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Posted by Akiyo on 18 March 2014 - 01:16 PM in SCIENCE!

Hehe! You really should travel if you want to! Spread your wings and soar like a bird while you can! or some gibberish like that..


Honestly, I firmly believe one should be as crazy and childish as one wants and to travel wherever you wanna go!


Before you know it Rob, a baby's gonna pop out of some innocent lookin girl you knocked up and then life would be over as you know it. mhm.

#66359 1920x1080 wallpapers.

Posted by Akiyo on 13 March 2014 - 05:40 PM in Nerd Art


Some are pretty neat.


Thank you! I found this cool one with earth lookin all badass and shiz! *save new background*

#77635 1920x1080 wallpapers.

Posted by Akiyo on 10 August 2014 - 04:12 PM in Nerd Art

^ *reminisces* COOOOOKIES 

#68706 1000TH POST

Posted by Akiyo on 13 April 2014 - 05:00 AM in Everything Else

That was grand indeed Rob! *proud*

#66229 /ragequit life

Posted by Akiyo on 12 March 2014 - 03:18 PM in Everything Else

Hey, thanks for sharing, Akiyo.


Was it the apprenticeship that gave you the anxiety issues?


Honestly, going into that would stir up powerful emotions still.


I can say though that after I struggled through cooking school I thought I had that apprenticeship in the bag, yo.. But it was hard for me to learn and memorize and their policy of teaching was "Do it on your own and if you fail, do it again" Something which I totally understand, but they also tell me I wasn't up to standards fast enough. Responsibility was thrown at me that I just didn't handle cause I sucked at it even though I tried hard :P


they even adviced me to start in a different branch with cakes and pastries :P one of the few things I could do right xD (it would have taken years and at least another 200k in studenloans, in NOK)


Oh, and I dated the son of one of the chefs there. and cause that son to break up with his girlfriend for my sake. well, not intentionally, but I understand the hatred after that.. NOT PROUD of how that all went down...

#66206 /ragequit life

Posted by Akiyo on 12 March 2014 - 02:39 PM in Everything Else

I'm adorable. I'm the perfect front. For like, anything.

Yes, you are! xD Hey, don't feel blank or sad for doing what you feel is right for you! No one should tell you otherwise!

I'd loan you money, but I'm on the other side of the world :P

#66214 /ragequit life

Posted by Akiyo on 12 March 2014 - 03:00 PM in Everything Else

I wasn't sure wether to write this or not, I deleted my first draft as this thread is about you Mister Sympa ^^


Let's just say I went to cooking school, got bullied as an adult student (yeh....) and finished 10 months of my 24 month apprenticeship at an elderly care center. At the end of those 10 months I had anxiety and depression. I moved to my hometown and proved that it was for me about making a choice for myself! 


I am now anxiety free :D 


such a clichè, but yeh you'll be fine I'm sure :D!

#72402 .: The Drag Thread :.

Posted by Akiyo on 13 June 2014 - 12:54 PM in Everything Else

No... Actually I don't get it. What ? o_o