestion.

#90480 Terry Crews is the absolute best

Posted by flcl_grim on 18 April 2015 - 07:18 PM in Everything Else

In order to claim false equivalence, you have to prove that one concept is significantly removed from the other.  You might be trying to pose my argument as a strawman, but it is merely one facet of the argument I presented--you cannot boil it down to "White Supremacy isn't equivalent to Feminism," because my argument has more substance than that.

However, I will still challenge your viewpoint.  White Supremacy and Feminism operate off of the same Identity Politics, attempting to achieve a certain goal by focusing on certain aspects of the "opposite" side.  Instead of advocating for equality on all bases, they separate themselves and intentionally restrict their thinking to work for their special interests.

#90278 Terry Crews is the absolute best

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 09:43 PM in Everything Else

If the KKK suddenly stopped being about White Supremacy and started being about racial equality, they would change their name.

When Feminism changed from a movement focused on Female-only "equality" (while actually being a middle-class based revolt for the sake of special interest in almost every case; see when the ERA was killed multiple times because of a radical feminist group's rider bill).


You do not get to continue to use the social impetus of a movement (id est hijack the movement) in order to further advertise it to everyone.  "He for She" is an advertisement campaign, and marketing has been heavily involved in modern popular Identity Politics for ages.  In order to transcend class and obtain true equality, you have to discard the classes entirely and see through to the truly oppressive classifications, and, most importantly, the logical errors and other bias-based reasons that people have been fed (or fed themselves) in order to continue implementing the same oppressive lies.

Everyone can see that not everyone fits into a social construction of Masculinity or Femininity when you give them the right light, and when you do that, people start to challenge the very words we use to describe those interactions, like Feminism.  You do not get to rename "Feminism."  Make a new movement based on true equality--not on keeping the same gendered classifications and biases for everyone while simultaneously proclaiming that everyone is a special snowflake.

Yes, the people must organize, but organization is not automatically bulletproof, and the methods supported by the ideology propped up by Feminism is absolutely dilletante.  No need to perpetuate these baseless institutions, and there is no need to organize to teach people reason--when you give someone a taste of it that puts their sour ideologies to shame, they will want more.

#90408 Terry Crews is the absolute best

Posted by flcl_grim on 17 April 2015 - 04:45 PM in Everything Else

You cannot derail a discussion by simply ignoring the antithesis to your argument.  It is not about what people call themselves, because then we would have to consider Stalinists to be Communists (an extremely incorrect assumption).  The Feminist movement often--especially in modern times--wants to preserve the idea that being Male and Female involves a specific Essentialism, like racists, that furthers the sexist misunderstanding of Humanity.  Since many Feminists are post-modern thinkers, I would assume they would understand the importance of the movement's name on how people conceptualize it.

In order to change thoughts, you change words.  Communism stays pure because Leninists and Stalinists were never practicing Communism, and focused on having the state; others attempted to corrupt the very concept by enormous marketing campaigns against Communism, but the very name of it (and its source) separates from those bastardizations.  On the other hand, Feminism focuses on females, always focused on females, and, to this day, wants to drive a divide between males and females in order to attempt "equality."  Separate is never, has never, and will never be equal, and until feminists shrug off their sexist ways, they will not be able to truly transcend and understand the oppression they are helping to enforce.

#90218 I'm having trouble with CSS

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:46 AM in Coding

Click on "Learning."


Modern CSS is currently a mess because of how little has been standardized.  This means that most browser engines have their very own homebrewed versions of many features, but you should be able to glean enough information from those resources to get your basic knowledge to intermediate level.

CSS is for design.  A great way to brute force knowledge of it is to think of a design (a problem), and then learn how to make it with style sheets (a solution).

#90491 Cool infographic on popular coding languages - 2015

Posted by flcl_grim on 18 April 2015 - 09:31 PM in Coding

Also interesting: tabs vs. spaces. Tabs are preferred by newer programmers while more seasoned ones prefer spaces.

Which is funny, because modern programming languages have accounted for this by using "whitespace" detection instead--which preprocesses tabs to spaces, or vice versa.

#90216 Cool infographic on popular coding languages - 2015

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:37 AM in Coding

While Reddit and general Blog-based online communities have increased online exposure, they have clouded the utility of a forum.  You can post that link, but we need some substance that YOU can bring to the table to discuss this.

Reddit trains this out of users by making it impossible to post a link and a comment in the same swoop, but the forum has that feature as a core demand for content and discourse.  Please use it to your full capacity.

#90210 WEATHER!

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:16 AM in Everything Else


Around 62, but who goes outside?

#90288 WEATHER!

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 11:49 PM in Everything Else

I'm a grown ass man


I always heard about your kind when I was growing up; what is it like for only your ass to grow up?  Is balance a daily challenge?

#90277 WEATHER!

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 09:30 PM in Everything Else

Those blasted towel-tipped blokes have fended off our tea industry for the last time!

#90413 This might fit here best, I dunno.

Posted by flcl_grim on 17 April 2015 - 05:06 PM in DIY

Funny how all of that (sans the suits, unless you count .obj files) can fit in this.

#82641 Golang, you had me at "Hello, world."

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 December 2014 - 06:59 AM in Coding

My goal is to have Golang for fun projects (replacing Python, the elitist diva language of the year) and Rust for serious projects (replacing Java, the overhyped "kill it, kill it" language of all time).


Unfortunately, all of my assignments are issued in Java and Python.

#90414 Power Supply good enough?

Posted by flcl_grim on 17 April 2015 - 05:13 PM in Hardware

This website usually helps with wattage estimations.  It looks like you should be fine; League is not a very good benchmark, because its programming is absolute trash.

#90200 Because cats.

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 07:50 AM in Everything Else

Oi, I have a lot of posting to catch up on.

Cats are better for in-house companionship, dogs are better for outdoor companionship.  However, cats can go between feral and domesticated states rather smoothly, so they obviously involve less effort, unless you consider their wrath.

#90289 Because cats.

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 11:51 PM in Everything Else

Danico:  The attitude that your fellow forum-goers do not deserve your best effort, to the point of you improving yourself, is lazy and dilletante.  We expect more of you because we know that you are better than "DAT BOOTY DOE XDDDDDD."

#90276 Because cats.

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 09:29 PM in Everything Else

Worded strangely, you mean.  No need to teach the second-speaker improper grammar right off the boat!

#90209 Entertaining google search results

Posted by flcl_grim on 14 April 2015 - 08:15 AM in Everything Else



About 10,000 hours in MSPaint's stepsister later:



#90477 Travelling experiences

Posted by flcl_grim on 18 April 2015 - 07:10 PM in Everything Else

Affray has the right idea in mind; many people are of the firm delusion that traveling is about distance from your current location.  Better phrased, traveling is about the mindset--you do not have to get in a car, hop on a plane, smuggle yourself onto a boat, or anything more than step outside and look around as if you were looking for the first time to find something interesting.  Go explore a mountain, a riverbed, a wooded area, or anywhere that sparks your interest.  You will always be surprised at what you will find--I have discovered completely tucked away marshes in the middle of a city, breathtaking vantage points tens of feet from the edge of a suburb, and so much more that people outright ignore because "there's nothing to do around here" mentalities poison their drive to experience.

#90411 Travelling experiences

Posted by flcl_grim on 17 April 2015 - 04:52 PM in Everything Else

The other day, I left this room on a quest.  Up the stairs, I found this strange room with a menagerie of utilities stored within, but nothing could prepare me for the second revelation; the entire enclosure was dedicated to food.

It was a delectable trip; I encourage everyone to drop the keyboard immediately and pursue a similar voyage.