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#109056 Who writes?

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 16 January 2018 - 04:43 PM in Comics, Books, and Graphic Novels

This person writes. My book WIP, Ice Prince, has taken over my life.

(And yep, I’ve returned out of the blue. Hi guys)

#109255 Villains

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 31 March 2018 - 03:43 AM in Fantasy

I don’t recall anything about Simon becoming a barista lol but regardless HELL THE FUCK YEAH YOU SHOULD WANT TO READ IT ANYWAY.

I’m currently rereading Harry Potter aloud to my sister, and really badly missing all the logic that exists in Carry On that isn’t in here!

#109252 Villains

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 28 March 2018 - 01:20 PM in Fantasy

Kidding, I only know because I hang around the booktube community a lot. But yo, if this sounds interesting to you, definitely go find it because it solves all the issues I had with Harry Potter. I’ll assume you don’t want to hear spoilers at this point lol

#109231 Villains

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 26 March 2018 - 01:45 AM in Fantasy

Agreed. I find some of the best villains to be those who are human to at least small extent. That way I can actually feel something about their demise.

That said, my favourite villain is an awful guy with human flaws and I hate him. He’s the regent from the Captive Prince trilogy.

Another of my favourites has to be the Insidious Humdrum from Carry On. I have never seen a villain quite like this, where (spoilers!) the villain is actually a cleverly hidden part of the main character instead of being his own person.

A third example is the human kind mentioned before— Moral from Hamatora. He seems to just be doing evil shit for no reason until you slowly get to know him. Then you find out he’s actually a very kind person, at least he does what in his twisted view is kind. He’s simply insane to the point of believing that the awful things he does are truly the kindest thing in the long run. You get a glimpse into his mind when he’s escaped from one of his crimes and while walking away he sees a kid who is shivering and drapes his coat over their shoulders, walking the rest of the way home in cold weather himself- another form of kindness that he believes is right. By the end of the first season I’m both sad and terribly relieved that he’s gone.

These are the main ones that come to mind at the moment.

#109237 Villains

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 27 March 2018 - 02:32 AM in Fantasy

True. I think the similarity was entirely intentional, Carry On being based heavily off Harry Potter, but gayer and with lots of logical detail changes and cool twists. I highly recommend it. If the Humdrum already sounds cool, wait til you find out more information about it. Want more spoilers on the true villain of Carry On?

Voldemort only worked for me until I got into the later books tbh. I really didn’t buy the whole evil-simply-because-he-can’t-feel-love explanation. That was just weird and illogical in my opinion.

#109075 It is I, General Zod! No seriously my name is Zodg but the G is silent

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 23 January 2018 - 10:02 PM in Introductions

Welcome and good to meet you, Zod

#109061 Hi —again

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 21 January 2018 - 03:39 AM in Introductions

Glad to see you back! Happy and growing

Glad to be back, Elfie! Also I’m loving the hell out of that signature.

You shut your mouth. I'm glad you're still around.
Welcome back anew, friend.

Oh don’t worry, I’m not being entirely sarcastic right there. But honestly, thanks for the reassurance!

Did I miss anything really big that I should probably know, by the way?

#109074 Hi —again

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 23 January 2018 - 09:59 PM in Introductions

Hi Spleen! Thanks for the warm welcome.

What indeed. I assume we’re talking about a human and not a pepper?

#109123 Hi —again

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 05 February 2018 - 11:30 PM in Introductions

Mm gotcha. My brain is no longer puzzled. Thanks for the explanation.

#109057 Hi —again

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 17 January 2018 - 02:05 PM in Introductions

I kind of feel like I should reintroduce myself, as it’s been so damn long since the last time I was around. I’ve definitely had a lot of character growth, so I might be a little different now.

So hello, it’s Prince, Bloody, or whatever else you want to call me. Usually by now I just go by my name, Fye.

I’m still an artist as I was earlier when I came around, but I’d like to think my abilities and attitude on that have improved by galaxies. Art is also no longer my greatest goal, as I’ve finally managed to start significant work on my true passion —writing. I’m working on novels, particularly one called Ice Prince, and I couldn’t be more grateful that at long last I can get this flood of stories out of my head to clear it up a little.

I went through some stuff since leaving (which I did due to not being able to cope with everything in life at the time), and it’s been a wild ride. My depression got much, much worse. There were times the world nearly lost me (a terrible loss, I know), and then times when I was more hopeful again. I reached my lowest point where I had nothing more to lose and then there was nowhere else to go but up. And that’s where I am now, still going up. Funny how when you stop giving any fucks you start liking life better.

So here I am. An improved me that’s less angsty and more motivated than I’ve ever been before.
Still not cis, as disappointing as that may be for some. In fact, I’m weirder now by many peoples’ standards. But that’s a story for another day.

Again, hello everyone who’s still here. I missed you guys.

#109118 Hi —again

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 04 February 2018 - 11:16 PM in Introductions

I mean, could have been an anthropomorphic pepper. Who are we to judge? 

Good point.

Welp, leaving me on that note might be a bit cruel, but I can’t say my absence didn’t warrant such treatment lol

#109119 Guys I need help justifying something

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 04 February 2018 - 11:20 PM in Everything Else

I say go ahead if it won’t harm anyone including yourself, at least not significantly. It’s good to occasionally do things for oneself.

#109236 Favorite mythical creature

Posted by BloodPrince 2.0 on 27 March 2018 - 02:11 AM in Fantasy

If I had to choose just one, it’d have to be dragon. But I mean, that’s going to change away and back like twenty times in the next few days.